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Bush Is "Sorry the Cowboys Aren't In the Superbowl"


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Guys, come on. Relax. If we voted for people based on the teams they root for instead of their political positions, everything would be screwed up. Sure, it's nice to have George Allen as a Virginia Senator (you always know who he's cheering for), but that fact alone shouldn't be enough to make you vote for him. If given the choice, I'd always rather have lower taxes, better education, strong defense and moral leadership with a Cowboys fan in office than high taxes, education without accountability, weak defense, and no moral leadership with a die-hard Redskins fan in the White House.

Bush is a Texan, and he roots for Texas teams, so it's to be expected. I do think he's more of a Cowboys fan than a Texans fan (as opposed to his father, who roots entirely and exclusively for Houston teams). The POTUS is far more of a baseball fan than football anyway.


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