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Bucs-Falcons has me depressed...

Ignatius J.

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So I'm watching the bucs falcons game, and I want to believe that our success has been more than a mirage, but this game is giving me pause.

The bucs D is just destroying the falcons O. Three interceptions already. The falcons have only 3 points, despite some very good field position.

In another thread a poster is asking why the redskins D isn't geting any respect. This game seems like as good a reason as any. If we stop the giants this afternoon I will breathe a sigh of relief, but this game has me thinking that we really need a statement game. Our D will need to pick itself up, especially in the turnover department.

I'm not trying to take anything away from our success, good teams do what we did, they beat bad teams. That alone is an improvement that might get us into the playoffs. I just don't think we are as good as our stats and wins are indicating. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that I am worried that we're not as good as we have looked.


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