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Best uses of Betts, Canidate and Morton

Atlanta Skins Fan

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Can't agree with your assessment of Morton in the offense. His touches have been so limited, to brand him a failure in the offense is way premature ASF. The touches he has gotten, IMO, have proved that he is a viable weapon and, while he'll never be mistaken for a great blocker, he can do things in the open field that Betts and Canidate cannot.

I for one think Morton should see more action as he brings such a wrinkle to the offense. Didn't you notice how effective the Skins moved the ball when he was in during the second half? I would like to see Morton get some touches early in the game rather than waiting till the third quarter to use him.

BUT, this may not be the week to use him extensively b/c of all the blitzing the Pats do. I would expect that Betts gets the most PT this week.

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The problem I'm seeing with all this analysis is, well, it's unneccessary and not really that interesting.

Some of you are mired in traditional thinking. There seems to be an urge to identify and name a "feature" back. However, I don't neccessarily think Spurrier has any desire or need to do so.

The best analogy I can think of is that Spurrier's offense, if it is working the way he would like, is like a basketball team that utilizes a full-court press the entire game. And teams that do that need to rotate players--a lot.

You heard him talk about receivers getting tired last Sunday. Spurrier wants players running full speed, from beginning to end.

I have no problem with the current rotation, or even the use of Morton. ASF, you're analysis was interesting, but not definitive. It's been only three games. Plus, when you make silly comments--like Morton's lack of height causing a batted pass--you lose a little credibility. (I distinctly remember that play, and that's a ridiculous assement. Ramsey could have been throwing to 6'3" Darnarian McCants, and it would still have been swatted by Strahan.)

Anyway, Spurrier's preference is to have a whole stable of running backs and receivers, and use them all. He doesn't care about individual stats. He cares about pressing defenses for an entire game, and he believes you can better do that by rotating players and keeping them fresh. Plus, speedwagon20 latched on to a point few others have seemed to grasp, yet. It's harder to prepare for 3 running backs than it is for one, or two.

Maybe, ultimately, it might be more effective to give one player most of the touches. Maybe not. But it's silly to think that three games is enough to make a fair assessment. It took Joe Gibbs 2 years to figure out how to best use Earnest Byner and Gerald Riggs. And those roles never completely shook out until the arrival of Ricky Ervings.

So I say keep using everyone. Just when defenses think they've figured out the tendencies of four running backs (including Rock Cartwright), Spurrier will spring something new on them. But as of yet, I don't think the tendencies of any of the running backs have been established. Again, 3 games just isn't enough.

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I agree w/ much of what's been said (w/ the slight caveat that I don't think the Betts/Canidate 1st vs. 2nd down stats are meaningful, mostly b/c of small sample size, but more specifically b/c Canidate seems to strike out or hit home runs, making a small sample even more likely to be randomly skewed).

One twist, though, in figuring out why Spurrier is using Morton the wah he is: Very early in the Morton era, the word was that there had been some kind of promise about playing time as RB (and, similarly, that Fiore would play G rather than C). My strong sense, from what coaches and Morton (and Fiore) have said since the season started, is that there weren't promises in the form of guarantees -- more like, these are our current plans and hopes. E.g., I think I remember Morton quoted as saying something like, "In New York, I never even got a chance to compete, they wouldn't even try me out as running back in practice much at all. Here, I have an opportunity."

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Originally posted by Yusuf06

Perhaps the FNG is not an offense that is designed to go to the dump off pass much OR Ramsey just hasn't made that a significant part of his game to date.

I wonder which one it is. Because our RBs are usually WIDE OPEN. Are they being used as some what of a diversion, or does Ramsey just like passing it to WRs?

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SOS's level of importance for RB's: 1st half

1. Block to protect the QB, the pass is king!

2. Run the ball on the delay because the holes will open to hold off the D dogs. The pass to set up the run.

3. Act as a safety valve receiver straight ahead of the QB 4-5 yards passed the line of scrimmage.

2nd half

When the game is in hand, RB will run at a higher percentage will make the run/pass ration close to 50%.

If in the hole, well you already know that from the last 2 weeks.


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