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We need a NCAA Playoff System


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The BCS is a joke. Like the movie Terminator, man has allowed a machine to make chooses for him, and that chose is a desaster if you ask me. When will we learn? I do not understand why the NCAA Football does not have a playoff system. I think a playoff system should go like this: 1 vs. 4 in the Rose bowl, and 2 vs. 3 in the Orange bowl. Then the winner from both games plays each other in the Sugar bowl for the national champoinship. I think the NCAA would benefit from a playoff system, because there will be a bigger fan base. The bowl games are decided on how many fans follow the team. If there was a playoff system then they wouldn't have to worry about fan base becuse the whole country woud watch the playoffs.

:gaintsuck :eaglesuck :dallasuck :moon:

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