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Good Luck This Week, Boys


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I hope the Skins have enough pride and testicular fortitude to smack Dallas around all evening long.

I hope the dallas qb freezes up and slips on the field and Lavar lays him out as he is going down.

I hope it is so cold that Jerry Jones plastic face cracks and breaks off like that helmet did last week in the pats-dolphins game.

I hope Parcells quits on this team, just like he did on every other team he coached for.

I hope we ruin dallas chance to get in the playoff.

I hope that we get that pansy moose johnson to call the game and I'm even hoping Baldinger will show up for the cowboys pregame circle jerk where they all pay homage to parcells with dion and irving as pivot man.

I hope Aikman gets sacked on the way into the stadium.

I'll think of some more later and come back.

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Originally posted by boozeman3

Good lord.

Are you all going to take this crap seriously?

This game is VERY important to us, and yes we are taking this game seriously. It's the cowboys for crying out loud! I don't give a damn if this season IS all but over, you still have to beat the cowboys. If we win this game, we could end this year off strong, which would carry over to next year. It does wonders for moral, and it eases the pain of having a subpar year. Our top priority every year should always be #1. Win the Super Bowl. #2. Go to the playoffs. And last but not least, beat the cowboys. Realistically 1 and 2 are out, so all we have is the cowboys game.

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Originally posted by boozeman3

Good lord.

Are you all going to take this crap seriously?

I HATE THE COWBOYS!!! Yes, we're serious. First, unlike most, I haven't given up on the Redskins making it to the playoffs, there's still air in the tanks, and until we're mathmatically eliminated, I'll still be thinking playoffs. The Redskins need to win this game for playoff hopes, and because Dallas beat us this season.

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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Originally posted by just skins baby

I hope the Skins have enough pride and testicular fortitude to smack Dallas around all evening long.

I hope the dallas qb freezes up and slips on the field and Lavar lays him out as he is going down.

I hope it is so cold that Jerry Jones plastic face cracks and breaks off like that helmet did last week in the pats-dolphins game.

I hope Parcells quits on this team, just like he did on every other team he coached for.

I hope we ruin dallas chance to get in the playoff.

I hope that we get that pansy moose johnson to call the game and I'm even hoping Baldinger will show up for the cowboys pregame circle jerk where they all pay homage to parcells with dion and irving as pivot man.

I hope Aikman gets sacked on the way into the stadium.

I'll think of some more later and come back.

Right on the money! I hate them so much. with every fiber of my being I hate the cowboys. If we went 14-2 and the two losses were to dallas I would always be burned no matter how far we went into the playoffs. I don't care. When they beat us...it somehow makes feel worse about life in general.

But when we win... SWEET NECTAR OF LIFE!

I want a commanding victory, not the slopfest of last year.. that was just weak.

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