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Yahoo: Assad predicts disaster if West meddles in Syria


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Up to 11,000 people flee Syria in 24-hour period

As many as 11,000 people fled Syria in 24 hours, some of them desperately clambering through a razor-wire fence into Turkey on Friday to escape fierce fighting between rebels and government forces for control of a border town.

The exodus is a sign of the escalating ferocity of the violence, which has killed more than 36,000 people since March 2011. Despite the bloodshed, embattled President Bashar Assad insisted there was no civil war in Syria, saying in a rare TV appearance that he was protecting Syrians against "terrorism" supported from abroad.

The flood of Syrians into neighboring Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon was "the highest that we have had in quite some time," said Panos Moumtzis, the U.N. refugee agency's regional coordinator for the region.

About 2,000 to 3,000 people are fleeing Syria daily, and the recent surge brings the number registered with the agency to more than 408,000, he said.


Opposition Syrian National Council meeting in Qatar elects George Sabra as new leader. More soon...

2:28 PM


How surprise gesture secured Sabra's victory


2117 GMT: Syria. The Carnegie Endowment provides this bio of George Sabra, "A leftist, pro-Arab, secular opposition figure," who was just named head of the foundering SNC:

Sabra was a co-founder of the Damascus Declaration opposition coalition in 2005, and in the same year, the Syrian Communist Party (Political Bureau) changed its name to the Syrian Democratic People’s Party. He remained in Syria after the uprising began in March 2011 and was imprisoned in July for two months on charges of inciting dissent. In October he went into exile in order to escape rearrest and joined the Syrian National Council as the representative of the Democratic People’s Party. Sabra presented himself as a candidate when the term of Syrian National Council chairman Burhan Ghalioun ended in May 2012, but he lost the nomination to Abdul Basit Sida.


see George Sabra star on the rise again.Senior MB fig told me months ago they could work well with Sabra.

2:37 PM

but can Sabra unify where others have failed? Short answer no.The division is so much deeper than leadership.

2:39 PM

The SNC has proved skillful in only one respect - its own survival, or rather that of its constituent controlling parts.

2:41 PM


I like George Sabra, but the SNC is still dysfunctional till we see proof of the opposite.

2:47 PM


George Sabra is an amazing man. But this new move will truly damage who he is to many, it's a pathetic move made by MB who run SNC.

3:54 PM


I agree that the SNC efforts have been sub-par. But you need a political representative.

2:36 PM

Riad Saif is being backed by the US...HE'S the one im worried about...and many of the SNC members are legit activists too.

3:05 PM

Ahmad Ramadan's brother was martyred a few months back delivering food to people in Homs. I know people in the SNC personally and they are legit activists.

3:05 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

Number of martyrs today has risen to 126 including 9 children and 6 women; 33 martyrs were reported in Deir Ezzor" most of them were martyred in the Qoriah massacre" ;33 in Damascus and it's suburbs; 18 in Aleppo; 11 in Idlib; 10 in Hama; 9 in Homs; 8 in Daraa; 2 in Raqqa 1 in Hasakeh; and 1 in Qunaitera

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NATO has "good case" to arrest Assad in Syria: ex-ICC prosecutor

Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the International Criminal Court's former prosecutor, said Friday that world leaders had a "good case" for asking NATO to prepare a warrant to arrest Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Moreno-Ocampo, an Argentine lawyer who was the ICC's first prosecutor, said given "it was absolutely clear" that as Syria's commander-in-chief Assad's forces had killed civilians, NATO could execute such a warrant.

He told Canadian broadcaster CBC such a warrant, carried out by both international and Syrian forces, was "one possible solution to the problem" of Assad, but the world community must first reach a consensus on Syria.

"We can have a new, more innovative approach, combining justice and a real effort to implement the warrant and then (have) negotiations at the same time," Moreno-Ocampo told CBC, as long as Assad had the presumption of innocence.

Such a move would force Assad to negotiate, the former judge said, and possibly achieve a breakthrough in the near 20-month uprising, but he noted that the shadow of "regime change" hung over world leaders, noting that the protection of civilians was the official reason for NATO intervention in Libya.

In the end, however, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was ousted from power following international military action.

Moreno-Ocampo, who left the ICC earlier this year, said he was not in favour of military action in Syria, saying it "was not a good idea".

It's a nice idea, but I think this kind of method rarely accomplishes anything.

Perhaps something to keep in mind though.


Jordan Said to Help Arm Syria Rebels

Jordan has stepped up its support for neighboring Syria's political and military opposition, including allowing some light arms to flow across the border, according to Syrian rebels and an Arab official familiar with the operation.

