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Redskins still lose Turner like


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Norv never had a defense that was playing this well.

Let's face it. 7 of Chicago's points came on the fake special teams play.

So that is 13 points allowed on defense to a team that is now 11-3.

That should be enough to win the game at home.

And indeed with a proven quarterback, which some here feel we don't need, the Redskins would have won this game.

And the Dallas games, etc........................

You can't count on turnovers and a stingy defense to win all the games on the schedule for you.

Eventually, Banks or whoever the quarterback is has to step out of the shadows and step up to the plate as a on-field leader in crunch time, the guy who guides the ship into port safely.

Banks isn't that player. But overall this team is miles ahead of where Norv's teams were in terms of defense, developing younger players and having coverage teams that don't allow 75 yard returns each week. smile.gif

if fans get down on the team and start giving up when acquiring a qb and getting some younger legs on the DL are necessary and DOABLE things in the offseason, then they are fair-weather fans to be sure.

Look at teams like the Steelers, Bears, 49ers, Packers and Patriots taht all missed the playoffs last season and made a turnaround this year.

A few moves for each team made the difference. The core was already there, although it might have been too young for most outsiders to see it.

Ditto for this team.

A quality passer adds 3-4 games to this team in terms of end of year win totals.

Banks is currently #12 in NFC passer rating.

We need a player to be in the top 5-6 to be a true contender, if not better than that.

Banks is not going to improve with time because repetitions in practice are not what he is missing. He is missing a natural feel and instinct for the game of football and how to play quarterback.

That is not something that can be incubated. Perhaps you can draw it out of a player that already has it, but may not have confidence in himself to show it.

But you can't force a player to become a natural athlete in any sport.

You look at major league pitchers or NBA basketball players and see guys that have great physical skills that never seem to put it all together to be productive professionals on a consistent basis.

They stick around the professional leagues on potential till they are 30-31 years old and then disappear once their contracts are up and it is time to move on to younger players with the same potential.

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