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Trade rumors


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There are rumors circulating that the Redskins may be in trade talks with either Cleveland or Oakland for their draft picks! The rumor is that we may be trading Patrick Ramsey, Chris Samuels, &/or Rod Gardner for either Oakland's #2 pick Robert Gallery or Cleveland's #6 pick Kellan Winslow II. Has anyone else heard this or other trade rumors? I heard Gibbs on WJFK 106.7 talking about discussing trades with other teams, but he didn't specify (obviously) as to which teams or players were being discussed! Opinions?

:dallasuck :point2sky :eaglesuck :point2sky :gaintsuck :point2sky :ravensuck :point2sky :ravensuck :point2sky :dallasuck :point2sky :dallasuck :point2sky :ravensuck :point2sky :dallasuck :point2sky :ravensuck :point2sky :dallasuck

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Originally posted by Zen-like Todd

I think I'm not going to believe you unless you provide a link to a source.

I never said it was true, that's why I am asking. It's not something I saw online, but something I have heard from people around me. I'm asking for confirmation because I don't particularly believe this myself. I thought I would ask so that I would know for sure. That's why it's called a "rumor". Most "rumors" prove to not be true. In fact, I hope it's NOT true, but again, that's why I'm asking. If you know of any trade rumors that may have some solidity to them, I'd like to know about them. Some of the people around me seem to get information that not even ESPN has (which usually means that it's not true)! There is no link to a source-if you don't wanna believe me (not that I blame you on this), then don't. I wasn't stating fact, but asking a question. Thanx for the response. :point2sky

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Norv Turner likes Gardner, Samuels and Ramsey reminds him of Aikman (toughness) and arm, but Ramsey's actually more acurate. I don't see Ramsey going anywhere though, that is way too much giving.

I believe if anyone goes anywhere its Samuels, because of the deal he won't strike to come down even more for the current cap room needed to sign another 1st or 2nd rounder. Its changing the face of the trade and it could be Samuels' undoing because of the delay.

The Gardner move would be for strategic reasons in the passing game only. That would mean Cleveland, who Butch Davis would team with Winslow for a tough passing attack, in a tough division.

That would yeild a lineman in round one or two, if the Skins package right after the trade and get two picks.

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This doesn't need to be said but...Oakland would not deal Gallery post draft after passing on Roy Williams and all of the other fast receivers. He is great trade investment but Gardner has no Davis speed even if we traded Samuels and threw in the kitchen sink.

Doing a post draft trade with Cleveland might be possible if and when the Postons screw up the contract talks over there in Lake City. Gotta keep our options open.;)

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Originally posted by rfdc

Norv Turner likes Gardner, Samuels and Ramsey reminds him of Aikman (toughness) and arm, but Ramsey's actually more acurate. I don't see Ramsey going anywhere though, that is way too much giving.

I believe if anyone goes anywhere its Samuels, because of the deal he won't strike to come down even more for the current cap room needed to sign another 1st or 2nd rounder. Its changing the face of the trade and it could be Samuels' undoing because of the delay.

The Gardner move would be for strategic reasons in the passing game only. That would mean Cleveland, who Butch Davis would team with Winslow for a tough passing attack, in a tough division.

That would yeild a lineman in round one or two, if the Skins package right after the trade and get two picks.

:thumbsup: Thank you! That's what I was thinking (about Ramsey). I don't think that Ramsey wants to go anywhere else & I personally would hate to see him traded.

As for Gardner & Samuels, I have become indifferent about whether they stay here or not. Samuels had an awful year last year & Gardner was so-so.

I also have a hard time believing that Gibbs would give up that much for ANYONE regardless of who it is. I could see Samuels or Gardner going for a 2nd or 3rd rd. pick, but I wasn't sure about the other "rumor"-I think what I heard was on the heels of the Chargers/Giants deal & some extreme wishful thinking on some peoples parts. I definately expect a move before the end of the day for either a 2nd or 3rd rounder, tho.

:point2sky :cheers: :dallasuck

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Originally posted by jrmooref

I hope so Drex. I posted on another thread that B-more needs a reciever and a linebacker. Recievers are going fast and linebackers area little weak. Maybe a package deal for Rod and Trotter.

Trotter's been gone for about a month now (can't remember for life of me where he went, tho). Although, they are more than welcome to #87. :cool:

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Originally posted by CowboyzSuckAzz

Trotter's been gone for about a month now (can't remember for life of me where he went, tho). Although, they are more than welcome to #87. :cool:

Trotter is not gone yet. They have given him permission to seek a trade, but nothing has happened yet. He'll be cut June 1st if he doesn't find a trade.

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