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Turner a good match wit da Raiders?


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Ahhh yes...he'll even have a bruiser to run three times up the gut on goal line for zero or loss of yards before he has to kick the field goal. I hope Janikowski doesn't miss any game winning field goals or he could be looking for work :laugh: It wouldn't be the first time Norv canned a pro bowl kicker :doh:

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Ya, they're a good match...the Raiders blow and so does Turner!

Escuse me while I marvel at my own wit...


Ok, back to the issue at hand.

The Raiders managed to pull off the impossible last season by committing more penalties last season than the Redskins (or anyone else, for that matter).

While I don't believe that some kind of fascist authoritarian like Coughlin or Schottenheimer is the appropriate solution to any problem, you do need someone who - how to put this? - demands a little more respect than Turner (images of Michael Westbrook costing this team a win by fligning his helmet to the ground are coming back to me).

Fassel was out there - he's been to a Super Bowl. The Ravens look to be getting him as a QBs coach or offensive consultant or some other such nonsense.

I will not ever understand this decision.

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the Raiders are facing a rebuilding project. I find it amazing that so many of their fans are talking about Norv in re whether he can take the team to the playoffs, etc...

I see the Raiders being a 7-9 or 8-8 type team next season and that's with a good draft and getting an infusion of some youth at key spots.

This team has 30-somethings all over the place.

Both Jerry Rice (41) and Tim Brown (38) said in interviews recently they felt as if they had "years" left to contribute in Oakland :rolleyes:

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