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Big Shout Out to Cam Newton


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Awesome story, but I have a funny story to go along with it, don't get offended I know she is 16, and your daughter, but I was watching the game when he scored. Obviously television showed Cam giving your daughter the ball class act move on his part, and we all know she was wearing the Mrs Newton shirt but the camera man panned over to show the equipment managers face (confused and distraught) and I said to the guy next to me "look at this guy he's just mad cause that's actually his wife that Cam is giving the ball too, and he's embarrassed can't believe she would wear a shirt like that"... not that funny probably one of those you had to be there things, but it was funny.. Good Stuff


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As a die hard Panther fan, this is an amazing story for me. Because of how generous Newton is with his fans, and how understanding the girl was that returned it. Sadly, most people wouldn't have given the ball back, they would have just saw dollar signs as they listed it on eBay.

Whether it be of a player or a team, it's really refreshing to see true fans out there.

I hope the Panthers do right by you guys , man. With whatever they're sending.

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Just an update......

Good Morning!

I just wanted to give you guys an update......

Yesterday when Katie got home from School, there was a box for the Panthers. Inside the box was an Authentic Autographed Newton Jersery, and 3 other shirts. (2 Golf style and 1 Tee shirt) and a hand written Thank You letter from Jackie Miles. She was excited about the Jersery...to say the least

Not sure if this was the "care package" or not but anyway, I wanted to give you guys an update! Ill keep you posted if anything else follows.

Also be sure to listen to 99.3FM/1110AM to the Keith Larsen Show at 9:30, she will be on air in a phone interview. It can also be heard on www.wbt.com

Ill be leaving soon to go get her from School.

DJ Brown

Thanks to you all for your support and kind words!

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Yesterday when Katie got home from School, there was a box for the Panthers. Inside the box was an Authentic Autographed Newton Jersery, and 3 other shirts. (2 Golf style and 1 Tee shirt) and a hand written Thank You letter from Jackie Miles. She was excited about the Jersery...to say the least

Too awesome, man! I wonder if this is in store for her, too ...
"I'm wondering if Cam can take me to my prom?" she said.



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Just an update......

Good Morning!

I just wanted to give you guys an update......

Yesterday when Katie got home from School, there was a box for the Panthers. Inside the box was an Authentic Autographed Newton Jersery, and 3 other shirts. (2 Golf style and 1 Tee shirt) and a hand written Thank You letter from Jackie Miles. She was excited about the Jersery...to say the least

Not sure if this was the "care package" or not but anyway, I wanted to give you guys an update! Ill keep you posted if anything else follows.

Also be sure to listen to 99.3FM/1110AM to the Keith Larsen Show at 9:30, she will be on air in a phone interview. It can also be heard on www.wbt.com

Ill be leaving soon to go get her from School.

DJ Brown

Thanks to you all for your support and kind words!

That's great. Was hoping they'd send her an autographed Newton Jersey!

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Below is a link to an interview as shown locally here in the Tampa area. It was done by ABC Action News Channel 11 on their news cast.



---------- Post added December-8th-2011 at 08:59 AM ----------

I also want to take a second and thank everyone here on this board. I know this isnt a Carolina Panther board or Cam Newton board and you all could have easliy crucified me for this :), but as I expected there was none of this from my Skins family. I was just excited as a Dad for my daughter and wanted to share with you all! Thanks to everyone here for being supportive and understanding!


DJ Brown

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