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COMPUTER GEEKS I have a question

Coach Williams

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The situation:~

My father is having a boat load of trouble with SPYWARE on his computer. He deals with a load of government files and databases full of social security numbers. I know out there somewhere is a program where spyware is BLOCKED just like a norton does with viruses. The only thing I seem to be finding when I type "spyware block software" is programs where I have to run a scan of the system. This is pointless because the information is already saved to the spy'ers computer. Thus defeating the purpose of erasing the existing spyware if they already have taken what the need.


Can someone post a link of a place that I can purchase a spyware BLOCKER and not just a system scanner.

:thumbsup: :point2sky :notworthy :wavetowel

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Originally posted by KINGBRICE_28

The situation:~

My father is having a boat load of trouble with SPYWARE on his computer. He deals with a load of government files and databases full of social security numbers. I know out there somewhere is a program where spyware is BLOCKED just like a norton does with viruses. The only thing I seem to be finding when I type "spyware block software" is programs where I have to run a scan of the system. This is pointless because the information is already saved to the spy'ers computer. Thus defeating the purpose of erasing the existing spyware if they already have taen what the need.


Can someone post a link of a place that I can purchase a spyware BLOCKER and not just a system scanner.

:thumbsup: :point2sky :notworthy :wavetowel

Problem is spyware changes everyday. Do not download free programs and or shareware with out reading the EULA. Run a firewall (like Zone alarm which is free) Zonealarm that controls what programs access the internet and block incoming traffic. Keep your virus scanner up to date and you can use spychecker.... Spychecker

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Stop using internet explorer which allows spyware to get on your computer much more then other browsers. Download 'mozilla' and use that instead.

After that install 'adaware' and I believe there is a setting to have it run and actively block spyware. You'll never stop all of it but if you do the above as well as run regualr scans you should be good.

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