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What the difference between our and Boys records


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Everyday we hear from different media outlet (including locals) how good the Cowboys are and how Skins suck. On the last Pete Prisco ranking for example the Cowboys ranked no. 8 (ahead of Miami, for example, which mercilessly spanked them on national TV) and Skins 24th. But when I looked at the games that we and Boys have played this season I was totally surprised how little separate us from the team that is "for real" and which lead by greatest coach Bill Parcells himself.

Here we go:

Atlanta. Boys lost 13-27. We won.

@N.Y. Giants. Boys won 35-32. Giants kicked out of bounds, Boys kicker kicked 52 yarders. Doesn’t happen very often. We played close Giants too and lost by field goal.

@N.Y. Jets. Boys won 17-6. We did too.

Arizona Boys. won 24-7. Must be nice to have Arizona on schedule.

Philadelphia. Boys won 23-21 Opening one-side kick by Eagles. McNabb 11-of-26 for 126.

@Detroit. Boys won 38-7. Must be nice to have Detroit on schedule.

@Tampa Bay. Boys lost 0-16. We did too.

Washington. Boys won 21-14. We lost at Dallas. We still might split this season.

Buffalo. Boys won 10-6. And we lost. No excuses.

@New England. Boys lost 0-12 but we won

Carolina. Boys won 24-20. If not for Steven Davis’ “touchdown” call – who knows.

Miami. Boys lost 21-40 we did too but we were in the game to the very end.

@Philadelphia. Boys lost 10-36 we did too and we still can split.

Now, question. How many starters Cowboys lost to the injuries this season. I didn’t check but my answer is 0. Maybe I missed someone, but we lost starting QB, RB , center, OLT, DT. That alone to make a difference in 2-3 close games.

So it looks like couple field goals, couples not-injuries and we might "for real"

So may be future is not so dark and hopeless for us after all! (And not so bright for Girls)

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That's a pretty good point. They do have Detroit and Arizona on the schedule.

I'd contend though, if we beat the Bears (who are not much better than those two teams in all honesty) we'll have gone 2-0 in our two games that differ from the Cowboys just like they did in their two games that differ from ours.

That being said, if they have a better record than ours in the common games, there's not a whole lot we can say. The difference is going to end up being Parcells winning division games and Spurrier not winning as many.

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I guess that's what I forgot to address in my reply.

This is an evolving comparison since the season is not over. If we win out and they lose out, then we'll have even division records and just have beaten different common opponents.

However, if they win our and we don't...then they'll have beaten more division opponents than we did.

So, generally I agree with you that a couple of bounces here and there separate us (5-8) from them (8-5).

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Well, as an organization sometimes I could see that argument. I would never want my team to do it, but I'm sure it has the occassional advantage. However, if you're a player, are you really going to dump a game so that the team can potentially draft someone better to replace you?

Not to mention, this team needs to win for Spurrier.

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Now, question. How many starters Cowboys lost to the injuries this season. I didn’t check but my answer is 0. Maybe I missed someone, but we lost starting QB, RB , center, OLT, DT. That alone to make a difference in 2-3 close games.

So it looks like couple field goals, couples not-injuries and we might "for real"

Uh....maybe I'm missing something, but let's put it like this:

1. Cowboys have a better record

2. Cowboys have a better record among common opponents

3. Cowboys beat the Redskins head to head

4. Cowboys are no longer consider an "elite" team this year and I think they are 3-4 in their last 7 games with back to back blowouts in their last 2 outings.

How many "ifs" does it take to rationalize this? 3 major "ifs" and you would be as good as a team that is imploding?

Maybe I don't get it.

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