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Here is a straight honest simple poll!


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I think all of us have different opinions on what we feel is better as of right now...

Some may feel offense is better because of all the new additions from last year,but were just used poorly by the coaching and lack there-of...

Of course....The same could be said about the defense as well....George edwards and his"i don't know what to do" mentality...

But we represent more pro-bowlers almost every year,no matter the years outcome...from the defensive side of the ball....

So which do you think is truly better?

The offense or the Defense?

Are they about the same?

Which do you find more of a threat against other teams....?

And which do you find more of a liabilty?

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I think right now our offensive line, QB, Coles/McCants are very solid and we may even have a little depth a WR - but i dont think our WR's are "studs" atleast not yet. Our TE's are big ?'s because Spurrier refused to use them, thus we cant fairly evaluate them. Our RB's were constantly injured and/or underused so i dont think we can fairly evaluate them either, but the addition of a veteran back would be welcomed.

On defense I think we need a DT/DE that can start right away, hopefully Bruce will retire. Whether that DE/DT is a FA pickup or draft selection wouldnt matter. As long as Champ re-signs then our secondary is still considered solid at best - but i wouldnt mind S.Taylor filling up the middle of the field. Hopefully Trotter can live up to his contract this year and Armstead can be productive at age 33/34... these thoughts are probably shared by most Redskins fans, but come March 1 the face of the team will start to shape up and we will all begin to know about the exact areas in which Gibbs thinks we could use a change.

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