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Hope Bruce Smith Already Retired


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Smith will be run out of town, he's certainly not the Gibbs type of player. You can add a couple more to the list, like Flemister (blockhead) and Canidate (to soft) to the list.

Also, I believe you will not see the FA acquisitions like....

Darrell Russell (which has already been announced)

Daryl Gardener (lacks mental makeup, a disruption)

Warren Sapp (a look at me player, not a Gibbs player)

Look for Gibbs to indentify intelligent and coachable guys who have a strong work ethic and a desire to be the very best at their positions.

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Smith will be run out of town, he's certainly not the Gibbs type of player. You can add a couple more to the list, like Flemister (blockhead) and Canidate (to soft) to the list.

Also, I believe you will not see the FA acquisitions like....

Darrell Russell (which has already been announced)

Daryl Gardener (lacks mental makeup, a disruption)

Warren Sapp (a look at me player, not a Gibbs player)

Look for Gibbs to indentify intelligent and coachable guys who have a strong work ethic and a desire to be the very best at their positions.

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