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A New Low

Even Madder

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Here's a new one: the Skins have become a lesson in the dangers of poor management. Ouch.

From an investor's site:

"With the economic news mixed and the markets taking a breather, it's time we break a pair of unwritten rules. With a single stroke, we will expose our local bias and our fascination -- in this case, morbid -- with all things sports. Turns out, Washington Redskins coach Steve Spurrier quit today, walked away from millions, and found out about it all from a Washington Post reporter.

Hilarious. Funny as the Spurrier experiment proved to be, there is a lesson for investors. Poor leadership can rattle a franchise -- no matter how storied the history, wonderful the brand, or loyal the customers. In the end, you simply can't overstate the importance of sound management."

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That Spurrier found out about it from the Post (if that's true) is an indictment of his agent, not the team. In fact, the team was told that Spurrier had quit and go ahead and make an announcement. What were they supposed to do? I agree good leadership is crucial. Fortunately, the Skins have pretty good leadership with a decisive, prepared and wealthy front office. Spurrier's exit was indicative of how he managed the team -- he was playing golf and roughly incommunicado.

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I think they got it wrong: a reporter called Spurrier on the golf course, and Spurrier wasn't sure the press release had been issued, so he denied it. A few minutes later, after his cell phone died, he heard it had been issued, so he confirmed it.

It's not like he didn't know he was quitting.

But it seems like a guy making $5m a year to coach a team into the ground could free up a half hour to resign instead of doing it from the golf course. It's not like he can't pick his tee times down there.

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It strikes me just now how totally beaten down Spurrier is, a far cry from the supremely confident, some say arrogant Steve Spurrier from his college coaching days. Few college coaches engendered such hatred among opponent fans, and I'm sure there are legions of them who are relishing seeing him in this defeated state.

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