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ESPN: Source: Seven Schools Agree To Leave Big East


Over or Under 3 sacks for the 'Skins D?  

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  1. 1. Over or Under 3 sacks for the 'Skins D?

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lol, you've essentially wrote what I wrote.

Your use of two phrases, "if Maryland has to pay the exit fee" and "if they don't," made it sound binary: they pay $50M or they pay nothing. So I noted the range of possibilities in the middle of those two unlikely extremes, and then ruminated on the SEC a bit.

I agree about Florida and Georgia, though it all comes down to a vote at the end of the day.

Otherwise, yes, we are indeed discussing the same topic. :D

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I don't see Creighton going before VCU or U of R. The traveling will be the issue. Otherwise they would be going Gonzaga and St Marys relentlessly. Big East 7 were upset at random schools just being inviting and not basically having any say in the conference. Basketball built that conference and then the basketball charter members lost all their say. I think it's gonna be Xavier, Butler, VCU, and possibly Dayton. U of R may be a private in Richmond but as far as overall appeal and media attention that's all VCU. Mainly because VCU never loses to U of R and ever since the Final Four VCU has dominated the media in Richmond. Plus with Shaka's contract and the new state of the art basketball facility being built we've shown our strong commitment to basketball

Being from Richmond, I love VCU and what they have done the last few years. HUGE fan of Shaka. But . . . I just don't see how VCU fits into a new league personally.

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