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Will the draft and rosters need changing?

Tom [Giants fan]

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If this ruling holds up and high school players and any college player can apply for the draft, will they need to make adjustments? The adjustments I can think of that I'm referring to are:

1. More rounds in the draft. With so many more players declaring, will there be a need for more rounds? Either that or there will be a lot of UDFA.

2. With that last part in mind, are they going to have to alter the number of players allowed on a roster or practice squad?

3. Would they create a third squad? The game roster, practice squad, and maybe the high school squad or something like that?

I think if this ruling holds up and high school and all college players are allowed to enter the draft or become UDFA, something will need to be ammended on what I mentioned above.

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That's the problem Tom, no one thought about this to begin with. I hope this goes to the Supreme Court and gets over-ruled. I think the NFL should have the right to determine who plays in their league.

I love Clarett and I think he'll make a great NFL runner, but this is gonna hurt the NFL in the long run, it needs to be over turned!

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The collective bargaining agreement has not changed...so the structure has not changed...the best message that could be sent

is to draft Clarett lower...at least in the 5th round...and show he did the wrong thing...and he'll only make minimum...it is all about money with him...not opportunity.

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When most of the guys that come out too early find that they will get drafted in the lower rounds, paid the rookie minimum and shipped off to NFL Europe for 2 to 3 years, they'll realize that the SMART thing to do is to stay in college.

I think the ruling will be overturned. But if it is not, it will be better for NFLE, since they would get the majority of these young players first. Provided they weren't drafted too high by there parent team over here.

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First of all love that picture tom:drool: Second, there is no way in hell that a high school kid will make it in the n.f.l. They would get there azzes handed to them. I hope and pray this thing gets over turned. It will hurt the college game to. But I think the majority of kids are smart enough to realize that they need to go to school for at least two years before making the jump to the pros.

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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That is a good idea about NFLE. They can either use that as their minor league system like baseball has or they can create some kind of league where these kids can pay and make a little money until they are physcially ready to join the big boys.

I think it might open up a lot of revenue ofr towns and cities who would get these "minor league" teams. Baseball and hockey have them, why not football?

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Maurice Clarett is not a high-school kid, he's 20.

That's a big difference. An 18 year old will get destroyed -- and that's just in training camp. Imagine even the best college players on their first day as a freshman in college. They're lost. Try that in an NFL training camp and they'll all look like Kwame Brown, but with some nasty concussions to go with it.

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