Several shipments of arms—including assault rifles, Russian-designed antitank missiles and ammunition—have been delivered to the border in Jordanian military trucks and then taken into Syria by rebel brigades, according to Syrian rebel fighters. Dozens of other shipments have been smuggled to Syria with the covert support of Jordanian border officials, these people say. Saudi Arabia and Qatar pay for these arms and transport them to Jordan, say rebel fighters based along the Syria-Jordan border and a person involved in arms procurement for the rebels.

"They [Jordanian officials] have received guarantees for economic aid and security aid—that there will be decisive Arab action to back Jordan up if Syria seriously threatens its security or retaliates in some way," said a person involved in negotiations with regional countries on the supply of arms to Syrian rebels.

The Syrian groups receiving arms from the Jordanian border are now connected to the military councils that have been vetted by Washington and others, say people involved in the transaction.

Some of the light weapons said to be entering Syria through Jordan are destined for the southern Syrian border town of Dera'a, where the popular uprising kicked off last year. Most of the arms, though, were pushed north to the suburbs of Damascus, 60 miles north, in possible preparation for a push on the capital, according to rebel leaders.


Twin Explosions Strike Southern Syrian City

Syria's state-run news agency says two large explosions have struck the southern city of Daraa, causing multiple casualties and heavy material damage.

SANA did not immediately give further information or say what the target of Saturday's explosions was.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the blasts went off near a branch of the country's Military Intelligence in Daraa.

The Observatory, which relies on a network of activists on the ground, says the explosions were followed by clashes between regime forces and rebels fighting to topple President Bashar Assad.


resistance fighters liberated & prayed in al-zubair ibn al-awwam mosque in al-tadamon neighborhood in damascus city

6:46 PM

resistance fighters have liberated the town of tal tamer in al-hasakah

6:55 PM

resistance fighters have liberated a 15 miles long area near the turkish border (west of ras al-ain)

7:00 PM

resistance fighters have liberated the town of tal dhiyab (al-asdiyah) in al-hasakah

7:02 PM

That'll either make the Kurds really happy, really upset, or both.


Egypt FM: There are 150k Syrian refugees here, Morsi has ordered that they be treated like Egyptians and get free healthcare and education.

4:47 AM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria:

By the end of Friday the number of martyrs documented was 136[0] including 11 children and 7 women; 33 in Damascus and its suburbs; 33 martyrs were reported in Deir Ezzor” most of them were martyred in the Qoriah massacre”; 19 in Aleppo; 12 in Idlib; 10 in Hama; 10 in Homs; 9 in Daraa; 2 in Raqqa 1 in Hasakeh; and 1 in Qunaitera


38,092 people killed so far in Syria

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AP Interview: Syria opposition blames West

The newly elected leader of Syria's main opposition bloc in exile struck a combative tone Saturday, saying international inaction rather than divisions among anti-regime groups are to blame for the inability to end the bloodshed in Syria.

George Sabra, the new head of the Syrian National Council, told The Associated Press in an interview that the international community should support those trying to topple President Bashar Assad without strings attached, rather than linking aid to an overhaul of the opposition leadership.

Sabra, a Christian and a veteran left-wing dissident who was repeatedly imprisoned by the regime, said he and others in the opposition feel let down by their Western and Arab allies.

The Syrian opposition may have many foreign friends, he said, "but unfortunately we get nothing from them, except some statements, some encouragement." The regime "has few friends, but these friends give the regime everything," he added, referring to Assad allies Russia, China and Iran.

Sabra said that the West is unfairly trying to shift blame to the opposition for the violent deadlock in the Syria conflict, which activists say has claimed more than 36,000 lives.

"We see that the obstacle in finding a positive solution for the Syrian people and protecting the Syrian people is not the (lack of) unity of the opposition, but the inability of the international community" to take decisive action, he told reporters. Assad's allies have shielded him repeatedly from harsher U.N. Security Council measures.

In the AP interview, Sabra acknowledged that some of the criticism of the SNC was justified but said that this should not serve as an excuse to hold up international aid.

"Let's say, we have our responsibility, no doubt about that, and we will carry this responsibility, but we need from the international community to carry their responsibility also," he said.

I think more is being done now on some of those fronts.

It's gone awfully slow and took a while to start and I wouldn't say I'm comfortable with the current situation, but it does seem as if at least some nations (US included) are trying to do more to help.


Syrian exodus swells to 20,000 in one day

IN THE largest exodus of refugees for months, as many as 20,000 Syrians have fled their war-torn country in just 24 hours, as the humanitarian crisis caused by the 20-month-long conflict worsened.

The United Nations refugee agency reported the surge of refugees, which means that there are now more than 408,000 Syrian refugees living in neighbouring countries.

Syrian government troops and rebel fighters are engaged in fierce fighting near the Turkish border, prompting more civilians to flee into Turkey, activists say. Heavy shelling and air raids have been reported in Maaret al-Numan and other rebel-held areas.

