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The offical we are not drafting D-line in the first thread


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how are we supposed to get 3 first round picks this year??? i don't get it.

and i am in to opinion that we get a DL this year in the first. Sean Taylor would be very tempting (and may well be the BPA), but we have such dire needs along the DL.

one quick question: why do you people want to bring D.Gardener back along the DL. did you see/hear what he did in DEN this season?

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Originally posted by lavarleap56

Not writeing the safeties off at but the F.O. wants to move Bowen to S.S. and get a F.S. this year then bring Iffy off the bench in the Todd Franz role of this year.

When we trade Champ i can see us sending that extra pick to Tennesse for Jevon Kearse. Dont expect to be tradeing down though.

I would bring Bowen off the bench in a Franz role if I had Iffy and Taylor. Bowen makes plays here and there but he is far from consitant and has taken bad angles and played the run poorly.

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Originally posted by rdsknbill

Are we writing off our stating safeties already? Bowen is finishing his first year as a starter. I think that he has the potential to be good. ALthough he did make some mistakes, he shows promise. Terrell is terrible and Iffy is solid. IMO consistency is key at defensive back.

why do you say Iffy is solid, maybe because you and Iffy are living off of a few big plays he makes. The guy is slow, takes poor angle, and gets beat on too many passes.

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A tight end in the 1st round??? Are you kidding me????

You're gonna pay a guy who gets 3 balls thrown to him a game 1st round money??? I'd put my foot thru the TV.

No 1st round RB's please. Good (not great...before you jump down my throat) running backs are a dime a dozen. You can get one in the later rounds.

This defense needs help NOW!!! Please...lets not ignore it again.:doh:

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I would not waste any money on Jevon Kearse. While he has great skills he stays hurt. I think David pollack out of Georgia would be a great NFL player. He destroys teams when they play Georgia. Teams always has to see where he lines up and put two blockers on him. I also agree that Tommie Harris would be the best Defensive Lineman in the draft. :dallasuck

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