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To the Mafia history afficionados

The Full Monty

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Hope all's well.

I'm writing a short story that mentions characters associated with the Masseria/Maranzano Mob War of the late 1920's that eventually led to a Maranzano victory, who himself was later killed by Luciano, Mansky, and their allies...

Anyways, since my story isn't necessarily a mafia or gangster story, but rather involves characters who encounter them, I'm curious about whether the use of the term "soldier" as applying to gunmen/hitmen would've been okay to use as early as 1928, which is when I'd like my story to take place.

I understand from my own recollection of my mafia books back in high school, and from reading Maranzano's wiki page, that he made an emphasis on using the military structure of the old Roman Empire, with capos overseeing soldiers, underbosses overseeing capos, and bosses overseeing all them.

But this structure was not formalized or widespread until after the end of the war with Masseria in 1931 or so. However, if my characters mostly encounter and at times socialize with members of Maranzano and Luciano's crews, would it be logical to assume he had already implemented these title-functions at the start of the war in 1928?

Any help would be most appreciated.

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2. If you use "soldier" include a brief explanation as to why and you will be OK I think.

If you follow this you should be good to go.

Btw, I'm reading a book right now called "Havana Nocturne" by TJ English that I highly recommend to anyone interested in Mafia history. It's about Luciano and Lansky pursuing Havana as a place to build up their empire with casinos/booze joints/stripclubs/horsetracks etc. and how Castro's revolution put a damper on their plans. I'm about halfway through it now and it's very interesting. Lots of stories too about guys like Sinatra, JFK, etc. and their ties to the mob.

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