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Off-season Thoughts


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With the off-season rapidly approaching I have begun my annual studies of upcoming free agents as well the approaching draft. Although I have not yet begun extensive research I have started to formulate several possible free-agent signings which could be beneficial to the team.

I believe that the biggest area of need that must be addressed this off-season is our defensive line. The lack of pass rush is almost laughable and our tackles are simply not good enough to give the linebackers time to make plays. Rumor has it that Armstead is going to be cut based on his age and upcoming salary (1.5 Million will be saved). With Bruce Smith retiring we also save a huge amount of money b/c he was going to count 6.5million dollars against the cap. It is also my belief that we will cut Larry more (saving 1.3million) and extend Lennie Friedmans contract. With the money saved by these moves we will be able to sign two premiere defensive players. It is my hope that we will also build through the draft.

The most notable free-agents that I felt would benefit the team the most are as follows:

DE Anthony Pleasant, DT Ted Washington, DE Jevon Kearse, DE Ebenezer Ekuban, DT Keith Traylor, DT Warren Sapp, DE Grant Wistrom, and DE Chidi Ahanotu.

Wistrom and Kearse intrigue me the most. Wistrom is a player we could get at a reasonable price and would provide us with some pass rush but is known more for his all-around steady play. "The Freak" is a monster pass rusher and has played pretty well this year. As far as tackle goes I think we are going to be forced to look to the draft, trading, or salary-cap casualties if we are going to find our guy...Some might ask why we wouldn't make a play at Warren Sapp. It is my belief that Sapp has already primed and that he is begining to play on the decline. I feel as though his play has always been talked about more b/c of his flamboyancy then anything else. He is helped tremendously by a great supporting cast and his teammate Anthony Mccfarland demands more double teams then he does. I know Snyder loves going after the big names but I implore him to stay away from Sapp.

On a side note, there are some other interesting players in free-agency I would love to see the Redskins go after.....

S Arturo Freeman, C Damien Woody, CB Chris McAlister, LB Ian Gold, CB Charles Woodson, RB Duce Staley, CB Bobby Taylor, CB Troy Vincent, OT Orlando Pace, WR Terrell Owens, LB Julian Peterson, CB Ahmed Plummer, WR Tai Streets, and WR Darrell Jackson.

Tai Streets would make a fantastic 2nd/3rd receiver and the same goes for Darrell Jackson. Ahmed Plummer could be a GREAT nickel back if we could get him at a somewhat friendly price. He could also push Smoot for the second cb spot (Assuming we re-sign Bailey). I think Julian Peterson is also an interesting prospect. Although he would demand a huge amount of money and wants to stay in San Francisco, if both Trotter and Armstead are cut he could vill the void.

I also think it is important to note some restricted free agents which could help the skins.

RB Kevan Barlow, WR Steve Smith, RB Correll Buckhalter, CB Will Peterson, WR Justin McCareins, RB Rudi Johnson, DE Adewale Ogunleye.

Alright, this is what I have for now. Let me know what you guys think and I will update closer to draft day.

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Tai Streets would make a fantastic 2nd/3rd receiver and the same goes for Darrell Jackson."

I think we can do without Darrell Jackson's bad habit of dropping passes. We are well stocked at receiver. This is the last area we need to address.

"Rumor has it that Armstead is going to be cut based on his age and upcoming salary (1.5 Million will be saved)."

In my mind, a huge mistake on our part if we let Jesse Armstead go. I think the guy is a major bargain at 1.5 Million, considering that he has arguably been our most consistent defensive player all year.

I'm kinda intrigued by the whole Duce Staley thing. Especially considering the fact that he's a good blocker and nice pass cather. Provided he comes at the right price, I think he could really help this club. Its clear that he needs change of scenery.

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I am in agreement with you on just about everything you said. I do believe Armstead has played well and has been the most consistent linebacker since last year. But he is getting up there in age and has lost a step. I would argue that he should be kept around another season though.

Duce could be a nice pick up if he was signed at a salary cap friendly place. As a starter Duce has been incredibly injury prone and has only lasted an entire season once. I think if we could get Kevin Barlow from the 49'ers (restricted free agent) for a second or third round pick then it would be worth while.

Trung Candidate was a good pick up for a fourth rounder but he is not the answer at running back. Ladell Betts can still be the guy I believe but he has to stay healthy and play more consisently. Running back is something that needs to be addressed this offseason b/c if defensives were to respect the run then it could really open up the passing game.

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Alot of us tend to think that Betts can be the guy. My question is this: Is the guy ever gonna get a chance to play, or are we gonna go into next season still having this same question of whether he's our guy or not? I think we are gonna have to go after a RB in the offseason because Canidate to me is nothing more than a change of pace runner. Even if Betts plays and plays well over the next three weeks, I don't think it'll give us enough security that he's our solution at the position. He's a big question mark in my mind right now.

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Trung is not our guy. Betts is somebody I feel can contribute to the team in a variety of ways. He can be a change of pace back, he can catch well out of the back field, his blocking is improving, and he still has a chance at being the starting back...

But he is regarded by scouts as an average back who wont be a stub but will contribute to the team.

