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Saban not signing his new deal just yet


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Leaving room for other offers :cheers:


ESPN.com news services

BATON ROUGE, La. -- Co-national champion LSU is working on a new contract for coach Nick Saban, but he's in no rush to sign it.

LSU's offer guarantees Saban, who is expected to receive offers from several of the seven NFL teams that have head coach openings, would be the highest paid college coach at $2.5 million a year. Saban, however, told The Associated Press that the contract isn't to his liking yet.

"I'm not complaining, but supposedly there's some other proposal," Saban said. "We'll look at it. You know, I'm happy to be at LSU. This is a tremendous accomplishment for our football program, and, as I've said before, I hope it's the beginning, not the end of being a dominant program."

Saban has a 30-day window to re-negotiate with the university and agree to a deal, associate athletic director Dan Radakovich said.

Saban's stock has never been higher now that the Tigers have a share of college football's national championship after being Oklahoma in the Nokia Sugar Bowl on Sunday night. LSU split the title with USC, which led the final AP media poll.

Under Saban's guidance, LSU also finished the season as the top-ranked defensive team in the nation.

Saban currently makes $1.5 million, but a clause in his contract stipulates that if he won the national title he was guaranteed $1 more than the highest-paid college coach. That coach turned out to be the one Saban beat -- Oklahoma's Bob Stoops, at $2.3 million -- in the Bowl Championship Series title game.

Saban has said many times that he would like to stay in Baton Rouge. But the NFL certainly will come calling. Saban will be contacted by officials from several of the NFL teams that have vacancies and almost certainly will be at or near the top of the wish list of some of them.

The Falcons and Bears -- among others -- likely will try to gauge Saban's interest sometime this week, ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli reports. The Giants are also believed to be interested in Saban, but they are close to a deal with Tom Coughlin.

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I think he would be a good jump from college to the Pro's!

I would rather have him over Rhodes or Fassell! As for Green I don't see him coming here but I would love to have him.

Saban was a assistant in the Browns organization and isn't affraid to adjust to make things work. That was the downfall of Steve Spurrier!

I really don't want Fassell or Rhodes lets interview this guy!

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Damn JBOO, who wouldn't you like to see as our new head coach. I mean his LSU team wasn't even that good. I know the guy has a desire to coach in the league, but we've done the college coach thing. I'm jadded at this point. Leave college for college, this is a man's league now.

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Originally posted by OURYEAR#56

Damn JBOO, who wouldn't you like to see as our new head coach. I mean his LSU team wasn't even that good. I know the guy has a desire to coach in the league, but we've done the college coach thing. I'm jadded at this point. Leave college for college, this is a man's league now.

What are you talking about not even good??? They are the National Champs!!! He was already in the NFL so he has experience. He is very creative on the defensive side and that is what we need especially in our division. I wouldn't mind a college coach like him, Fridge, etc.. that has already coached in the NFL.

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OurYear, what the hell are you smoking? They had the best defense in college football and they would have dominated USC. Just watch and see, LSU is going to be the next dominant program in college football. Not even good, pshhh..what a dumb statement. You must be an Auburn, Ole Miss, or USC fan. Saban and Bellichek are one in the same, but I don't want Saban coming to the Redskins, it is nice having a winning team to route for for a change. Im too young to remember watching the 92 Superbowl, I was only 6 at the time. Gawd, how crazy would it be if Saban came to the Skins and Spurrier went to LSU, ughhh. Saban is the man in Baton Rouge, and he will stay there. I am 99 percent sure he stays at LSU for at least a few more seasons.

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Saban is not a Bellichek. He just beat an over rated Oklahoma team, with over rated players like Tommie Harris, Cody, etc. USC is a better team, and has a better recruiting pool. Did you guys watch the highschool all american game. There are atleast 3 players going to USC that are in the top 80 football players in the country. Saban came up with some creative schemes in that game, but that college. There is a huge difference between college and the NFL, and Spurrier and us found out the hard way. NO MORE COLLEGE COACHES, let them make some other team look like fools.

