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The Trouble Shooting Flow I'm Sure We Would All Like To Use


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Anyone who has done tech support or helpdesk trouble shooting should like this one!:laugh:

1. Describe your problem:

> ______________________________________________________________________

> 2. Now, describe your problem accurately:

> _______________________________________________________

> 3. Speculate wildly about the cause of the

> problem: __________________________________________________

> 4. Problem Severity:

> a. minor

> b. minor

> c. minor

> d. trivial

> 5. Nature of the problem:

> a. cannot make call

> b. cannot recieve call

> c. cannot hear call

> d. beats me

> 6. Is your handset charged? yes ____ no

> ____

> 7. Is it turned on? Yes ____ No_______

> 8. Have you tried to fix it yourself? Yes

> _____ No ______

> 9. Have you made it worse? Yes __________

> No ___

> 10. Have you read the manual? Yes _____ No

> ______

> 11. Are you sure you've read the manual? Yes

> ____ No _____

> 12. Are you absolutely certain you've read the

> manual? Yes ______ No _____

> 13. Do you think you understood it? Yes

> _______ No ________

> 14. If "yes" then why can't you fix the problem

> yourself? ___________________________________________

> 15. How tall are you? Are you above this line?

> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

> ---------

> 16. What were you doing with the handset at the

> time the problem occured? ___________________________________

> 17. if 'nothing' explain why you were using the

> handset. _______________________________________________

> 18. Are you sure you aren't imagining the

> problem? Yes _______ No _________

> 19. how does this problem make you feel?

> _______________________________________________________________

> 20. Tell me about your childhood.

> ______________________________________________________________________

> 21. Do you have any independent whinesses of the

> problem? Yes _______ No _________

> 22. Can't you do something else, instead of

> bothering me? Yes ________ No __________

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I work fixing computers. When people bring their systems in, they're asked to fill out a service-request form. One blank on the form is "Describe Problem".

Many people seem to think this blank means "Describe which part you (or your friend, who knows everything about computers, because he works at the University {But who can't, of course, fix the problem}) think is causing the problem. "

I've long joked that we need to redesign the form to read "When I do _____________, it does _______________."

(One reason I've said we need this version is the large number of service requests where the description begins "Sometimes . . . ")

(I've also designed a second version. Our minimum charge is $36, for a half hour, and $56 per hour for longer times. My second version is:

When I do _____, it did _____ $36

So then I did _____, and it did _____ $56.

And then I did _____, and it did _____ $112.

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Originally posted by Larry

(I've also designed a second version. Our minimum charge is $36, for a half hour, and $56 per hour for longer times. My second version is:

When I do _____, it did _____ $36

So then I did _____, and it did _____ $56.

And then I did _____, and it did _____ $112.


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