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Please Help!


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I'm a lifelong Skins fan originally from Richmond VA. I'm living in Columbus Ohio now. I've been here for the past 4 years and it is a friggin DESERT for a Skins fan! I need HELP!!!...does anyone know of any Redskins fan group, either formal or informal, here in the Columbus Ohio area??????....It's been rough enough suffering through the horrible seasons here alone the last few years having no one to help console, but this past week has been almost unbearable!!,...LOL!! I've been almost giddy since the Coach came back, but not having ANYONE to share it with has been murder. I go into work all excited an crap, and they're like....yea, so what? Gibbs is back, big deal..which I understand..but I say to them..look, think of it like this..if Woody Hayes were to rise from his grave to come back and coach the Buckeyes, that would be close to what having Coach Gibbs back is like!! So, if anyone can help me..if anyone knows of any fans in this area I can contact....God, I would put you in my friggin will!

(doesn't mean you'd get anything, gotta have something to leave first..but the thought is there.)


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I'm a lifelong Skins fan originally from Richmond VA. I'm living in Columbus Ohio now. I've been here for the past 4 years and it is a friggin DESERT for a Skins fan! I need HELP!!!...does anyone know of any Redskins fan group, either formal or informal, here in the Columbus Ohio area??????....It's been rough enough suffering through the horrible seasons here alone the last few years having no one to help console, but this past week has been almost unbearable!!,...LOL!! I've been almost giddy since the Coach came back, but not having ANYONE to share it with has been murder. I go into work all excited an crap, and they're like....yea, so what? Gibbs is back, big deal..which I understand..but I say to them..look, think of it like this..if Woody Hayes were to rise from his grave to come back and coach the Buckeyes, that would be close to what having Coach Gibbs back is like!! So, if anyone can help me..if anyone knows of any fans in this area I can contact....God, I would put you in my friggin will!

(doesn't mean you'd get anything, gotta have something to leave first..but the thought is there.)


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We're your Redskins fan group silly. We're here for you 24/7 :D

You should check out our ExtremeSkins Fan Map:


Register and then check out other fans in your area. Apparently it's not the biggest Redskins fan base we have... but it looks like there's directions to 2 bars to watch the Redskins. And you can contact anyone on that list about starting a group up.

Somebody has to take the initiative to create something. Otherwise, ExtremeSkins wouldn't have been created either. :)

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We're your Redskins fan group silly. We're here for you 24/7 :D

You should check out our ExtremeSkins Fan Map:


Register and then check out other fans in your area. Apparently it's not the biggest Redskins fan base we have... but it looks like there's directions to 2 bars to watch the Redskins. And you can contact anyone on that list about starting a group up.

Somebody has to take the initiative to create something. Otherwise, ExtremeSkins wouldn't have been created either. :)

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