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My good deed for an Eagles fan today


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Last week I met a local Rabbi who just happens to be an Eagles season ticket holder (hard to picture?:rolleyes: ) He did me a favor and I was trying to think of a creative way to thank him.

I work at a hospital. Yesterday, someone had the misfortune of buying six fancy balloons for a friend who was a patient. The patient was discharged before he arrived with the balloons. The friend dropped the balloons off at the unit for which I work, hoping someone else could put them to good use.

Two of the balloons said "Get Well Soon!", two others were Eagles balloons, and the other two were football balloons. Since I knew the Rabbi had three kids, I gave them to him at his office today. His secretary loved it in part because she is a Patriots fan. My sentiment was "Get Well Soon Eagles", although the balloons are helium and will obviously die in several days.

The Rabbi appreciated the gift (which I conveniently didn't mention that it didn't cost me a dime) and said the Panther game was real ugly.

Anybody know a Rabbi who's an Eagles season-ticket holder?:laugh:

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Originally posted by JerseyGator

Anybody know a Rabbi who's an Eagles season-ticket holder?:laugh:

:laugh: That's a cool story, Jersey. I don't know any Rabbi's tho, especially one's that are Eagle's fans. I haven't seen an Eagle's jeresy since last Sunday, and my friend who's an Eagle's fan countinuosly replied with "no comment" when i asked him about it.



0-16, 16-0, skins fan till i die!!!

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