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The GIBBS Factor.....


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Other than the obvious euphoria over the hire, I think the organization can expect the following....

*a focus on identifying the type of player we've all yearned for in the last 10 years. Intelligent, tireless work ethic, huge heart players. Look to New England as a team full of the above players.

*the team, all the players, will simply HATE to lose for Gibbs. Remember the stories of how miserable he made the team after losses. Quite a big difference than the Club-Med atmousphere following losses by Norv and Spurrier.

*the team will be the most organized, most disciplined, fundamentally sound team in the league. Gibbs and his staff will not tolerate mental mistakes

*a potential return to a off campus TC? Gibbs is a big proponent of creating a condusive enviroment for focus, teaching, and the building of a team "family". I fully expect a return to Carlisle, if they'll have the team back, or Frostburg.

*players will no longer run the team, voice opinions on schemes or strategy. They will do as they're told or will be deactivated and eventually released. The freelancing days of Arrington/Armstead/Trotter are over. Also, I expect Arrington to be moved to weakside LB and molded into the LT#56 or Derrick Brooks mold.

Feel free to add your own observations........

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Other than the obvious euphoria over the hire, I think the organization can expect the following....

*a focus on identifying the type of player we've all yearned for in the last 10 years. Intelligent, tireless work ethic, huge heart players. Look to New England as a team full of the above players.

*the team, all the players, will simply HATE to lose for Gibbs. Remember the stories of how miserable he made the team after losses. Quite a big difference than the Club-Med atmousphere following losses by Norv and Spurrier.

*the team will be the most organized, most disciplined, fundamentally sound team in the league. Gibbs and his staff will not tolerate mental mistakes

*a potential return to a off campus TC? Gibbs is a big proponent of creating a condusive enviroment for focus, teaching, and the building of a team "family". I fully expect a return to Carlisle, if they'll have the team back, or Frostburg.

*players will no longer run the team, voice opinions on schemes or strategy. They will do as they're told or will be deactivated and eventually released. The freelancing days of Arrington/Armstead/Trotter are over. Also, I expect Arrington to be moved to weakside LB and molded into the LT#56 or Derrick Brooks mold.

Feel free to add your own observations........

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