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WP: George Solomon- Chat 1-7


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It ain't gonna work and here's why: Earl Weaver. You and I are old enough to remember his reprise and it wasn't pretty. Guys like this make their mark because they are totally obsessed with the goal, 24/7. When the flame goes out, they go do something else. You can't get back at 63 what used to be at 43, or even 53. Give the guy a beach towel.

George Solomon: Well, you seem to have your mind made up about Gibbs. While I respect your opinion, I do not agree. Joe Gibbs is without a doubt the best available coach for this job. Sixty-three is not the end of life, I hope, since I am 63.


Washington, D.C.: Hi- I'm not a native District resident, so maybe I don't comprehend Gibbs completely.

But let me say this. I think 1991 was a different era. Maybe Gibbs is indeed a great motivator who transcends time, a la Dick Vermeil. Maybe he can adjust as much as his players will have to. Or maybe, Dan Snyder has spent a lot of money on a coach will shield him from any criticism, ever, and that bulletproof man will not live up to his messianic stature.

I don't mean to temper everyone's enthusiasm, but I heard it when Turner was coaching: he's an offensive genius, he's finally getting his shot, and he's gonna win big. I heard it when Schottenheimer came here: he's a proven winner, a head coach who has taken teams to the Super Bowl, a true grit guy in the Lombardi mold. I heard it when Spurrier came here to erase those bad memories of Marty: the Fun 'N' Gun will be superior to the smashmouth football of the preceding year, he's a National Champion from the NCAA, he's a maverick who's going to lead this team to glory. And now I'm already hearing it again.

In the past few years, I've always believed the hype (although I thought it was silly when the entire town began murmuring Super Bowl after '03's 2-0 start) but I can no longer buy in. I like Joe Gibbs and I understand his near-mythic status in this town. He's Darrell Green, Art Monk, and the Hogs. He's destiny, raised trophies and a mystique that eclipses that of Parcells' in New York. But this team is different, this game is different, and opposing coaches are different. I hope I'm proven to be a cynic rather than a skeptic, but in recent years, five million Skins fans and the media have been dead wrong, time and time again.

My question: will Snyder's money and Joe Gibbs' talent lead the Skins to the NFC Championship, let alone the Super Bowl, anytime in the next few years?

George Solomon: It remains to be seen if Joe Gibbs can duplicate the success he had in the 1980s and 1990-92. He certainly was a terrific coach in his time here and he's very smart and a great motivator. Dick Vermeil has proven you can go back and be successful.


Atlanta, Ga.: George,

What should be Gibbs first major concerns and changes to the team after making coaching changes?

George Solomon: He has to put together a staff, evaluate the players and assess the working relationship with the front office and personnel department.


Washington, D.C.: Somebody drew a parallel to Mike Ditka and the Saints rather than Bill Parcells and Dick Vermeil. Can you think of any reasons why one may happen instead of the other?

George Solomon: In my opinion, Gibbs was a better coach than Ditka and able to get along with players and staff better than Ditka. But, in my view, both excellent coaches. I think Gibbs is a good fit right now for the Redskins.


Honolulu, Hawaii: Since Joe Gibbs has to give up his partial ownership of the Falcons, do you see him becoming a part owner of the Redskins after this coaching period is over?


George Solomon: I believe the Redskins owner, Dan Snyder, would like to have Gibbs in his organization after he finishes this second stint as a Redskins' coach. Look at the success Gibbs had in NASCAR.


Washington, D.C.: I know it may be early, but what's the reaction amongst NFL insiders? Sounds like the franchise had become something of a laughing stock on the field (if not in the financial statements). How much does this make other coaching and management professionals in the league sit up and take notice?

George Solomon: No one is laughing at the Redskins or Dan Snyder today. The move caught most people by surprise and is clearly the off-season move of the year in the NFL. The final determination, of course, will be made by the players on the field next year.


Silver Spring, Md: If you pay a big name college coach $5 million a year for five years what do you think Herr Snyder should pay a proven winner like coach Gibbs?

George Solomon: I know successful coaches earn a great deal of money....if Spurrier was paid $ 5 million, I'm sure Gibbs will earn something close to that, with additional possibilities for future employment after coaching.


Washington, D.C.: What are the negatives (if any) of Joe Gibbs returning to the Redskins?

