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Spurrier is a poor man's Norv

Larry Brown #43

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I hate to say it, but I now believe it to be true. Spurrier is a clone of Norv. Spurrier has taken the things that infuriated us week in and week out about Norv to a whole new level.

If something has been working well all day long, you can bet Spurrier will completely abandon it in the fourth quarter. Like our running game today. Hey, if the Saints can't stop it, why not stop it for them?

And how about that cute little timing pattern on 3rd and 2 from Hasselbeck to Coles that fell incomplete? Those have never worked for us...but Norv used to love to call 'em on 3rd and 2, or 4th and 1.

Another similarity to Norv...in the 4th quarter of a close game, Spurrier forgets that you don't have to get every first down all on one play. The neat thing is, if you pick up 5 yards on first down, you only have to pick up 5 more to move the chains. We had plenty of time left on that last drive, yet we try to shoot the moon every play. That's low-percentage and stupid.

I say Spurrier is a POOR MAN's Norv because at least with Norv, we'd win a close game once in a while.

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I think you're dead wrong.

I think spurrier has won a few close games.

Norv was guilty of the pass on third down short of the marker far more than spurrier's teams have ever been.

Norv's teams consistantly crushed opponents on every stat except the score. Spurrier hasn't.

Norv lost to terrible teams and beat great ones. Spurrier beats terrible teams and loses to better ones.

Norv had seven years, spurrier has had one and a half.

Norv was cowboy.

I'll take spurrier.


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Originally posted by Larry Brown #43

Another similarity to Norv...in the 4th quarter of a close game, Spurrier forgets that you don't have to get every first down all on one play. The neat thing is, if you pick up 5 yards on first down, you only have to pick up 5 more to move the chains. We had plenty of time left on that last drive, yet we try to shoot the moon every play. That's low-percentage and stupid.

I totally agree, except for that SOS had been doing that for most of the game, not just the fourth quarter, until recently. Now that his been "nfl-ized" he's not as bad, except for the end of close games where he panics and goes back to his comfort zone of chuckin' it deep.

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Originally posted by DrunkenBoxer

Quick question:

Who doesn't abandon the run in that situation? Even john fox puts the ball into the hands of delhomme to end games, and he's as conservative as they come. So maybe there's something you're missing.



You almost sound as though you're happy with our results of late. While Fox might give Delhomme more latitude in these situations, I think we're not necessarily comparing apples to apples. Look at the Carolina game against us. What was the play that broke our back? The little dump-off to Stephen Davis. We don't do that...we just air it out and try to shoot the moon. It's one-dimensional and ineffective.

Fox mixes the run with the pass, even late in games, as long as there is enough time left on the clock to do so. I'm not against throwing the ball...I'm just saying that shorter, higher-percentage passes to help move the chains would be better. This is going to sound like common sense, but if you can keep the defense honest with short patterns and running plays, you have a better chance at hitting the deeper ones when you try them.

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