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WTEM Guys From Houston: Carolina Passed on Spurrier


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What is sad is our second round picks these last couple of years have not been a factor at all

Yr right, of course, but they were both hurt. How is that poor drafting? Although I wouldn't have necessarily taken Jacobs, how can anyone make an honest assessment of the guy given his freak injury in the pre-season? As for Betts, he showed he could wind up a really good choice if he can stay healthy (although I've heard some flake issues recently).

Three years, we took Smoot in the second, which worked out quite well, thank you.

I thought our third rounder last year turned out well -- Dockery started a lot and showed great improvement. Imagine him learning from Boss Hog? I have no issue with that pick in the slightest.

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Originally posted by bulldog

would you really call Rock and Darnerian 'impact' players at this stage Bufford? :)

to me an impact player is a back that goes for 1,100 yards or a receiver that catches 60 balls.

It all comes down to semantics; what is the definition of "impact" that you're using?

I would call both of them impact players. So I guess I should define my terms. By impact I mean:

What it is - an impact player fullfills an important role on the team. That role has an "impact" on the outcome of a team's season. Both Rock and D-mac did that; Rock as the starting RB for the last few games and D-Mac in being the somewhat "go to" guy in the red zone or maybe just the end zone.

What it is NOT: Hall of Famer, perennial Pro-Bowler, league leader in a statistical catagory.

By those definitions, I think we can call Rock and D-Mac "impact" players for the Skins for this season, well at least I can

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