''Some 20,000 have fled areas near the Syrian-Turkish border in the past 24 hours,'' said Rami Abdel Rahman, the head of the opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Ah, so apparently it was the Kurds themselves that liberated those towns last night...at least according to this:


Kurds 'seize two towns in Syria's northeast'

The Kurds took control of the towns of Derbassiye and Tall Tamr late on Friday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

They were backed by militia from the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which has links with Turkey's rebel Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), it said.

The residents and militiamen surrounded government and security offices in both towns and convinced pro-government forces to abandon their posts, said the Britain-based Observatory, which relies on a network of activists and residents on the ground.

It said the residents had feared the same kind of violence that saw 9,000 Syrians flee to Turkey in 24 hours in the face of the fighting in Ras al-Ain.

Derbassiye, northeast of Ras al-Ain, sits on the border with Turkey and is home to a small border crossing.

Tall Tamr is located at a strategic crossroads. The road from provincial capital Hasakeh to Ras al-Ain meets the region's main east-west highway at the town.


i'm still waiting for a report about the 3 huge explosions that happened near #assad's brigade & security building in daraa city

4:21 AM

update: 10s of assad troops & thugs were killed in daraa city (officers' club)

4:29 AM

it seems that the guys who blew up al-sikka checkpoint 2 weeks ago were behind today's explosions in daraa city

4:30 AM

update: heavy clashes are going on now in daraa city. assad's troops have imposed a curfew. military checkpoints were closed

4:38 AM

assad's troops in security station 22 (near tal shihab) have defected

4:40 AM


an activist has told me that assad's thugs have killed & burned 5 young men in darayya

6:21 AM

resistance fighters are now in 9 neighborhoods in damascus city

7:06 AM

resistance fighters are a few meters away from the artillery brigade in al-mayadin. hope to hear pleasant news tomorrow

7:15 AM

i get mad when i see syrian kids holding cluster bombs!! for god's sake, don't those guys with mobile phones use their minds???

7:22 AM

assad's troops have entered the town of inkhil in daraa

8:18 AM

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Ah, so apparently it was the Kurds themselves that liberated those towns last night...at least according to this:


Kurds 'seize two towns in Syria's northeast'

The Kurds took control of the towns of Derbassiye and Tall Tamr late on Friday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

They were backed by militia from the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which has links with Turkey's rebel Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), it said.

The residents and militiamen surrounded government and security offices in both towns and convinced pro-government forces to abandon their posts, said the Britain-based Observatory, which relies on a network of activists and residents on the ground.

It said the residents had feared the same kind of violence that saw 9,000 Syrians flee to Turkey in 24 hours in the face of the fighting in Ras al-Ain.

Derbassiye, northeast of Ras al-Ain, sits on the border with Turkey and is home to a small border crossing.

Tall Tamr is located at a strategic crossroads. The road from provincial capital Hasakeh to Ras al-Ain meets the region's main east-west highway at the town.

But wait are the Kurds not a terrorist group??? Of course so we allow sadam to gas them, then we allow turkie to murder them now they are seen helping hahah the media is so biased!!

And turkie should focus on Cyprus and get the f out of there!!!! No other country does the minority population has the majority of the rights!!!! Murders! Rapists! Racists! Out of Cyprus!

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Syria: Deraa bombings 'kill soldiers'

At least 20 soldiers have been killed in twin explosions in the southern Syrian city of Deraa, activists report.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said two cars packed with explosives were detonated at a military camp, killing and wounding "dozens".

Syrian state media said the two car bombs resulted in "victims and material damage", but did not give details.

No group has claimed responsibility for the bombings in Deraa, but car bombs targeting the military have been a regular tactic of the various rebel groups fighting President Bashar al-Assad's army.

In the past, Islamist groups have claimed responsibility for similar attacks, as fighting across the country has continued.

An activist in Deraa who gave his name as Mazn told the BBC the explosions appeared to have been targeted attacks, aimed at army and secret police in an area away from civilian homes.

New SNC leader George Sabra is cool on plans to merge with other opposition groups

"Two places in particular were targeted. One was a club for army and secret police," he said.

"There have been clashes since the explosions and there are a lot of secret police on the streets and snipers on buildings."


Syria opposition: Groups seek consensus at Qatar talks

Syrian opposition groups are set to resume talks in Qatar to try to form a united body in the fight against President Bashar al-Assad.

Delegates were quoted as saying that main points had already been agreed.

The fractious opposition has been under pressure from the US and other backers in the region to clinch a deal.

However, the Syrian National Council - which is based outside the country - is concerned it may be sidelined by the new opposition body.

The proposed unified group, tentatively called the Syrian National Initiative, is intended to merge disparate military and political groups to form a credible alternative to Mr Assad's government.