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First, I'd add D. Russell to the mix at free agents. Just because he (and others) are skins this season, doesn't mean the skins can or will automatically be able to sign him.

I think IF we can resign russell, we have three of the four DT's needed for a rotation. Dalton has been decent in rotation; Holsey and Haley have made some plays on occasion as well. Bring them back to compete with Russell and Dalton and one more pick-up, whether it be high draft pick or good free agent.

DE, on the other hand is a disaster. That is the biggest weakness. B. smith will be gone. Hallaluyah. Wynn is steady but he's never going to provide a pass rush (unless he's teamed up with monster DL mates). Upshaw is Mr. Penalty and depth quality. Zellner is depth quality. There is no one else.

We need TWO DE's somewhere. Free agency or draft. I'd like to see at least one by draft. the other could be free agency but they have to be picky.

Winstrom seems to be the same player as Wynn. Good solid overall, but not great at pass rushing. Kearse means not resigning Champ. Again it would send the message of payng HUGE for someone else's free agent, but NOT paying for your own.

Kearse is in the same boat as champ; he wants a ton of money. The De from Miami is intriguing, but he's restricted and Miami WILL tag him with the contract offer requiring a 1 and a 3 as compensation.

Just say no to Sapp. Unless it's a 2 or 3 year deal at a decent price. which would be an affront to Mr. Ego. The ultimate horror would be signing both Sapp AND MeShawn. But I think maybe snyder learned a bit about overage free agents with slipping skills last time.

(Of course, if he didsign them, then we could always bring back Jeff George and peeon deion, and give Smith just one more year. .... :puke: )

Armstead at 1.5 million is a keeper in my mind. He's not Mr. spectacular. But he does provide a steady quality vet influence. Of course that depends on if Pierce, Lemar Marshall and the others can beat him out. If he gets beat out, then fine save the money.

You can save the cap space from B. Smith, Moore, reworking Samuels and lavar (they MUST be either reworked or issued a new deal given they both have outrageous cap killer figures next year). Just reworking Samuels and Lavar alone coud save millions, depending on how you do it. enough maybe for a couple of players. But eventually the reworking catches up with you and you have to pay the piper.

After last year, don't count on getting any high quality restricted free agents. they will most likely be tendered the contract that requires a 1 and a 3 as compensation. Now someone like a bowen last year (or this year a McCants or Pierce) could be possible. McCants would cost a 5th, unless tendered a deal requiring a 1st. And Pierce was undrafted so unless his tender is for the 1st compensation amount, I could see them being lost. Do you think the skins will tender them contracts worthy of a 1st in compensation? Are they worth it? McCants maybe, but doubtful at this point of his career.

edited: McCants costs a 5th, not a 4th. He was the 4th pick in the 5ht round. So it's even more likely someone will like him.

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Firstly I have to dis-agree somewhat with you about the d-lineman. If we re-sign D-Russ at a modest price and he works to get in shape then I think you have a point. But otherwise a stud d-tackle might be necessary. It also depends on what shape Brandon Noble will be in. If he is 100% he will be a serviceable starter. If Noble can play at full strength and D-Russ puts forth effort to get in shape then I agree that our situation at D-tackle will be alright.

As far as end is concerned with B.Smith leaving, cutting Armstead and Larry Moore (if that happens), and the re-structuring of Arrington/Samuels then that should free up enough space to re-sign Bailey and also sign ONE premiere free agent. I think there would be a chance of signing Kerse but your right, it is unlikely. Wistrom has recorded a ton more sacks then Wynn but if he isnt going to be playing with another sack specialist he is similar to Wynn.

I think both McCants and Pierce are good ball players. McCants has turned out to be a reliable and productive 3rd WR and I hope we can extend his contract before we have to worry about giving them tender offers. If Armstead stays then Pierce will probably be gone but if he goes then Pierce will definitely be kept. Hopefully we will be able to re-sign both of them.

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Firstly I have to dis-agree somewhat with you about the d-lineman. If we re-sign D-Russ at a modest price and he works to get in shape then I think you have a point. But otherwise a stud d-tackle might be necessary.

A stud DT will still be necessary, even with Russell. Without Russell, we need two DT's. Russell, Dalton are probably the two keepers of the bunch. Holsey and Haley fights for the third spot. Then Draft one high, or get a good free agent without breaking the bank. (A free agent one likely will not be a stud DT.)

I totally forgot about Noble. But I won't count on him until I see him on the field again.

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So do I. DE is the highest priority. I said we need 2 DE's. We could only need 1 DT if Russell gets signed.

We need TWO DE's somewhere. Free agency or draft. I'd like to see at least one by draft. the other could be free agency but they have to be picky.
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Julian Peterson is going to ask for a ton of money so I highly doubt we will get a chance to go after him. I dont think safety is as high as a priority as it was last year. Iffy and Bowen have played pretty solid and I dont feel that the Redskins would use a first rounder. Running back will be tough as well b/c there are very few top tier backs worthy of a first rounder. None that we could possibly get anyway. I think that our best bet would be to draft a d-lineman.

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