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TSG Publicly Identifies Bridge Bomb Plot "Snitch" ... but why???


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Unmasked: Meet The FBI's Bridge Bomb Plot Snitch

I'm kind of shocked that this got published. I would have assumed that it's a crime to "out" a confidential FBI informant, and that their testimony in court would be sealed, or other steps would be taken to protect their identity. But I guess I don't know. I just can't remember ever seeing anything like this for any of the other plots that have been infiltrated and stopped by the FBI.

I don't understand the point of this article. Okay, he's a skeezy guy. Don't the TSG folks watch tv? I assume all confidential informants are a bit shady. It would be pretty tough to pull of something like that if you weren't. You have to have some level of street cred and knowledge to be convincing and effective, I would think.

So what's the point of publishing personal details about him? Are they trying to get him hurt or killed?

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