The talks in Qatar's capital Doha continued into the early hours of Sunday.

"We have agreed on the main points of the formation of a Syrian national coalition or the forces of the opposition and revolution," opposition member Suhair Attassi told the AFP news agency.

"We will continue our discussions on the details on Sunday," he added.

Meanwhile, leading dissident Riad Saif was quoted as saying that there was a 90% chance of clinching a deal.


The Lebanese model may work for Syria

Syria is in the midst of a civil war. As the predominantly Alawite regime attempts to defend its waning power against an increasingly successful, mainly Sunni, insurgency, the struggle has degenerated into a bloodbath. Murder, torture, rape and destruction have become wanton. Pro-government militias stand accused of crimes against humanity. The regime is tearing Syria apart to save itself.

This situation has led to a mighty geopolitical tug of war, constraining the ability of the international community to end the killing. No one seems able to articulate a credible vision of what an acceptable settlement should look like. The plan of Kofi Annan, the United Nations-Arab League envoy on Syria, has been dismissed by the insurgents and has been undermined by the regime. Talk of partition, genocide and religious radicalization in Syria fills the airwaves.

The Lebanese political system has been maligned in Lebanon and abroad. Yet its formula was designed to consolidate a democratic form of government that protects the rights of religious and ethnic communities by ensuring they hold a share of power in a system of confessional checks and balances. This would preserve the freedom of communities and of individuals. That our system has been deficient in delivering stability owes more to the interference of Syria over the decades than to any substantial flaw in the system’s conception.
This solution dovetails with the publicly expressed fears of the religious minorities in Syria. But it can work just as well for ethnic minorities. It also converges with the stated positions of most Syrian insurgent factions, who hold that they want a free, open and democratic Syria where citizens are equal under the law.

It is up to the Lebanese to champion this model. And who is better placed to do so than Lebanon’s president? He could draw on the influence of leaders on both sides of the Lebanese political and confessional spectrum with influence in Syria. Once traction is gained, regional players could become involved in an attempt to bridge the destructive Syrian geopolitical divide.


resistance fighters have captured +55 assad's thugs in damascus city

11:58 AM

resistance fighters destroyed a bmp vehicle in bab tadmur in homs city

12:15 PM

resistance fighters say they shot down a warplane in deirezzor

12:52 PM

resistance fighters say they destroyed 5 military tanks today in al-amiriyah neighborhood in aleppo city

12:55 PM

resistance fighters have destroyed 2 bmp vehicles in the western countryside of al-raqqah

1:54 PM


resistance fighters attacked military checkpoints & killed assad troops in idlib city. heavy clashes continue

2:03 PM

ferocious clashes have been going on for a couple of hours near aleppo international airport

3:41 PM

update: resistance fighters destroyed a military tank & 4 military cars in the town of dibsi afnan (al-raqqa countryside)

3:59 PM

resistance fighters have entered al-tabqa city (al-raqqah). bloody clashes are going on right now

4:55 PM


Dads back from Syria showing me pictures on phone of many kids who died as he operated on their horrific injuries..many tears in his eyes

7:28 PM


Map of the strategic layout of control in Syria's civil war, as of Nov 10, 2012. Includes descriptive text http://twitpic.com/bc6rce

10:28 PM



I'm heading in to Syria now. What topics should I focus on? What should I ask Syrians? And stay tuned.

12:17 AM


Ehud Barak: Israel will respond should stray Syrian ordenance continue to strike the occupied Golan Heights

2:50 AM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

By the end of Satuarday the LCC managed to document 107 martyrs, including 5 children and 3 women: 47 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its Suburbs; 14 in Raqqa; 10 in Daraa; 10 in Aleppo; 9 in Idlib; 8 in Deir Ezzor; 7 in Homs; and 2 in Hama

6:09 PM


38,199 people killed so far in Syria

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And Israel does what they said they would. I didn't think it'd happen so soon though.


Israel joins Syria conflict, fires missile across border

The Israeli military has fired a missile into Syria, the first time Israel has been drawn into the fighting in the neighboring country.

The military said it fired the missile as a warning shot on Sunday after a stray mortar from Syria hit a military post in the Golan Heights. Israel captured the Golan from Syria in the 1967 Mideast war and subsequently annexed it.

The military says no damage or injuries were reported inside Israel.

It came as Syrian opposition groups, meeting in the Qatari capital Doha, signed an initial agreement to form a new coalition of forces fighting to end the rule of President Bashar Assad.

"An initial deal has been signed. The evening session will be for electing the president of the body and his deputy," Ali Sadreddine al-Bayanouni, a Muslim Brotherhood delegate, told reporters in Doha

The new body, made up of groups inside and outside Syria, would be called the Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces, delegates said.

The group's leader, once chosen, will automatically become the focal point for opposition activities.

