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Jessie Armstead....

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Ok, I've seen some posts wanting to know what I think about this. Well, I love Jessie Armstead. I am surprised that the Redskins signed him but I'm glad he caught on with another team so fast. <br /><br />As far as his ability to still play goes, he can. Plain and simple. Sure, he isn't as fast as he used to be. No one is after being in the league for nine years. He is 31 and is slowing down. He also has become more injury prone the last couple of years. But, if he stays healthy, he can give the Redskins a good year or two. I don't know if he has three good years left in him but definitely one or two. And with the small signing bonus, one or two is all you need. I'm not to sure if there was a younger and cheaper alternative but you guys got yourself a five time pro bowl LB'er. I will miss Armstead aside from the two games I do get to see him each year now but I think the Giants did a wise thing. Why? Read 0n.<br /><br />As far as the Giants having problems as I saw one poster say, very wrong. What the Giants are doing is going the young route. They will probably have growing pains for a year or two but they are getting very young. And they are going to have a lot of cap space after this coming season and even more the year after. The future looks good for the Giants. As far as winning now? Not likely but who knows in this day and age of the NFL. In any event, Armstead is a great short term answer for you guys. Especially if there is someone in the organization that can be groomed to take his spot. And who better to learn from?<br /><br />By the way, I have a Jessie Armstead jersey for sale. It is a Giants jersey but I'm sure you can paint in Redskin colors. Let me know if anyone is interested.

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Thanks Tom. Visited a giants board yesterday and for the most part, the fanss there were none to happy about losing Armstead....especially to the Giants. Let's see. Red. A a little blue... alittle more blue. get back to you on that jersey painting thing. <img border="0" alt="[laugh]" title="" src="graemlins/laugh.gif" />

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Young with cap space does not equal good and on the rise. <br /><br />Just wanted to point that out. Hey, if it was a guarantee, everyone would be doing it... <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> <br /><br />As for Armstead, nice insurance in case we can't land Barber. That is all he is supposed to be, and he more than fills that role for us this year.

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You are right Mike, young doesn't guarantee anything. What it does is, allow the Giants to try to build towards the future. The Giants had a lot of cap space this year and coming years tied up in guys that will be in their thirties. I think this is the way to go for the Giants. Brown and Parker had to go and they have to find replacements. In this day and age in football, who knows what formula is a winning one? You know the term, "Any given Sunday"? I think it can be changed to, "Any given year." And that can apply to any team.

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Hmm, maybe the Giants will sign Barber. After all, their last memory of him is watching him snatch an interception and go 70 yards with it for the TD. Plus, they'd be two-thirds of the way to the all-Barber team <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> ...

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Tom-<br /><br />Agreed. At the least, building towards the future gives you a chance. It's nice to see that your team is realizing that and making the moves now. <br /><br />Hope they don't work out for you, at least, not quite as good as the Skins moves work out... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="wink.gif" />

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