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As frustrated as the offense is making me, I BLAME the D.


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I am sorry but I am not yet ready to stop cutting the offense some slack in their average performance so far. We have been over all the points before, new system, new players, lot of audibles, yah yah whatever, it is frustrating, but it is a necessary part of the learning process. The Colts offense wasn't built in two years..........

Now the Defense, I am sorry but the Skins D is just dissapointing on so many levels and at every faucet of the game. The D-line, well they have been consistently bad all year long as far as pass rushing is concerned. However the secondary has just been pathetic overall. They never seem to make an UNEXPECTED big play ever. Sure if the QB throws the ball right to them they will get an INT, but you never see that smart read, or that extra effort that leads to a turnover. Our coverage on 3rd down sucks horribly. On 3rd & 15, how are you not all over the ONE RECIEVER that actually runs beyond the first down marker. Why are so many recievers catching the ball with 10 yards of space to run upfield? If you ask me, the Defense has been a much bigger dissapointment than the offense.

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The D-line, well they have been consistently bad all year long as far as pass rushing is concerned.

Is this really a surprise to anyone??? When you consistantly ignore this in April every year, this is the type of performance you're gonna get.

If we had any kind of pass rush, then I think you would see some more plays from the secondary. It's common sense.

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