U.S. diplomats and officials from Qatar, which has bankrolled opposition to Assad and played a major role in Arab diplomacy against him, have prodded the players over the past week to come to an arrangement.

The parties were close to a deal in the early hours of Sunday after Qatari and United Arab Emirates officials pressed them to agree, but it appeared to fall through when the meeting broke up at 3 a.m.


Syria opposition agrees to united coalition

Syrian opposition groups meeting in the Qatari capital have signed an initial agreement to form a united group called the Syrian National Coalition.

Details of the agreement are still being negotiated; a delegate at the talks told reporters they would discuss specifics at meetings on Sunday night.

"An initial deal has been signed. The evening session will be for electing the president of the body and his deputy," Ali Sadreddine al-Bayanouni, a Muslim Brotherhood delegate at the talks, told reporters.

The Syrian National Council - once seen as the leading representative of the opposition but now seen in the West as dominated by out-of-touch exiles - had come under increasing pressure to accept a unity plan.

Al Jazeera's Hashem Ahelbarra, reporting from Doha where the opposition groups were meeting, said on Sunday that the new coalition was crucial because it is expected to go forward to set up the new transitional institutions and how to move forward to topple the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

They are trying to work out the final details of the agreement, which is how many seats are to be given to the main opposition parties, our correspondent said.

"We have started an open dialogue with our brothers and looked at their initiative," the SNC's new leader George Sabra said earlier in Doha before the coalition formation announcement.

"But we have our own point of view and our own ideas that we plan to put forward."

Hamaecho who has been quiet since deciding to work on the ground with the rebels in Hama, pokes his head back up to write a brief article.

Most likely this was written before the latest news from Doha came out.

Good to see him still alive and kicking though.


Weapons, finally!

Since some days ago, the southern and northern fronts have been receiving weapons shipments of RPG-29, FAL rifle, AUG rifle, SPG-9 recoilless rifle and ammunitions along with other items, there is also some assistance since a few months ago (don’t know the details) from France to certain groups in order to secure defections as people like Riyad Hijab, Manaf Tlass and the leader of the newly organised rebel army, Major General Mohamad al-Haj have defected through the Jordanian border.

Meanwhile, Abdulrazzaq Tlass and friends have attempted to start a vague Islamist “unification” group in Turkey (even copying the five fronts idea). I still like him, but it is obvious he is only trying to repent and gain back control after he was removed from the Farouk brigade for lying about having “cyber sex” with several women. This group is not one of the groups that will receive weapons shipments, though it will receive funding from some individuals. They will probably look like this after a few weeks when the money runs out:


Davutoğlu makes unscheduled stopover in Doha for Syrian opposition

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu was to pay an unscheduled visit to Qatar's capital of Doha on Sunday evening to hold the final talks for the reorganization of Syrian opposition groups

Speaking at a press conference in Bursa, the foreign minister said that he would pay a visit to Doha as a final stage has been reached with positive developments in the meeting of the Syrian opposition in Qatar.

Recalling that he attended the meeting of the Syrian opposition in Qatar on Thursday, he said that the meeting was of great importance with regard to restructuring the opposition. Davutoğlu stated that he had phone conversations with Qatar's Prime Minister Hamad bin Jasim bin Jabir al-Thani late Saturday, adding he had exchanged views with Thani concerning the meeting of the Syrian opposition held in Qatar.

He also noted that preparations for the final stage would be completed on Sunday evening.

“There were some problems that needed to be overcome. As Turkey, we contributed to the resolution of these problems both in the meeting in Doha as well as from here. Currently, the meeting in Doha has come to the final stage with positive developments. Around 9 p.m., the last preparation will be finished in Qatar. In other words, the restructuring process will be completed, “said Davutoğlu.

Davutoğlu called for greater international support for the Syrian opposition in Qatar on Thursday in a landmark meeting of Syria's fractious opposition to hammer out an agreement on a new umbrella body uniting opposition groups inside and outside Syria amid growing international pressure to put their house in order and prepare for a post-Assad transition.


Qatar works its negotiation magic (persuasion, brinkmanship, 5-star hotels), gets Syria opposition deal.

