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vanilla O and D

Ignatius J.

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SO a lot of people have been mentioning that what wee saw last night was a very "vanilla" flavored scheme. And a few people are saying that's just marty not wanting to give anything away... but... isn't that our plan? We're going to be a get back to basics football team which is vanilla but fundamentally sound? Norv Turner is not our coach anymore, so we are probably going to see an ofense more vanilla than its predecessor. This worrries me a little.


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what you are seeing is part reason and part sophistry. The "vanilla" argument is part of the sophistry.

Yes, George as well as Coleman/Smith were missing and that played a part in the slow start and the uneven matchup in the first quarter to some degree at the skill spots on offense and defense. That doesn't explain the collapse of our offensive line or the fact the defensive backfield couldn't cover a receiver in Derrick Mayes that was only signed a couple of weeks ago and doesn't even know their entire offense.

At the same time, the Redskins players fared little better against Todd Collins and the Chiefs second or third units either when supposedly the playing field was leveled. Announcers made the point that Collins had played little if at all in the past two seasons with the Chiefs.

The "vanilla" argument is pure BS. A team coming off an 8-8 record with a turnover of 25 roster spots spotting itself some strategy to play for a game 8 weeks from now and not trying to give away too much??

What planet are some of you on? mad.gif

This team needs to work on fundamental blocking and tackling. I am sure right now the strategy for the Week 4 game is the farthest thing from the minds of the coaches.

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Vanilla to me means basic blocking running and passing on offense and on defense "straight" plays that don't involve lots of stunts or zone blitzes.

Last night results made Vanilla taste like butter pecan.

What is needed is to master the vanilla then move up to the various flavors


Take a sip of the Marty Kool Aid and Believe

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The defense was in a standard pro 43 most of the game. They used cover 2, 3 and a quarters zone defense without trying to disguise the coverage so mother could read them. They rushed sans stunts and technique. The couple of times they ran 'schemed' defenses, they stopped the plays KC used. I think that defines vanilla.

Assuming the QB makes a correct read, the only thing that will cause the play to fail is an unforced error (eg, droped pass or an inacurate throw) or an unusually atheletic play by the defense (eg, a DB with outstanding closing speed or pressure on the QB that causes a bad throw).


Comming October 16, a new name!

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