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My predictions this for the rest of the playoffs...


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New England vs. Indy

Momentum will change early when Manning and the colts, leading 3-0, are intercepted when driving deep into Pats territory by Ty Law. Manning will go onto to throw 2 more interceptions while passing for a meager 230 yards, and they will lose 2 fumbles while getting routed 31-3. Bill B. will hold a press conference after the game making a snyd remark that the best QB won on the field.

Eagles Vs. Carolina.

In a surprise, Stephen Davis will be held under eighty yards rushing and McNabb will have a big pass play to Pickny (whatever his name is) right before the half putting the game out of reach. Delhome will leave the game late in the third quater with some sort of injury. Eagles 26 Panthers 19.


New England vs. Eagles.

In a year when ESPN brought back the issue of whether or not a black QB can win the big game, McNabb will have the last laugh. Working with short fields on two costly New England turnovers early, the lights will turn on for the McNabb show. Accounting for 343 total yards of Offensive the Eagles will win there first Superbowl 30-17, and believe or not Andy Reid will be carried off the field by three of his offensive lineman. Also, Spurrier will be working as a pre-game and half time anaylist.

If I am right in all these predictions I wish to be called Little Nostra D! in the future.

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Colts will beat the Patriots.

Manning is on a roll, and the Colts have too many weapons. The Colts should have beat the Pats earlier in the season if not for a bone head mistake on special teams kicking to Bethel Johnson with seconds left in the 2nd quarter, and a failed 4th and one (with much of the Colts goal line blocking goal line blockers out of the game). Manning threw 4 tds against the Pats that day as well.

Not only is the Manning on a roll, but James is playing the best he has since he injured his knee, with much of his quickness returning. If the weather effects manning, it will effect Brady worse, James can run, the Pats have no running game. If you think the Colts can't play in the winter, look back to last seasons OT victory at Denver in a Snow Storm, where Vanderjak hit 2 50 yard FG to Win.

Look what the Colts did to the Broncos (#4 defense) after losing to them at home badly in the regular season, playoffs W 41-10 . You don't beat Manning twice in one season anymore. I see the Colts defense rising up, and creating havoc on Brady.

Panthers play Foster... they'll beat the eagles

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the eagles can and have beat the panthers but i don't see them beating indy or the pats. panthers or eagles have the best chance against the colts since they have a chance (little to no as of late) to stop the colts offense but should move the ball well against their defense. the pats will destroy the eagles or panthers on defense alone.

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