9:40 AM


yesterday: resistance fighters destroyed al-busayri (or al-busairi) military checkpoint in palmyra. some troops were arrested

6:32 AM

resistance fighters have destroyed a military tank in the town of kafr naha (aleppo countryside)

7:22 AM

this is the military base (al-ghutah al-sharqiyah) that the resistance fighters liberated yesterday

8:33 AM

7 troops have defected in khan al-asal (aleppo countryside)

10:03 AM


The new syria opposition coalition is now electing its leaders, Riad Seif is most likely to be elected, VPs will b one minority one SNC

10:41 AM

The opposition coalition will have a Secretary General whom I'm told will have an important role, name suggested is a businessman

10:43 AM

Press conference expected later tonight for new Syrian opposition coalition

10:44 AM

Syria opposition coalition expects international recognition and guarantees of support to start coming tonight

10:55 AM

Abdul Baset Sieda former SNC leader says they will ask for support from Arab league at its meeting in Cairo tomorrow

10:56 AM


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Turkey approves military deal with Qatar, Saudi Arabia amid Syria conflict


Fears Over Israel's 'Nightmare Scenario' In Syria


Archaeologists Explore Site on Syria-Turkey Border


Syrian rebels using barrel bombs to attack regime

Home-made and stuffed with TNT and shrapnel, they are dropped from regime jets and helicopters instead of conventional missiles, killing both rebel fighters and civilians on the ground.

But regime forces also now have reason to fear barrel bombs.

After suffering heavy losses in a failed attack on the approaches to Aleppo's biggest military base, the rebels rolled the barrel bombs through sewers until they were underneath the main guard post at the base in Karem Jabal district.

A total of 11 barrel bombs were assembled and detonated leaving behind an enormous hole in the ground.

"The regime was here yesterday," said Wassim, a rebel fighter standing guard over it. "Now we are here.

"Many regime troops died here," said the rebel marksman known across the city only as Sniper Moscow, an officer with the squad. The rebels mopped up, with no losses.


Delegates said privately that Riad Seif, an influential businessman and SNC member who first presented the U.S.-backed unity initiative had been a possible candidate to head the body. But he has said he is unwell and not interested in the post.

Under the agreement outlined in Doha, the SNC will be among groups to have seats in an assembly of 55 to 60 members under a president, two deputies and a secretary general, all of whom may be elected later on Sunday. People close to Seif said the SNC will have 14 seats but SNC sources said their group expected 20.

SNC member Wael Merza said a number of consensus candidates were already likely to gain seats. These included leftist Haytham al-Maleh, the Muslim Brotherhood's Bayanouni, independent Islamists Munzer al-Khatib and AbdulKareem Bakkar and a noted opposition activist, Suhair al-Atassi.

Merza said the Kurdish National Council and a prominent Alawite, Munzer Makhous, would have places on the assembly, as would local representatives of Syria's 14 provinces.

"We are open to all the real opposition powers that have weight, influence and the same aims as the Coalition to bring down the regime and establish a democratic Syria," Merza told Reuters. "It is not a closed club."

The Arab League is expected to allow the group to take over Syria's representation on that inter-governmental body - from which Assad was suspended. Efforts to win wider international recognition, including at the United Nations, could follow.

The SNC had sought guarantees that such international recognition should come first before agreeing to form the new coalition. Its new leader, Sabra, had said on Saturday that foreign powers should focus on providing arms to rebels rather than prodding the SNC to submerge itself in a new organisation.

Robert Ford, the U.S. ambassador for Syria, told SNC members bluntly last week that they should forget dreams of U.S. military intervention in President Barack Obama's second term.


Britain could intervene militarily in Syria in months, UK's top general suggests

Gen Sir David Richards said there were contingency plans in place for a “very limited” response in the case of a worsening humanitarian situation in Syria.

The admission is the most serious warning yet that Britain is preparing for some sort of military involvement in Syria. In the past week, British policy has moved from admitting that it wanted to help organise the disparate rebel groups to discussing full blown military intervention.

It comes on the eve of a meeting of the National Security Council this week which will be devoted to the Syrian civil war.

In an interview on the Andrew Marr programme on BBC1, General Richards, the Chief of the Defence Staff, suggested that Britain could intervene militarily this winter when desert temperatures plummet and lives are put at risk.

He said it would be a "huge effort", adding: “The humanitarian situation this winter I think will deteriorate and that may well provoke calls to intervene in a limited way.

Cabinet Office officials are examining a European Union trade embargo banning arms sales to Syria to see if weapons can be supplied to weapons for humanitarian reasons, although the Government will always respect international law.

Other options include whether 'safe havens' can be established in Syria to offer protection from civilians from the fighting, however enforcing a no-fly zone over Syria is not seen as an option by Downing Street at present.

Speaking during his visit to the United Arab Emirates and Jordan, Mr Cameron said he wanted to discuss with President Obama how to end the bloodshed in Syria.

He said: “We have got to do more to help this part of the world, to help Syria achieve transition… I think it’s really important to discuss what more we can do to help resolve the situation in Syria.”


