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New Season Tickets?


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Question, I've been noticing that they seem to have new season tickets available if you're willing to pay for the new club seats they're putting in. Is that correct? It seems with the waiting list that they'd be long gone.

Also, does anyone have any opinions on whether or not they are worth it to get them now while they are available? I live in MA so I'd probably only make a few games. Are you allowed to sell them off if you can't make it? I know at one point the Pats were buying tickets off of Ebay to go after their season ticket holders who were selling them. I'd love to have season tickets as I figure I'll go back around that area in several years, but I don't want to pay if I only get to go to a few games....

Thank you for any feedback.

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you wont be able to get your money out of club seats ...trust me i know this first hand. you can sell them but only at a loss.

however, with gibbs back all the rules might change. my recommendation would be to get your name on the season tix list, and for now buy only tix to the games via ebay you want to attend until your off the list

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Just a friendly public service reminder.

If you get the tickets, and you put them eBay, you are not guaranteeing that a Skin fan will be sitting in your seats.

Please be a *good* Redskins fan and offer them up for blind auction on this board and other Skins boards instead of inadvertantly selling them to some meathead fan of the opposing team. I'm tired of having to deal with these chumps every home game.

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Originally posted by `][`he ]|)ark ]|~[orse

Just a friendly public service reminder.

If you get the tickets, and you put them eBay, you are not guaranteeing that a Skin fan will be sitting in your seats.

Please be a *good* Redskins fan and offer them up for blind auction on this board and other Skins boards instead of inadvertantly selling them to some meathead fan of the opposing team. I'm tired of having to deal with these chumps every home game.

Actually, I would definitely do it that way, or I have a sister in the area who I'd give them through. I learned that practice when I was young: I lived overseas and my Dad promised to take me to the MNF game in 93 when we opened against Dallas. When we came back stateside he realized the prices and that he wouldn't be able to get me in for what we could find them for.

So he drove me 4 hours to the game with no tickets and we waited outside, to get offered tickets for $750-1500/piece. Finally two guys walked up, and gave us seats on the 50 yd line for face. They'd been burned before when they sold their tix to a couple of Dallas fans, so they only sold to 'Skins fans. Anyways, I'll shut up now, but I've always remembered that and wouldn't let them go to other fans....

Based on the above I'll just go on the list and wait. I wouldn't mind paying up, but based on what's been said it's probably better just to wait. How long is the list anyways? Can I get them by the time I retire in 30 years?

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with over 10,000 people on this board , there should be no problem selling the tickets you can't go to . i did that this year.

i couldn't even begin to tell you the responce i got.

last year i sold them to a ticket broker :doh: will never do that again . having to sit next to opposing fans is no fun .

:ravensuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck :dallasuck

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samtc, I make the same long trip just about. I'm about 3 1/2 hours away one-way when the traffic's good. I appretiate the fact that you would be a responsible season ticket holder. The last time I sold my tickets was to FanSince62, a very devoted board member here and Skin fan.

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