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What are they saying on WIP?


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:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Oh man the usual fan support from these nitwits, get rid of Reid, get rid of Mcnabb, the WR'S suck (that is true) but the b1tching and moaning is hilarious. E-A-G-L-E-S, PHUCKING LOSERS!!!!! Cataldi on the mornig show is roasting them the phone lines are backed up for over an hour. These best fans in the leagu can't wait to get on the radio and spit venom at there beloved team (fair weathered losers) 3 in a row 2 in your own backyard :rotflmao: they did n t make it to the SB but they did make history

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I don't understand the logic with Philly fans. They shouldn't have even been in the NFC championship game. GB gave them that game and this Eagles team is not as good as the other. I personally think Reid did his best coaching job this year.

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