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Poston Article


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Originally posted by jenmdixon

They still list Fred Smoot as a client.

They still list Tim "One Leg" Biakabazooka on there too....and I'm sure the contract they negotiated for Spergon Wynn was the most outlandish the CFL had ever seen....the Canadian Dollar ain't what it used to be!

I'm thrilled Carl has Jerry McGuire-like manifestoes in him, but the art of practicing what he preaches is obviously lost on him. No amount of hometown spin can fluff these stains on the game to any standard of respectability.

Maybe the upside to all the bad press they're getting (with the exception of this obviously PR driven freepress garbage) PSP will make some damage control hires of actual triple digit IQ'ed employees who will heed lessons from the many many mistakes their bosses have made over the last five years. If they are so touchy feely with their clients, they can handle the softsells while professionals handle the numbers and the F.O.'s. To ask both of them is beyond their skillset.

I think Lavar's tail-between-the-legs recantation last week was the first indication that he will soon be quietly, gradually distancing himself from these jokers...a bad businessman is a bad businessman, be he black, white or anywhere in between. We are now at the stage where it's gotten worse before it gets better. They screwed that pooch. Maybe now we're on the upswing and the Postons are the unlucky bumblers who put us there.


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