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I just looked silly


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I was just talking to friend on the phone about how I just kick back and watch the Pro Bowl not get to excited. Then Champ makes an int and I start cheering then Coles made those two catches and I start cheering. :wavetowel

He told me that I just turned into a big fat liar and I told him that just something about seeing that Redskin Helmet that brings it out of me! :silly:

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tell me that wasn't an entertaining game? I know it was a pro bowl and all, but it got as intense as you'll see a pro bowl get down the stretch in the fourth quarter. A nice way to cap off the season.

Now I'm officially going to go cry myself to sleep knowing that football is all but over.

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Lavar's arm tackle on Priest after he passed him was amazing...let alone the fumble causing hit in the next or in the few next plays.....kid has serious strength.....love seeing him catch and drag people down from behind when they think they got past him.

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