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Champ = Leon


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Watching Champ the past season (especially that one game where he let up on some guy running in for a touchdown) I cant help but see him as a "Leon". All you Champ-lovers out there spare me your rage. I once was one of his biggest fans.

There is something in certain players that shows you that to them being a member of their particular program is more than just being a player on that team. The feeling is almost akin to the loyalty one feels for one's country. I will list some examples and at the end ask yourselves if Champ strikes you as one of those. Mind that I do not delude myself by thinking that all our players can be that way, however if you are going to be making that kind of money, you better be one of those.

#1 Lavar = Redskin

Juan Dixon = Terp

Emmit = Cowboy

D Green = Redskin

Ray = Raven's D (special exception)

There are several more. Note that I am not emphasizing the greatness of these athletes but just their pride in being known as Redskin, Cowboy, terp etc. Case in point, how many of you saw Lavar's little drama with Comcast? Do you see Champ in that light? I can more readily picture Champ saying, "Redskin aint my middle name". Not to say that Champ is a complete Jacka55, but you dont want some indifferent attitude being the highest paid player (or close) on your team.

John Gilchrist = Terp (and loving every second of it)

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Watching Champ the past season (especially that one game where he let up on some guy running in for a touchdown) I cant help but see him as a "Leon". All you Champ-lovers out there spare me your rage. I once was one of his biggest fans.

There is something in certain players that shows you that to them being a member of their particular program is more than just being a player on that team. The feeling is almost akin to the loyalty one feels for one's country. I will list some examples and at the end ask yourselves if Champ strikes you as one of those. Mind that I do not delude myself by thinking that all our players can be that way, however if you are going to be making that kind of money, you better be one of those.

#1 Lavar = Redskin

Juan Dixon = Terp

Emmit = Cowboy

D Green = Redskin

Ray = Raven's D (special exception)

There are several more. Note that I am not emphasizing the greatness of these athletes but just their pride in being known as Redskin, Cowboy, terp etc. Case in point, how many of you saw Lavar's little drama with Comcast? Do you see Champ in that light? I can more readily picture Champ saying, "Redskin aint my middle name". Not to say that Champ is a complete Jacka55, but you dont want some indifferent attitude being the highest paid player (or close) on your team.

John Gilchrist = Terp (and loving every second of it)

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it was but not anymore from what we heard from him last year... wut a bum... i cant stand players who leave a place where he was treated so well and turn around and bash them like he did... i had respect for that guy even though he was a cowboy but i dont anymore

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it was but not anymore from what we heard from him last year... wut a bum... i cant stand players who leave a place where he was treated so well and turn around and bash them like he did... i had respect for that guy even though he was a cowboy but i dont anymore

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Originally posted by Troy Fakeman

Champ had one bad year....he is ridiculous, and one of the best athletes in the NFL


I am not talking about his athletic ability, which oh by the way is probably now on the same level as Smoot's, I am talking about his whining and acting like he really doesnt care what happens with the team. Maybe he lost faith in the team and now just wants to get paid, but that's no excuse Lavar has been in it just about as long as he has. You might see Lavar sad, mad heck even flat out cry, but its all out of caring for BEING A REDSKIN, not just an employee of the organisation. Champ has never been vocal, but at least he once loved being a REDSKIN. He doesnt anymore, period. I dont blame him in any way, I just dont believe in unreciprocated affection. If a chic doesnt love me anymore, then I WILL suspect her motive for anything she does (pardon the analogy), I will probably not want to date her anymore.

Champ may or may not deserve a big payday, but my point is, he should not get it here. Unless he rekindles his fire and passion for this proud franchise. It was almost as if Champ was embarrased to be a REDSKIN. THat right there hurt to see and I will never forgive a player that is ashamed of being a SKIN.

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Originally posted by Troy Fakeman

Champ had one bad year....he is ridiculous, and one of the best athletes in the NFL


I am not talking about his athletic ability, which oh by the way is probably now on the same level as Smoot's, I am talking about his whining and acting like he really doesnt care what happens with the team. Maybe he lost faith in the team and now just wants to get paid, but that's no excuse Lavar has been in it just about as long as he has. You might see Lavar sad, mad heck even flat out cry, but its all out of caring for BEING A REDSKIN, not just an employee of the organisation. Champ has never been vocal, but at least he once loved being a REDSKIN. He doesnt anymore, period. I dont blame him in any way, I just dont believe in unreciprocated affection. If a chic doesnt love me anymore, then I WILL suspect her motive for anything she does (pardon the analogy), I will probably not want to date her anymore.

Champ may or may not deserve a big payday, but my point is, he should not get it here. Unless he rekindles his fire and passion for this proud franchise. It was almost as if Champ was embarrased to be a REDSKIN. THat right there hurt to see and I will never forgive a player that is ashamed of being a SKIN.

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Originally posted by TC4

I think the fact that the name "Leon" rhymes with "Deion" is a pretty good indication of who the Bud commercials are spoofing

You are right about that buddy, I am not saying that the ad is spoofing Champ, I am expressing the opinion that of late Champ has been very aloof and unconcerned (kinda like Leon) about a team which he is demanding a signing bonus of more than 15 million dollars from.

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Originally posted by TC4

I think the fact that the name "Leon" rhymes with "Deion" is a pretty good indication of who the Bud commercials are spoofing

You are right about that buddy, I am not saying that the ad is spoofing Champ, I am expressing the opinion that of late Champ has been very aloof and unconcerned (kinda like Leon) about a team which he is demanding a signing bonus of more than 15 million dollars from.

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He could be hurt also and not very motivated lets leave the bad times behind and move on. We have a coach that will lead and the players will be accountable. Our team didn't play with any passion or desire we all know that. We also know that Champ is the best corner in the league so what do we do sign someone else and let him go? I look at last season as a nightmare I ready dont want to dream again. We have our man and he'll take us to the promise land. One thing for sure by not making those tackles and winning a few more games we do have the 5th overall pick. Champ should get paid just like any other free agent he has been under paid for years and didn't complain a bit. He's not going anywhere and you all we cheer for him again once you see what good coaching can do for our players. We had the youngest coaching staff in the league and they didn't know what they were doing. The players knew this and didn't respect and the players didn't care.

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He could be hurt also and not very motivated lets leave the bad times behind and move on. We have a coach that will lead and the players will be accountable. Our team didn't play with any passion or desire we all know that. We also know that Champ is the best corner in the league so what do we do sign someone else and let him go? I look at last season as a nightmare I ready dont want to dream again. We have our man and he'll take us to the promise land. One thing for sure by not making those tackles and winning a few more games we do have the 5th overall pick. Champ should get paid just like any other free agent he has been under paid for years and didn't complain a bit. He's not going anywhere and you all we cheer for him again once you see what good coaching can do for our players. We had the youngest coaching staff in the league and they didn't know what they were doing. The players knew this and didn't respect and the players didn't care.

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