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Press Release: #Redskin Quotes- Gruden


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September 24, 2018


Head Coach Jay Gruden




On the injuries:

"Trent Williams is having a minor bursa sac cleanup in his knee. He should be OK for the Saints game. Adrian Peterson has an ankle sprain. Josh Norman hamstring and Morgan Moses was put in the concussion protocol yesterday, and he'll be obviously going through the process."


On Williams' injury:

"This has been an issue for the last couple of weeks. We had this actually scheduled for this week, since it's a bye week. It's something he could play through but something he wants to get cleaned up because it's irritating him quite a bit."


On if RB Adrian Peterson’s injury is long term:

"No, I think he's going to be fine. I think this bye week is a good time for him, so he gets two weeks to recover."


On if he will miss the game against the New Orleans Saints:

"No. Not at this time. No."


On T Geron Christian Sr.’s progression:

"He's still continuing to progress. He's getting a lot of work in on scout team and doing some good things. Hopefully he will continue that role and we don't have to put him in the lineup. I think Morgan [Moses] will be fine, and Trent [Williams] will be fine, but if not, Geron will be ready to roll."


On not scoring a touchdown in the second half of a game this season:

"Well, fourth quarter I think we only had five plays, or third quarter. We took a knee there in the red zone, chose to kick a field goal. That was pretty conservative when we were up by 11 and we played good defense, I guess. We do have to try and do a better job of trying to get some points there in the second half."


On improvements to the run game following Week 2:

"Well we made plays offensively. We put 28 points on the board in the first half and started fast."


On the run game specifically:

"Well, we had more opportunities, had some good looks and Adrian made some quality runs. Anytime you get a couple … I think he had a couple 10-plus [yards] runs and one 40-yard run, those help a lot. But to see opportunities, and converting on third down like I mentioned before, was big. I think the line did a good job blocking and Adrian did a good job finding the holes."


On the identity of the team following Week 3:

"Well, I know we are talented. We are going to have to play extremely hard to win every week. Every team has their talent, but I feel good about where we are with skill. I think we are going to continue to be in a process each week of finding out what we like on offense, what we're good at, and we're starting to feel pretty good about the balance that we have. Defensively, we are starting to get the key pieces in there more, playing more playing time, getting guys out there. I think it's just – continue too gel. It's a process of getting guys to play together and communicate together."


On if the team will have an identity:

"I think that takes time. It's about consistency and production and the identity will come. Obviously, what we want our identity to be is a physical football team on both sides of the ball and a team that's mentally tough. We had some great flashes of that yesterday – them scoring a long-bomb touchdown to make it 21-10 and us coming right back to score on a two-minute drill to make it 28-10. In the second half, them scoring – we go three and out – and our defense is getting quality stops there to seal the deal. Some great situational work, some great signs of mental toughness and some great signs of hustle all across the board from our defensive line, linebackers, safeties, so it was an impressive performance."


On if he expects anything different from players during the early bye week:

"No, I think there is a mandatory amount of time that they have off, so they will take time off. The big thing is for the injured guys to make sure they get their treatment, and take care of their bodies, and come back with a fresh mind, focus ready to go, because it's going to be a 13-week grind for everybody. It's important for them to take a couple of days, relax, get away from it for a little while, but also take care of their bodies, come back refreshed and ready to go."


On the benefit of having some older veterans on offense:

"Veterans are key to I think all football teams in the type of guys they are, the veteran leadership they provide, the veteran ways they go about their business on a daily routine – the routines they display for the younger players showing why they have been in the league for so long and how they are still so productive. With the work habits they have, their eating habits, the sleep habits, all that rubs off on the younger players. It’s great to have them and then to watch them still produce at the high level that they do, it’s good for everybody."


On if there is any benefit of having the bye week early:

"It’s good for us now. Brandon (Scherff) needs the bye week, obviously Trent (Williams) needs the bye week, Morgan (Moses) needs the bye week. We’re a little bit beat up on the offensive line. Shawn Lavauo needs the bye week. Obviously, AP needs the bye week, so offensively it really came at a pretty good time. Defensively I think we probably could have used it a little bit later, but we’re in good shape right now on defense, but offensively it came at a good time."


On the appreciation he has for Trent Williams and his ability to play through injuries:

"Yeah, I have a great appreciation for Trent. He is the best in business, I have said it many, many times. It’s a great luxury to have that blindside protected as well as he can protect it, also in the running game as productive as he is. It’s not an easy task that he has. He’s a very smart player, very productive, very strong, very quick footed. He’s just an all-around great football player and it’s a great luxury to have like you say. When he’s healthy and even when he’s not healthy he’s the best in the business."


On the loss to the Indianapolis Colts changing the tone for Week 3:

"Yeah, that was big. It was big in a lot of ways – to show that we can bounce back after a tough loss. They’re all tough, whoever it’s against, but playing at home the way we played was disappointing for a lot of people – coaches, players, fans, everybody. This game was definitely necessary for hopefully our success in the future, for us to be able to bounce back from a tough loss like that."


On the evaluating and sustaining the combination of C Tony Bergstrom at center and C Chase Roullier at left guard:

"They did good. I think Tony did a good job and obviously Chase did some good things at guard. There are some things that we have to fix up, but I think that for the first time playing together, those two positions, I think was very good, very positive moving forward. When Shawn [Lauvao] gets back we will address it then, but right now, those two are etched in the lineup. We will see how Shawn is when we get back from the bye."


On the increased snaps for Daron Payne and Jonathan Allen:

"We wanted to get them going. The first couple games we had a rotation going and trying to get their feet wet together, especially Daron, but I think he showed that he can handle the reps and we want to get him out there. We didn’t draft him in the first round to sit by me. We wanted him to play as much as possible and I was impressed with the way that he and Jonathan played, not only at the start of the game, but at the end of the game. They were flying to the football. They were making plays downfield, in the pocket, in the running game. Those two guys together, the vision that we had when we drafted them getting Jonathan and Daron together came to fruition yesterday."


On if Payne and Allen will continue to play the majority of the game through the season.

"I hope so and we’re not down on anybody else, but I think those two guys are special guys and they need to be on the field. We have some other guys that can play without a doubt, but those two guys are first rounders and very talented, so the more they play the better they get. We’ll still work in a rotation from time to time, but for the most part, those two guys will be out there when they are healthy."


On using the bye week to evaluate the team:

"We have three good games, especially for self-scout that is a good time to get that done. But you’re right, we don’t have a lot of data on that, just three games maybe our third preseason game we will throw in there. But just make sure we’re aware of the tendencies that we have. Also start to get some work on New Orleans and Carolina because Carolina will be a short week, so maybe we get a little ahead on Carolina. We have a lot of work to do, make sure we keep in touch with our trainer and make sure that these guys are progressing like we think and getting ready for the game and address personnel if we need to. But really, it’s about trying to get ahead and study what other teams are doing and continue to add to our playbook."


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