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Skins.com:Disappointed Spurrier Seeks Higher Standard


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Disappointed Spurrier Seeks Higher Standard


By Gary Fitzgerald


With the Redskins at 4-7 and nearing playoff elimination, head coach Steve Spurrier cast a critical eye toward himself during his weekly day-after press conference on Monday afternoon.

“I apologize to the Redskin fans out there,” Spurrier said on Monday. “Our team has not achieved what we thought we were capable of this year. If anybody deserves most of the blame, it should be me. I’m the head coach. My record is 4-7.

"Playoffs are very unrealistic right now, but we’re going to play out our season with our best players and try to win every game we play.”

The Redskins are coming off a disappointing loss at the hands of the Miami Dolphins, who scored two touchdowns in the fourth quarter to win the nationally televised Sunday night game, 24-23. It was the second week in a row that the Redskins lost a lead in the fourth quarter.

The Redskins started out the season 3-1 and employed an offense and defense that seemed to be jelling on all cylinders. At one point, the offense was ranked first in the NFL and the defense was ranked in the top 10.

Entering Sunday’s game against Miami, the offense was ranked 22nd and the defense was ranked 26th. Since the 3-1 start, the Redskins have lost six of seven games. They are in last place in the NFC East.

Spurrier said the Redskins have faltered because the team is not always “assignment-conscious.”

“We’re not an assignment team as well as we need to be to win close games,” he said. “It’s one or two players here or there. We have made too many errors to be a winning team. Most of the time, we’re pretty good, but in crucial situations, we’re not fundamentally sound. As head coach, I have not got our players to be as assignment-conscious as well as we should be.”

It's clear that, when emphasized, Redskin players can improve on the fundamentals and discipline. Earlier this year, Washington was the NFL's most penalized team. But in the last three games, the Redskins have been assessed just nine penalties.

For Spurrier, reducing penalties has been an emphasis the last two months. Referees have attended almost every practice since Week 5.

In post-game interviews following the Miami game, players agreed that focusing on disciplined play is the best way for the team to get back on track.

Said Laveranues Coles: “Guys have to look at themselves and ask, ‘Am I giving my all? Am I doing what I am supposed to do? Am I playing my assignment?’ Coaches have to coach and players have to play. If you are doing your assignment to the best of your ability, then you can look at yourself in the mirror in the morning.”

The Redskins are not eliminated from playoff contention but would need a miracle to get in the postseason. If the season ended today, Seattle would have the final Wild Card slot with a 7-4 record. The Redskins, who beat the Seattle two weeks ago by a score of 27-20, are three games behind the Seahawks in the race for the final Wild Card—with five games to play.

During his day-after press conference, Spurrier also praised his assistant coaches, saying they are “an excellent group.”

“I can assure you they put in as much time and effort trying to put our players in position to make plays as well as any staff in the NFL,” Spurrier said. “But it seems like we’ve struggled to put players in position as far as getting to them carry out their assignments.”

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