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Which is worse?


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Not making the playoffs is ALWAYS worse than making it. It does have to suck big time to lose 3 straight NFC Championship games, and the last 2 being in your own house. I guess moving from the Vet to the Stink... I mean the Linc :laugh: hasn't done anything for their luck. :D


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Not making the playoffs really does suck. However, in the grand scheme of things, teams are remembered more for a loss in the playoffs or losing the SB more than not making the playoffs. It's because there are a finite amount of teams in the playoffs and the win or loss is magnified. For example, Buffalo will always be remembered for losing 4 straight SB's. Not for winning the AFC Championship so many times. After all is said and done, it seems to be better in the long run if you don't make the playoffs for a while because the media does not exploit the that fact. They will exploit the fact that you cannot win the "big game" and that's what folks remember. :pint:

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It's obviously better to lose 3 straight NFC Championships. How could anyone think different? Sure we can rag on Philly fans about losing, but atleast they had opportunity to watch their team this late in the season. We (Redskins fans) were already talking about the draft during week 12 or something like that.

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This argument is a sinple one. It is only better to make the playoffs if you win your last game. If you do not win the championship you merely ruined your draft status for the following year. The loser is just that, a loser, no matter if you didn't make the playoffs or if you lost in the superbowl, you are still a loser...bottom line. No whining about coulda, shoulda, woulda....you didn't win the superbowl so that makes you a loser. The losing team in the bowl doesn't get a ring for getting there, just a really bad draft pick, and with the NFL the way it is today with free-agency the way it is, most superbowl teams morgaged the future for that shot at the bowl which means they will have to dismantle and reload, but with a poor draft pick to do so..........

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Either win it all or suck enough to get the blue chippers to get you in the big dance.

A string of almost seasons are always forgotten because the bottom line is even with us at 5-11 and a team like the iggles or titans with a string of winning seasons still means that they have zero lombardis

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Originally posted by KC'Dave

Losing 3 straight would be worse. Look at what has happened with just the hiring of Gibbs. We're having a BLAST!

3 big losses though. Where are you going to go with that when you're about as good as you're going to get.

The ride up will always be better than the fall down.

Yeah, but what do you call an 11 yr ride sideways? It sucks. I'd rather compete every year. I don't quite get the notion of wanting to finish 3-13 if you don't win the super bowl.

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Originally posted by Hogwash

The guy who satrted this thread is a jackass

Why the personal attack?

I think it's all relative to the situation that the fans perceive their team to be in. It's not as simple as "Would you rather be the Cardinals or the Eagles?" That's a no brainer. If you can see hope for improvement, or at least change, it can make the suffering of a horrible season less futile. Just look around here...while the initial giddiness brought by Gibbs' return has settled down a little, people are happy and hopeful and can't wait for the first minicamp. Go to an Eagles' board and they're almost stuck in a "Ground Hog Day" scenario, wondering, as they have for the previous two years, when Andy Reid is going to realize they need at least one wide receiver who is a playmaker. Meanwhile, there has to be at least some worry in the back of their minds about how many more chances they're going to get.

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Originally posted by SlinginSammy

Yeah, but what do you call an 11 yr ride sideways? It sucks. I'd rather compete every year. I don't quite get the notion of wanting to finish 3-13 if you don't win the super bowl.

I agree. I'd rather be runner-up to the Prom Queen three years in a row than the fat ugly chick who stands against the wall all night.

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Of course it would suck getting that close 3 times,and yes, it sucks even worse to be as bad as we have been for lo these many years but just think what it would be like to be the Bills. That has to be a hard thing to live with. At least when we have been that close we are 3-2.

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