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We need to find out what teams


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Have K2 listed at #1. Mort and now Kiper both have said a couple of teams have him listed as the best player in this draft. I am curious if one is the skins, today in the post they mention him but not Taylor. hmm......

Just fall to #5 K2 :point2sky :)

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We all know the Chargers will trade the first pick and Manning will most likely be that pick. The Raiders could very well also trade out of the number 2 spot which means the names we hear at #2 are Gallery, KW2, & Taylor. I doubt the Cards will trade out of number 3, and will most likely take Fitz or Taylor, which leaves #4 for whoever the Chargers trade that pick to, like Cleveland. It is going to be a very crazy day. With ever changing scenarios. We shall know by 1:05pm Sat.

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