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Goodbye Gator Skins


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Rdskns2000... You may want to rethink your stance there.

So I'm less of a Redskins fan than you because I have only been one since Spurrier arrived?

I didn't go to TWO years of training camps just to Cheer Spurrier on.

I didn't go to games this season just to watch Spurrier hold a clipboard on the sideline and marvel at how he calls in plays.

Being a Spurrier fan, I followed him to the Redskins and became a Redskin fan in the process. I have attachments to my favorite players, I have Skins merchandise, hats, dogcollars, flags, shirts, etc... I just wasn't a fan until 2 years ago.

Nothing personal to you 2000, but even though Spurrier is gone, the guy who made me become a Skins fan, I'm no less of a fan.

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Originally posted by Rdskns2000

Steve Spurrier in his short tenure proved he couldn't coach in the NFL.

2000s post seemed myopic to me for a number of different reasons which i don't need to bother to address to him, its not worth it. he is certainly entitled to his opinion and feel free to dislike me as a skins fan because i started rooting for the skins b/c sos came to town and then became a fan of ramsey and the gang . . . whatever floats his boat.

regardless, his conclusion that spurrier's "short tenure proved" he could not coach in the NFL is a bit silly. certainly, i think few would argue that sos had great success with the skins in his two seasons. that said, that does not mean he "can't" coach in the nfl and would not have more success if he would have come back for a third season or for another franchise. it proved that his stint with the skins was not a success, clearly, however.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Rdskns2000... You may want to rethink your stance there.

So I'm less of a Redskins fan than you because I have only been one since Spurrier arrived?

I didn't go to TWO years of training camps just to Cheer Spurrier on.

I didn't go to games this season just to watch Spurrier hold a clipboard on the sideline and marvel at how he calls in plays.

Being a Spurrier fan, I followed him to the Redskins and became a Redskin fan in the process. I have attachments to my favorite players, I have Skins merchandise, hats, dogcollars, flags, shirts, etc... I just wasn't a fan until 2 years ago.

Nothing personal to you 2000, but even though Spurrier is gone, the guy who made me become a Skins fan, I'm no less of a fan.

I've rethunked some. If you've noticed; I've redited my post some.

If you became a fan because we hired Steve and will remain a fan, even though Steve left. I've got no problem. It means you became a fan of the team; which is good.

Even if you didn't became a fan but will remain, just to talk to football; no problem.

The gatorskins I am glad are going are the ones that came here only because of Steve and rooted the Skins because of Steve. They really didn't care about the Skins players unless they were ex-Gators. Now that Steve is gone; they will be the biggest Skin haters in the world. They only came here because of the man. The rooted for the team only because of the man. When anyone spoke of ill of the man or his former players; they attacked. Now that the man is gone; so are they. Those are ones I hate and am glad will be gone.

I have no problems with fans who were Gator fans and Skins fans before Steve. I have no problem with fans who were Gator fans and in the process became Skins fans since we hired him. I have no problem with Gator fans who just want to talk football but aren't Skins fans.

I hope I finally cleared up on what Gatorskins fans I detest and am saying goodbye too. I don't mean to offend those who are Gator and old skins fans. Gator and new skins fans. Or just gator fans, who like football.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Rdskns2000... You may want to rethink your stance there.

So I'm less of a Redskins fan than you because I have only been one since Spurrier arrived?

I didn't go to TWO years of training camps just to Cheer Spurrier on.

I didn't go to games this season just to watch Spurrier hold a clipboard on the sideline and marvel at how he calls in plays.

Being a Spurrier fan, I followed him to the Redskins and became a Redskin fan in the process. I have attachments to my favorite players, I have Skins merchandise, hats, dogcollars, flags, shirts, etc... I just wasn't a fan until 2 years ago.

Nothing personal to you 2000, but even though Spurrier is gone, the guy who made me become a Skins fan, I'm no less of a fan.

well said
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Originally posted by NBlue

2000s post seemed myopic to me for a number of different reasons which i don't need to bother to address to him, its not worth it. he is certainly entitled to his opinion and feel free to dislike me as a skins fan because i started rooting for the skins b/c sos came to town and then became a fan of ramsey and the gang . . . whatever floats his boat.

regardless, his conclusion that spurrier's "short tenure proved" he could not coach in the NFL is a bit silly. certainly, i think few would argue that sos had great success with the skins in his two seasons. that said, that does not mean he "can't" coach in the nfl and would not have more success if he would have come back for a third season or for another franchise. it proved that his stint with the skins was not a success, clearly, however.

Sorry, but we will disagree on Spurrier. Spurrier thought he could approach the NFL like he did in college. That approach won't work in the NFL.

The only way for him to succeed would be for him to be un-Spurrier like and it's hard to imagine him changing his ways for that.

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If you're a Skins fan you're family. I don't care why you're a fan. You could like the uniforms for all I care.

I respect most of the Gatorskins quite a bit. I can't think of any college coach I'd follow to the pros. That type of dedication is rare. I hope all who want to stay and contribute continue to do so.

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No problem, you made your correction more clear and I understand where you are coming from.

I take pride in the fact that I'm a "gatorskin", but just because Spurrier is gone, I'm not disowning the Redskins. I still want the team to succeed. The fact remains that Spurrier decided to leave on his own, he wasn't forced out by Snyder (that we know of...lol) so I have no ill will towards the Redskins because things didn't work out.

I'm just as excited to see who the new coach is going to be.

My "gator" connection makes me a fan of other teams too, but just not in the same capacity as the Redskins. Right now, I'm very interested in the Bears because of Rex Grossman. I enjoy watching him play and I'm sure over time, after watching them, I will end up with the same attachments that I have for some of the Skins players.

Anyway... I don't miss guys like Instigator either....LOL.

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