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Champ May be resigned!!


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Feb. 4, 2004

The team sits about $6 million under the salary cap, but that number should be higher once the team cuts some costly veterans. Among the endangered include LB Jessie Armstead and anyone on the defensive line, including in-season acquisitions DT Lional Dalton and DT Martin Chase and also DE Bruce Smith, who has said he will retire. Other potential cap casualties include RB Trung Canidate, who doesn’t really fit Joe Gibbs’ system, and C Larry Moore, who is expendable. This would allow the team to re-sign CB Champ Bailey (who is expected to be franchised even though the price is a little more than the team expected) if they wish and be somewhat active on the free-agent market.

If you want the link here it is.

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Same thing that has been speculated for a few weeks now. Thing is, it may be a good move to have him go elseware. We'll also need room to sign new players, so even with room, we can't break the bank on one player. Even Champ.......


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Champ isn't going anywhere. Snyder has seen what happened to Stephen Davis and he's not letting another Franchaise player go. He'll pay him and move forward. Think about it guys. With the other problems we have in our secondary, do you think it's wisw to let one of the top two corners in the NFL leave? Not going to happen. He'll be resigned, but you'll see a new champ bailey. D-Green is going to be asked to teach Champ what it is to be a leader under Gibbs. Let's be honest Norv is the closest thing to a coach who cares about his players that champ has played for in DC. Gibbs will change things. Champ will be forced to be a voval leader in the L-room with that new contract he's going to get. The deal will be struck pretty soon too. Snyder is going to want to go into FA knowing full well what his CAP status is. He'll need to clear this champ thing up to do so.

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I would shock me if they let Champ go...but it wouldn't break my heart completely. I like Champ...he is one of the best cover corners in the game. But for the price there are a couple of corners that would be OK. Fred Smoot...he is a playmaker...he needs to get a long term deal now before he becomes a FA!

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bailey is overrated. the money he wants is not worth it. bailey through out his career has been avg. he has been burned so many times this yr i cant even count that high. the problem with bailey is that media makes him out to be what he isnt. trust me i watch all the redskins games. ive been watching skins game since 1984 and most of baileys games as well. let me tell you bailey aint that great. to me he is avg. on the other hand, you wanna talk about great CB, lets talk about darrell green when he prevented a TD against the vikings in the nfc finals by padding away a pass the last play of the game, when he ran back a punt return for a TD against the bears in soldier field during a playoff game(sprined his ribs by the way) , when he caught up from behind to tackle dorsett and erick dickerson to prevent a TD...

i cant even think of one special moment bailey had since becoming a redskins. what a joke.

another joke is bialey wanting this huge contract. hahahahahahahahhaha

funny.. funny stuff man

we should put a tag on bailey and get rid of him. gibbs can win with avg CB. gibbs is known to make avg players and turn them into great players. thats the special gift gibbs has.

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Champ isn't going anywhere. Snyder has seen what happened to Stephen Davis and he's not letting another Franchaise player go.

I see what your saying but the situation is not the same, we could not afford Davis massive cap hit and we have to be more careful how we structure Baileys new contract if resigned or he becomes a cap timebomb waiting to go off!

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First, Great Photo ... I will be counting them in my sleep!

Second, Bailey needs to be resigned to a long term deal and some of the potential cap casulties that are good role models and locker room people with a couple years left should be renegotiate to longer term contracts for some salary cap reprieve. Specifically I would hate to see Armstead go. I can't even remember the last time I saw the Redskins earn a safety (no botched kick out of the endzone) until this year. I think he is still a playmaker and has great experience that Gibbs is keen on.

We have too many other holes to address - DL, TE, RB to create another need by getting rid of Bailey.

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I'm not sure Bailey is worth the money he's asking either. I'm going to have to let Gibbs assess his talent and if Gibbs let's him walk then I"m not going to have a problem with it. If he resigns him then I too will agree with Gibbs assesment. In Gibbs I trust.

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When Gibbs was recruiting Gregg Williams, one of the things that has been reported was that Williams sought some kind of assurances that Champ Bailey would be retained, and apparently he was granted them.

I've not read anything since that indicates those reports were false, or have since been hedged.

Personally, I would like very much to see Champ and Fred Smoot operate in a defense that can rush the passer ... and on a team that is capable of playing solid offensive football as well, where maybe the defense hasn't been on the field all day come crunch time in the 4th quarter.

The only way I'd presently really consider it a positive to lose Champ Bailey at this point, is if someone makes the kind of offer that Gibbs simply cannot refuse. Frankly, I don't think that's going to happen.

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