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Martyball mixed with Norvitus?

Thinking Skins

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I remember when SS first signed everyone was talking about how he'd be a mixture of Marty and Norv's best qualities. Well after a year and a half, we've been exposed to a lot of highlights, but very little of the things that both Marty and Norv relied on, which was running the football.

Now we've got this guy Hue Jackson calling the plays and I see it as the best possible situation for our team. We're not in a position where we're the Rams of 2000 or anything. We need to run the ball. Of corse Marty knew that and did nothing but run the ball. But I think that the running backs coach from those Marty Skins is just what we need calling the plays on offense. He'll throw in a lot of run plays to tire the defense out, then SS will go crazy standing next to him and force him to pass it every once in a while and thats where we're gonna have the fun-n-gun come in to play.

I see GREAT things in our future!!!

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