George Solomon: I hark back to Michael Jordan. He was the greatest NBA player ever. And I thought he was very good in his two years with the Wizards. But he wasn't as good as the "old" Jordan. Gibbs was a great coach in his first tour with the Redskins. It's not easy maintaining one's standards.


Potomac, Md.: It's really sad. Poor Joe Gibbs. We're betting that he doesn't last for more than three seasons, possibly just two. When in the world is the world going to learn: the situation with the Redskins will not improve until Dan Snyder sells the team and gets the heck out of football. The same thing applies up the road in Baltimore with the Orioles: Peter Angelos needs to leave the game. And Dan Snyder needs to leave the game. We're rooting for Joe Gibbs, but we're not optimistic about anything.

George Solomon: People like Joe Gibbs love challenges. And the Redskins, in their current form, are a big challenge. But Gibbs wants to do this; feels he can get along with Snyder (Jack Kent Cooke was a tough boss, as well, you know). You're caution is certainly understandable, considering what's happened with the Redskins since 1993.


washingtonpost.com: It's official. Latest news: "Joe Gibbs, the legendary coach who led the Washington Redskins to three Super Bowl titles in the 1980s and early '90s, announced today he will return as head coach of the Redskins." Gibbs to Return to Washington (Post, Jan. 7)


Charlottesville, Va.: What is your assessment of the current Redskin roster and do you think it has the talent to get into the play-offs next year with Joe at the helm?

George Solomon: The Redskins need help in their front four, safety positions, running backs and tight end. But they have some quality players, such as Arrington, Coles, Jansen, Hall and a number of others.


Washington, D.C.: Any idea on how the current Redskins player are reacting, especially Coles, Arrington, and Ramsey? It will also be interesting to see if this affects Champ Bailey's decision on where he will play next year.

George Solomon: Oh, and I should have mentioned Champ Bailey as a quality Redskin. My bad. I think the addition of Joe Gibbs will provide the Redskins a strong case to keep Bailey.


Washington, D.C.: Will Joe still be a workaholic with the 20 hour days where he sleeps at the office on numerous occasions or will he delegate more responsibilities to his assistant coaches?

George Solomon: Joe Gibbs needs no help from me in planning his work schedule. He'll work until he feels his job is complete. Then he'll work some more. NASCAR is every bit as tough as the NFL and he succeeded there.


Detroit, Mich.: Why do you think Joe Gibbs decided to come back now? Do you think he was approached at other times (before Marty, before Spurrier, etc.) to come back and coach again?

washingtonpost.com: Gibbs to Return to Washington (Post, Jan. 7)

George Solomon: I think people make decisions based on their priorities at the moment. He was ready to coach again. That simple. He'd been asked by many teams before to coach. The time was right; the team was right. And the money must be right as well.


Philadelphia: In your last chat, around the time when Spurrier quit ... you mentioned Shula and Ditka as your type of coach ... both those guys are off the radar, especially shula ... was gibbs even farther off the screen? Mike

washingtonpost.com: Solomon on Spurrier Resignation(Live Online, Dec. 30, 2003)

George Solomon: I thought Joe Gibbs was so involved in his NASCAR racing and business, as well as his grand children, he didn't get on my radar. He and Shula would have been my favorites to coach the Redskins.


Washington DC: Probably the best part of Joe Gibbs besides the fact that he is an outstanding coach, is that his program should have a chance to sustain itself. Not that all the previous coaches were perfect, but they did not have the ability to weather the pressure of this market with their programs. Snyder reacted to the market pressure through the constant coaching changes. Do you think Dan Snyder will continue to be vilified or will he now get some credit for this hiring?

George Solomon: Dan Snyder has been criticized often for the way he operates the Redskins. Today, with this hire, he deserves credit. It was a smart move for a franchise that eight days ago looked in trouble.


Reston, Va.: Isn't this a no-lose situation for Gibbs? I mean he is coming in after a dismal season. I would alsmost guarantee that he couldn't do worse. What are your thoughts.

George Solomon: There are some quality players on the Redskins, but Gibbs will make moves to cover the many weaknesses. He's a great judge of talent. He has a very good system; and he gets the most out of players. Sure, he'll have a better record next year than Steve Spurrier had this year.


Washington, D.C.: What happens if this doesn't work? The morale (both from the team and the fans) will might be so bad it would take years to recover.

