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As it stand now, with 2 more losses what are we looking @ in terms of draft position?


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Disagree with the comment on FO not making good picks look over the last few years. The problem is our coaches can't get our players to play on Sunday.

I hope we work out a way to get some more picks whether it be trading down or moving some of our players via trade for draft picks.

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Originally posted by redblazer00

Disagree with the comment on FO not making good picks look over the last few years. The problem is our coaches can't get our players to play on Sunday.

I hope we work out a way to get some more picks whether it be trading down or moving some of our players via trade for draft picks.

Your on CRACK! -- Look its very simple. We cutt our backup Quarterback because of..... guess what? He couldn't play! Who brought him in here? Snyder / Vinny. And if you think we have made good draft picks in the past 4 years you need to wake up and smell the roses. We had 1 "decent" draft in the past 4 years and the was Marty's draft. We got Gardner,Smoot, McCants,Cartwright and few others that have contributed to this team.

It is a sad endightment of the front office when the best draft run by this organization was done by the marty / allen regime. (Who thought that time that Kijana Carter could contribute to a football team)

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We don't have anyone with a football mind in the FO. Yes anyone here can pick and draft talent but it is up to the FO to determine if that player will be a good addition to the team. This is what our FO can not do at all and why we have issues with players not knowing where they need to go. We have way to many "ME" players on this team.

You can select talent easy, but you have to be able to find that talent that meshes with your current roster.

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If Winslow, Jr. is half the player his dad is then we will be in pretty good shape at that spot for years to come. Winslow, Sr. did not quite on the field and if Jr. takes after his dad there than maybe the young guy can teach our vets how to play for a full 60 minutes.

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I think the only picks that Cerrato and Snyder have shown they can make consistently are the 1st and 2nd rounders.

That might sound like it's easy (and it USUALLY is) but in just the past 10+ years we've had some BUSTS so we should be thankful that we drafted who we did.

I mean, people say that Arrington and Samuels were "no-brainers" in 2000 but the other two players (Brown and Warrick) that were talked about in the same breath as our two, haven't been quite as successful. Brown is always hurt and Warrick is just now becoming a complimentary WR.

So, the higher we are, the more comfortable I am with our FO choosing a quality player. It's the mid and late rounds where we usually don't get the players that some FOs are able to get.

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i still can't understand why everyone thinks we need to add talent on the offensive side of the ball. are you guys watching the games every week. did you see troy hambrick rush for 180... whatever the **** it was? we have a chance to land one of the top-2 DT's this year, or a DE of our choice (possible trade down too...). and i hear, lets get a RB in the first. lets get a TE... now lets get a S (Taylor) i could stomach, but damn fellas! some of you are starting to sound like the Dan. this is not fantasy football. we have to draft defensive players too!

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