Syria opposition coalition will ask international recognition as the sole legitimate representative of Syrian people

11:11 AM

syrian national coalition will be open for other opposition groups to join

11:35 AM

Syria opposition coalition now electing new president

12:05 PM

Syria opposition coalition to elect 3 Vice Presidents including a woman

12:13 PM

president of Syrian national coalition been decided stay tuned for official announcement-potential president no longer riad Seif

12:31 PM


Sectarian tension moves to Sidon,bodyguard of well known sunni sheikh killed, Hizbullah official wounded Lebanon http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/60320-asir-s-bodyguard-killed-hizbullah-official-wounded-in-sidon-gunfight

11:37 AM

Local media reports big army deployment and renewed clashes in Sidon, AFP says 2 dead and 7 wounded

11:58 AM

Clashes in Sidon are a new chapter in the sectarian struggle that is heightening the war in Syria

12:19 PM

PM Najib Miqati called an emergency meeting with Interior Minister and military to discuss situation in Sidon

12:24 PM

Clashes around Ain el Hilwe refugee camp,1 Assir follower just told me that 2 supporters of the sheikh died in the fighting Sidon

12:33 PM


We are told (not official yet) that the sheikh of the omayyad mosque in Damascus #Syria Moad Al Khatib is the president of the new opp

12:51 PM

Press waiting room before election result of the president of the new syrian opposition coalition pic.twitter.com/xHaJ04zP

12:56 PM

New president of Syrian national coalition is Sheikh Moaz al Khatib respected religious scholar and local figure in damascus

1:46 PM



1:48 PM

Makes me uneasy. I'm sure he's a good guy, but a religious leader as government head can be problematic, especially with the different sects in Syria.


Let the haters hate, but I like Mu'az al-Khatib. +1 from me.

1:48 PM

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resistance fighters (al-ababil brigade) say they destroyed 6 tanks & an armored vehicle today near the town of mahmbel (idlib)

1:55 PM

resistance fighters confirm that they shot the infamous pro-assad journalist sharif shihadah, & killed 2 others

2:05 PM

the infamous pro-assad journalist sharif shihadah is in the university hospital in damascus

2:06 PM

many assad troops, including 3 officers, have surrendered near the town of ras al-ain in al-hasakah. heavy clashes continue

2:17 PM


Two Vice Presidents elected Suheir el Atassi a woman and Riad Seif Syria opposition , the third VP left unelected for the Kurds

2:12 PM

Vote counting syrian national coalition election results #syria pic.twitter.com/BY1a2dmf

2:11 PM

Secretary General of Syria national coalition is most likely Mostafa Sabbagh a businessman from Latakia he has the largest number of votes

2:15 PM

Official : president is Moaz al Khatib (54 votes) VP is Riad Seif and mrs Suheir Atassi and Secretary General is Mostafa Sabbagh

2:27 PM


Moaz Al-Khateeb becoming head of the initiative has several pluses and minuses. Riad Saif is a safer choice.

1:31 PM

But, Riad Saif is ill. We can't ignore that. He has cancer and has himself said he is too ill for a leadership position.

1:41 PM

One thing that is clear now: All the opposition leaders are now non-exiles. This is definitely a positive move.

2:14 PM

Sabra, Khatib, Saif, and Attasi were in Syria when the revolution started.

2:15 PM

Khatib speaks the language of the people. He can have sway over large sections of the fsa.

2:40 PM


Moaz Al-Khattib is a good man & a good choice for new SNC. A true Syrian national figure. An independent religious figure.

2:09 PM

With election of Moaz Al-Khattib as leader of new SyrianNationalCoalition, old #SNC is history. MB have no choice but to support new body

2:23 PM


Muaz/Muadh Al Khatib, a former speaker at the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus, heads the new national coalition.

2:03 PM

I'm usually suspicious of clerics but Muaz Khatib is a very moderate figure, and might be helpful in the coming period.

2:05 PM

It's interesting how popular Muaz Khatib is, everyone speaks well of him. Let's hope he has a strong personality, he does look like it.

2:06 PM

This is quite comprehensive an interview with Muaz Khatib, shows his moderation & commitment to coexistence http://goo.gl/EsYE6

2:09 PM

Suhair Attasi a vice president along with Riad Saif. Today's news are great, let's hope these steps will be followed by more.

2:22 PM


Agreement between opposition groups now officially signed Qatar prime minister now talking

3:14 PM

qatar prime minister congrats Syria opposition on their agreement and says Arab countries and Turkey will support the coalition

3:16 PM

Davutoglu message to the regime "do not resist against the will of the people"

3:21 PM

Davutoglu calls international community to support the Syrian opposition "there is no excuse anymore for you not to support"

3:22 PM

Davutoglu calling for meeting of friends of Syria to recognize and support the coalition and the agreement

3:22 PM


15 regime soldiers killed in Bsanqool Idlib and 10 in MaaratAlNouman during clashes at Wadi Aldayf.

3:26 PM


I feel proud to support the SNI from day one while many sink in shame for calling it bad names. Still, waiting actions soon.

3:43 PM


George Sabra is speaking well, powerful speech. Speaks about the birthplace of Christianity, 1st Church in the world, 1st letters.