George Solomon: That's a funny question.....kind of negative, I believe, but funny. If it doesn't work they'll hire another coach, and get new players and find someone else to do this chat. The Redskins have been here since 1937 and have been through a thousands of players and dozens of coaches, as well as four owners. But the fans care and they are the most important part of the franchise.


Montgomery Village, Md.: Gibbs. Bugel. Grimm?

Have calls gone out to Riggins, Monk? Jacoby's in town. As Jake said to Elwood: "We're gettin' the band back together!!!"

George Solomon: A great question. Where's Jay Schroeder? Theismann is in great shape; Riggo ought to back up his yak now; Monk is always in shape; Charles Mann and Doc are ready. Doug put on weight, but his arm is strong, I hear. Murphy back at safety; Bring 'em all in. How great would that be?


Baltimore, Md.: How do you think Gibbs will react to the modern

players, and do you think that the players will rebel

against Gibbs like they did against Schottenheimer

with his disciplined approach? Or do you think that

Gibbs will command enough respect that telling

players to turn off cell phones during meetings will

not be a problem?

George Solomon: Great coaches work with the players at hand. And great players know when they're in the presence of elite coaches. Gibbs will have respect; and most of all, he knows people and the league.


Birmingham, Ala.: George,

Win or lose, I'm assuming that Snyder will leave Gibbs at coach for as long as he wants to be there. How long can Redskins fans expect Gibbs to stick around? With his age, certainly not 10 years. Does he leave after another Super Bowl win, or stick around to be the first coach to win 5?

George Solomon: Who knows? Dick Vermeil is still coaching and winning. So is Parcells. Talented people love to ply their trade. Gibbs, I believe, will do this for four or five years, as long as he feels good and stays healthy.


George Solomon: Hey, chat folks: This has been fun and I thank you. But I have to go now. See you again.

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It ain't gonna work and here's why: Earl Weaver. You and I are old enough to remember his reprise and it wasn't pretty. Guys like this make their mark because they are totally obsessed with the goal, 24/7. When the flame goes out, they go do something else. You can't get back at 63 what used to be at 43, or even 53. Give the guy a beach towel.

George Solomon: Well, you seem to have your mind made up about Gibbs. While I respect your opinion, I do not agree. Joe Gibbs is without a doubt the best available coach for this job. Sixty-three is not the end of life, I hope, since I am 63.


Washington, D.C.: Hi- I'm not a native District resident, so maybe I don't comprehend Gibbs completely.

But let me say this. I think 1991 was a different era. Maybe Gibbs is indeed a great motivator who transcends time, a la Dick Vermeil. Maybe he can adjust as much as his players will have to. Or maybe, Dan Snyder has spent a lot of money on a coach will shield him from any criticism, ever, and that bulletproof man will not live up to his messianic stature.

I don't mean to temper everyone's enthusiasm, but I heard it when Turner was coaching: he's an offensive genius, he's finally getting his shot, and he's gonna win big. I heard it when Schottenheimer came here: he's a proven winner, a head coach who has taken teams to the Super Bowl, a true grit guy in the Lombardi mold. I heard it when Spurrier came here to erase those bad memories of Marty: the Fun 'N' Gun will be superior to the smashmouth football of the preceding year, he's a National Champion from the NCAA, he's a maverick who's going to lead this team to glory. And now I'm already hearing it again.

In the past few years, I've always believed the hype (although I thought it was silly when the entire town began murmuring Super Bowl after '03's 2-0 start) but I can no longer buy in. I like Joe Gibbs and I understand his near-mythic status in this town. He's Darrell Green, Art Monk, and the Hogs. He's destiny, raised trophies and a mystique that eclipses that of Parcells' in New York. But this team is different, this game is different, and opposing coaches are different. I hope I'm proven to be a cynic rather than a skeptic, but in recent years, five million Skins fans and the media have been dead wrong, time and time again.

My question: will Snyder's money and Joe Gibbs' talent lead the Skins to the NFC Championship, let alone the Super Bowl, anytime in the next few years?

George Solomon: It remains to be seen if Joe Gibbs can duplicate the success he had in the 1980s and 1990-92. He certainly was a terrific coach in his time here and he's very smart and a great motivator. Dick Vermeil has proven you can go back and be successful.


Atlanta, Ga.: George,

What should be Gibbs first major concerns and changes to the team after making coaching changes?

George Solomon: He has to put together a staff, evaluate the players and assess the working relationship with the front office and personnel department.


