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Conterfeit Tickets - Any Recourse?


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My fellow skins fans - Last week I (mistakingly) purchased 2 SRO tickets from someone on Craigslist. I'm nearly positive the person I purchased them from is the season ticket holder. I was able to acquire 2 lower level tickets later in the week and re-sold the 2 upper SRO's to another person on craigslist. I actually lost $30 in the middle of the transaction. The guy I sold them to was apparently denied entry to the game. He went to the box office and they apparently could not do anything for him...so the guy I sold them to says he was not able to get into the game and is out of the money he paid me for the tickets. I've contacted the Redskins, they are supposed to be getting back to me, but they did confirm that the tickets were used for the game. My question is, has anyone else encountered a similar situation...and do you have any recommendations for me? I'm trying to help the guy I sold them to recoup his money.

Also, lesson learned...do NOT buy on craigslist. I have met some credible season ticket holders from craigslist in the past, but this proves that it is not worth the risk.

Thanks and Hail.

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they were hard tickets, which makes it even more strange.

The STH could have sold the hard copy and have the tickets reissued to use get it themself in...or sell the reissue. Kinda of sucks but if I were u, I would dothe right thing and refund your buyer. Also contact the person u bought them from and get ur money back from them.

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A couple of things...the guy I sold them to went to the police initially. The cop then contacted the phone # on records to the guys season ticket account and spoke to his brother. His brother informed us that he had a failed ebay transaction and the tickets were sent back to him. The reason for this was because he did NOT advertise them as SRO's. He did not advertise his tix as SRO's on CL either...I still ended up taking them unfortunately. I spoke to the skins and they did say the tickets were used. It's an unfortunate situation and I feel bad, but I also don't feel like coming out of pocket for 400 bucks unless I get my money back. The guy I bought them from on CL said he spoke to the Redskins and "wishes someone would have contacted him Sunday night" to rectify the situation. I didn't find out about this until Monday. Who knows what actually happened, my inclination is the season ticket holder is shady.

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If the tickets were used, it seems to me like there were two possible scenarios: your buyer used the tickets and is now trying to pull a fast one on you (unlikely, but it could happen), or another version of the tickets (email, barcode copies of the original hard copy tickets, etc.) was used by someone else. Most likely the latter happened, and if so that is the resonsibility of the original seller.

I would talk to the Skins Ticket Office and find out exactly what tickets were used (were email tickets generated?). They should be able to tell you this because the barcode changes each time new tickets are generated) and go back to the seller and demand your money back. If you paid via PayPal, you should be able to file a greivance with PayPal and your credit card.

If nothing comes out of it, you need to split the loss with your buyer (refund $200 or whatever), because you sold him bad tickets. You both got screwed, but it's not fair for only him to assume 100% of the loss. I'd be furious if I went through the trouble of going to the game and dealing with traffic and parking and then not getting in despite paying $400 for tickets.

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If the tickets were used, it seems to me like there were two possible scenarios: your buyer used the tickets and is now trying to pull a fast one on you (unlikely, but it could happen), or another version of the tickets (email, barcode copies of the original hard copy tickets, etc.) was used by someone else. Most likely the latter happened, and if so that is the resonsibility of the original seller.

I would talk to the Skins Ticket Office and find out exactly what tickets were used (were email tickets generated?). They should be able to tell you this because the barcode changes each time new tickets are generated) and go back to the seller and demand your money back. If you paid via PayPal, you should be able to file a greivance with PayPal and your credit card.

If nothing comes out of it, you need to split the loss with your buyer (refund $200 or whatever), because you sold him bad tickets. You both got screwed, but it's not fair for only him to assume 100% of the loss. I'd be furious if I went through the trouble of going to the game and dealing with traffic and parking and then not getting in despite paying $400 for tickets.

I think you need to try to do some more research to try to make sure the buyer did not attend. There is no guarantee that what he said was true. If the original seller is the problem I would at a minimum do some research using ebay etc and make sure no one is taken in the future.

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Thanks to everyone. I am a die-hard skins fan and try to get to as many games as I can. I definitely will only buy from people I know, stubhub or ticket exchange from now on. I honestly want to make this right, but I also do not feel it is my responsibility that the tickets were no good. I was the middle man here. I realize there will be a difference of opinion and the right thing to do may be giving him his money back. I'm not going to take any action until I speak to the Redskins and find out much more information. I truly appreciate everyone's insight. Hail!

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