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Bellichek and Saban coached together smartass, oh yeah and take a look at Rivals100.com, LSU is currently 2nd behind USC. LSU still has yet to receive commitments from Early Doucet, Xavier Carter, Luke Sanders, and Marlon Favorite. Once LSU receives commitments from them, LSU should vault into the number 1 position. LSU was first in recruiting last year as well. LSU is just reloading next year. DO some research man, you don't know anything about Saban or LSU.

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Originally posted by OURYEAR#56

Saban is not a Bellichek. He just beat an over rated Oklahoma team, with over rated players like Tommie Harris, Cody, etc. USC is a better team, and has a better recruiting pool. Did you guys watch the highschool all american game. There are atleast 3 players going to USC that are in the top 80 football players in the country. Saban came up with some creative schemes in that game, but that college. There is a huge difference between college and the NFL, and Spurrier and us found out the hard way. NO MORE COLLEGE COACHES, let them make some other team look like fools.

The high school all american game? What?

Do you realize that Saban has NFL coaching experience?

LSU isn't that good? Really?

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Im almost certain Saban will come to the NFL one day, but this year is not the year when he returns. He will stay at least a few more years. Here is an exerpt from the Times Picayune

"Obviously there is an allure to the NFL, especially for a coach like Saban, who is so immersed in the X's and O's. Anyone in any profession wants a chance to perform at the top of his or her craft.

"A lot of jobs open, and whenever jobs open his name is always going to surface," Sexton said. "We don't do anything to promote that. He's always said he's happy at LSU."

Saban said the NFL allure is just not that strong for him right now.

"I don't know that it has any allure in particular," Saban said earlier in the week. "I think coaching is coaching. I don't think coaching in the NFL is a whole lot different than coaching in college, not like people would think it might be. At least my experience wasn't that way.

"I enjoyed working with the players. I just felt like when I was at the end of it, the one thing that you can do in college that is much more difficult in the NFL, because of the rules now with free agency, is build a team chemistry and team concept. That is one of the things that you're always striving to do as a coach." "

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Listen, no more college coaches. Carroll didn't work, Davis didn't work (and he had NFL experience too), Bobby Ross made Barry Sanders retire. College coaches just don't work, so stop the madness. Why even entertain the idea? So what if Saban has NFL experience. So what if herubbed shoulders with Bellichek. I don't care if they swapped spit, leave the guy in college.

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Corey Webster is the best cover man in the SEC, and Travis Daniels shut down Mark Clayton. The only time Clayton got his yards were against the converted safety Jack Hunt. Hell Travis Daniels was a converted DB. LSU bumps and runs, they don't pay 8 yards off the receiver like all of USC's opponents have done this year. Williams and Leinart are a deadly duo, but they would be slowed down. USC has the 30th ranked defense and LSU put up points this season when they wanted too. LSU's vertical game would tear the USC secondary to shreds. Clayton would keep Poole busy while Henderson and Green would run wild. LSU's Oline would be too big and strong for the USC defensive line, and LSU's defensive line would blitz the hell out of USC. They would never know where the extra blitzers would be coming from. Sure USC would get some points, but LSU didn't allow anyone to score more than 20 points this season, with exception to the Arkansas game where the LSU 2nd team was out there playing garbage time and Arkansas scored a td to make it 55-24.

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Moron (that's you OurYear) Bobby Ross did not make Barry Sanders retire. The Lions front office made him retire because they refused to let him out of his contract or trade him.

Stop giving me reasons to call you a moron and maybe I'll stop.

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For your information Barry didn't get along with Ross. He didn't like the guy. Maybe his conviction to Wayne Fontes may have been compulsive but what can you do about that. Barry never wanted to be a star. Either way Bobby Ross didn't win anything with San Diego excpet a first class a$$ whopping at the hands of the 49ers. And his record in Detroit speaks for it's self. Man I can remeber when he coached Charlie Batch, they really tore up the league. To me the bottom line in this arguement goes as follows: Saban is a great college coach. Do we have the patients as an organization to see him maturate into a great NFL coach? Not at this time. We have already gone through a college coach, do we really need to get burned again? Even the chance it COULD happen, should keep us away. And no do not give him 6 million dollars a year. We already paid a guy 5 million for nothing. Map I thing you have an inferiority complex. You're too old to call people names. By the way you m,ight want to change your, Mapitictis???? sounds like the sign on name for mapquest or something.

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