Washington, D.C.: Somebody drew a parallel to Mike Ditka and the Saints rather than Bill Parcells and Dick Vermeil. Can you think of any reasons why one may happen instead of the other?

George Solomon: In my opinion, Gibbs was a better coach than Ditka and able to get along with players and staff better than Ditka. But, in my view, both excellent coaches. I think Gibbs is a good fit right now for the Redskins.


Honolulu, Hawaii: Since Joe Gibbs has to give up his partial ownership of the Falcons, do you see him becoming a part owner of the Redskins after this coaching period is over?


George Solomon: I believe the Redskins owner, Dan Snyder, would like to have Gibbs in his organization after he finishes this second stint as a Redskins' coach. Look at the success Gibbs had in NASCAR.


Washington, D.C.: I know it may be early, but what's the reaction amongst NFL insiders? Sounds like the franchise had become something of a laughing stock on the field (if not in the financial statements). How much does this make other coaching and management professionals in the league sit up and take notice?

George Solomon: No one is laughing at the Redskins or Dan Snyder today. The move caught most people by surprise and is clearly the off-season move of the year in the NFL. The final determination, of course, will be made by the players on the field next year.


Silver Spring, Md: If you pay a big name college coach $5 million a year for five years what do you think Herr Snyder should pay a proven winner like coach Gibbs?

George Solomon: I know successful coaches earn a great deal of money....if Spurrier was paid $ 5 million, I'm sure Gibbs will earn something close to that, with additional possibilities for future employment after coaching.


Washington, D.C.: What are the negatives (if any) of Joe Gibbs returning to the Redskins?

George Solomon: I hark back to Michael Jordan. He was the greatest NBA player ever. And I thought he was very good in his two years with the Wizards. But he wasn't as good as the "old" Jordan. Gibbs was a great coach in his first tour with the Redskins. It's not easy maintaining one's standards.


Potomac, Md.: It's really sad. Poor Joe Gibbs. We're betting that he doesn't last for more than three seasons, possibly just two. When in the world is the world going to learn: the situation with the Redskins will not improve until Dan Snyder sells the team and gets the heck out of football. The same thing applies up the road in Baltimore with the Orioles: Peter Angelos needs to leave the game. And Dan Snyder needs to leave the game. We're rooting for Joe Gibbs, but we're not optimistic about anything.

George Solomon: People like Joe Gibbs love challenges. And the Redskins, in their current form, are a big challenge. But Gibbs wants to do this; feels he can get along with Snyder (Jack Kent Cooke was a tough boss, as well, you know). You're caution is certainly understandable, considering what's happened with the Redskins since 1993.


washingtonpost.com: It's official. Latest news: "Joe Gibbs, the legendary coach who led the Washington Redskins to three Super Bowl titles in the 1980s and early '90s, announced today he will return as head coach of the Redskins." Gibbs to Return to Washington (Post, Jan. 7)


Charlottesville, Va.: What is your assessment of the current Redskin roster and do you think it has the talent to get into the play-offs next year with Joe at the helm?

George Solomon: The Redskins need help in their front four, safety positions, running backs and tight end. But they have some quality players, such as Arrington, Coles, Jansen, Hall and a number of others.


Washington, D.C.: Any idea on how the current Redskins player are reacting, especially Coles, Arrington, and Ramsey? It will also be interesting to see if this affects Champ Bailey's decision on where he will play next year.

George Solomon: Oh, and I should have mentioned Champ Bailey as a quality Redskin. My bad. I think the addition of Joe Gibbs will provide the Redskins a strong case to keep Bailey.


Washington, D.C.: Will Joe still be a workaholic with the 20 hour days where he sleeps at the office on numerous occasions or will he delegate more responsibilities to his assistant coaches?

George Solomon: Joe Gibbs needs no help from me in planning his work schedule. He'll work until he feels his job is complete. Then he'll work some more. NASCAR is every bit as tough as the NFL and he succeeded there.


Detroit, Mich.: Why do you think Joe Gibbs decided to come back now? Do you think he was approached at other times (before Marty, before Spurrier, etc.) to come back and coach again?

washingtonpost.com: Gibbs to Return to Washington (Post, Jan. 7)

George Solomon: I think people make decisions based on their priorities at the moment. He was ready to coach again. That simple. He'd been asked by many teams before to coach. The time was right; the team was right. And the money must be right as well.


Philadelphia: In your last chat, around the time when Spurrier quit ... you mentioned Shula and Ditka as your type of coach ... both those guys are off the radar, especially shula ... was gibbs even farther off the screen? Mike

washingtonpost.com: Solomon on Spurrier Resignation(Live Online, Dec. 30, 2003)

George Solomon: I thought Joe Gibbs was so involved in his NASCAR racing and business, as well as his grand children, he didn't get on my radar. He and Shula would have been my favorites to coach the Redskins.


Washington DC: Probably the best part of Joe Gibbs besides the fact that he is an outstanding coach, is that his program should have a chance to sustain itself. Not that all the previous coaches were perfect, but they did not have the ability to weather the pressure of this market with their programs. Snyder reacted to the market pressure through the constant coaching changes. Do you think Dan Snyder will continue to be vilified or will he now get some credit for this hiring?

George Solomon: Dan Snyder has been criticized often for the way he operates the Redskins. Today, with this hire, he deserves credit. It was a smart move for a franchise that eight days ago looked in trouble.


Reston, Va.: Isn't this a no-lose situation for Gibbs? I mean he is coming in after a dismal season. I would alsmost guarantee that he couldn't do worse. What are your thoughts.

George Solomon: There are some quality players on the Redskins, but Gibbs will make moves to cover the many weaknesses. He's a great judge of talent. He has a very good system; and he gets the most out of players. Sure, he'll have a better record next year than Steve Spurrier had this year.


Washington, D.C.: What happens if this doesn't work? The morale (both from the team and the fans) will might be so bad it would take years to recover.

George Solomon: That's a funny question.....kind of negative, I believe, but funny. If it doesn't work they'll hire another coach, and get new players and find someone else to do this chat. The Redskins have been here since 1937 and have been through a thousands of players and dozens of coaches, as well as four owners. But the fans care and they are the most important part of the franchise.


Montgomery Village, Md.: Gibbs. Bugel. Grimm?

Have calls gone out to Riggins, Monk? Jacoby's in town. As Jake said to Elwood: "We're gettin' the band back together!!!"

George Solomon: A great question. Where's Jay Schroeder? Theismann is in great shape; Riggo ought to back up his yak now; Monk is always in shape; Charles Mann and Doc are ready. Doug put on weight, but his arm is strong, I hear. Murphy back at safety; Bring 'em all in. How great would that be?


Baltimore, Md.: How do you think Gibbs will react to the modern

players, and do you think that the players will rebel

against Gibbs like they did against Schottenheimer

with his disciplined approach? Or do you think that

Gibbs will command enough respect that telling

players to turn off cell phones during meetings will

not be a problem?

George Solomon: Great coaches work with the players at hand. And great players know when they're in the presence of elite coaches. Gibbs will have respect; and most of all, he knows people and the league.


Birmingham, Ala.: George,

Win or lose, I'm assuming that Snyder will leave Gibbs at coach for as long as he wants to be there. How long can Redskins fans expect Gibbs to stick around? With his age, certainly not 10 years. Does he leave after another Super Bowl win, or stick around to be the first coach to win 5?

George Solomon: Who knows? Dick Vermeil is still coaching and winning. So is Parcells. Talented people love to ply their trade. Gibbs, I believe, will do this for four or five years, as long as he feels good and stays healthy.


George Solomon: Hey, chat folks: This has been fun and I thank you. But I have to go now. See you again.

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some of these comments from email are ludicrous.

so, other organizations can figure out how to maximize coaching in a free agent era where parity of talent is the rule, but Gibbs and the highest grossing team in the league won't be able to navigate the stream? :laugh: :laugh:

If the no account Seahawks could win 10 games with the talent on their team the Redskins are going to be fine folks.

There is work to be done here. It won't be fixed tomorrow afternoon.

But these guys act as if the clouds will never part.

Again, this time it doesn't wash.

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some of these comments from email are ludicrous.

so, other organizations can figure out how to maximize coaching in a free agent era where parity of talent is the rule, but Gibbs and the highest grossing team in the league won't be able to navigate the stream? :laugh: :laugh:

If the no account Seahawks could win 10 games with the talent on their team the Redskins are going to be fine folks.

There is work to be done here. It won't be fixed tomorrow afternoon.

But these guys act as if the clouds will never part.

Again, this time it doesn't wash.

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