3:48 PM

Muaz Khatib says many Christians joined in the anti-regime protests inside mosques. Our Islam is one that brings people together not apart.

3:55 PM

Muaz Khatib praises the Syrian army which the regime "involved in the violence" and calls on soldiers to defect.

3:57 PM

Muaz Khatib's most powerful moment during his speech is about Syrian women. Powerful words by George Sabra too. We can't be but optimistic.

4:03 PM

BREAKING. Qatar FM: I ask you, brother Muaz, to come with me tomorrow to the Arab League to speak about recognition. WOW!

4:04 PM


Qatar recognizes the NC as the sole legitimate representative of the Syria'n people.

4:02 PM


Dear Syrians in exile, the amount of hope I got by the new NC allows me to tell you this: Pack your bags, the freedom became closer.

4:11 PM

Fnally, Thanks Qatar, Thanks Turkey. We won’t forget your support.

4:18 PM

Dear world, Syrian are now united inside & outside. Now, it’s your turn to have balls & take a real action against that nutcher.

4:24 PM

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Syria's opposition groups strike unity deal against Assad

Syria's fractious opposition finally put aside fierce arguments to rally behind a new leader within a new coalition that its Western and Arab backers hope can topple Bashar al-Assad and take over the country.

After days of wrangling in Qatar under constant cajoling by exasperated Arab, U.S. and other officials, representatives of groups including rebel fighters, veteran dissidents and ethnic and religious minorities agreed on Sunday to join a new assembly that can form a government-in-exile. They unanimously elected reformist Damascus cleric Mouaz al-Khatib as its president.

Khatib, a soft-spoken preacher who was once imam of the ancient Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, immediately called on soldiers to quit the Syrian army and on all sects to unite.

"We demand freedom for every Sunni, Alawi, Ismaili (Shi'ite), Christian, Druze, Assyrian ... and rights for all parts of the harmonious Syrian people," he told reporters.

"We will strive from now on to have this new body recognised completely by all parties ... as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people," said Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim of Qatar, an important supporter of the rebels.

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoglu said there was "no excuse any more" for foreign governments not to support an opposition whose internal divisions had given many pause.

The United States had also strongly promoted the plan for the Doha meeting to unite the various factions and, notably, subsume the previously ineffectual Syrian National Council into a wider body that would be more inclusive of minorities from a country of great ethnic and religious diversity.

France, a vocal backer of the rebels and which once ruled Syria, hailed the deal. "France will work with its partners to secure international recognition of this new entity as the representative of the aspirations of the Syrian people," Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in a statement in which he called the Assad government "the criminal regime in Damascus".


Female Kurdish militia leader widely reported as killed by Syrian rebels turns up alive

A female Syrian militia leader widely reported 10 days ago as killed by anti-government rebels has turned up alive and apparently well, according to a video posted on the Internet Sunday.

Nujin Derik was captured by rebels fighting to topple the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad late last month when rebels entered Kurdish neighborhoods in Aleppo and clashed with the militia she led – evidence of the complexities of Syria’s ethnic fault lines. Her death, supposedly at the hands of the rebels, was widely circulated by news agencies after it was reported Nov. 2 by the PYD Kurdish militia and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a London-based organization that tracks Syria’s casualties.

But on Saturday she was welcomed with tears and celebratory gunfire in the Kurdish town of Afrin, north of Aleppo. While she provided no details of her two weeks in rebel hands or how she came to be released, she offered support for the rebel cause in the video, which was posted on YouTube and also broadcast by a Kurdish-language satellite television channel.

“I bless your struggle, I’m happy for you,” she said. “I thank the resistance and I like them and I will do whatever they want.”


Muaz Khatib: no dialogue with Russia and it has to drop its support for the Syrian regime.

5:12 PM

Riad Saif: 10 countries promised recognition, including Saudi, UAE, Jordan, Egypt, US, German, Italy, France.

5:19 PM

BREAKING Riad Saif: we have been, for the first time, promised to enable the FSA to defend Syrian people, with advanced arms within weeks.

5:21 PM

BREAKING Riad Saif: so far funds have been sparce, we're promised a fund for relief and aid.

5:22 PM

Riad Saif: within weeks, we'll completely liberate the north and begin marching towards the south.

5:23 PM


syria opposition coalition finished its press conference, president to fly tomorrow to cairo to get Arab league support and recognition

5:39 PM

members of the syrian opposition coalition will meet tomorrow to start forming its different bodies

5:40 PM

leader of syrian opposition coalition says arab league recognition will be a first step, then they will go to the friends of Syria and GA

5:43 PM

syrian opposition pledged for political support, money and weapons and says it was given guarantees without conditions.

5:43 PM

syrian opposition says it expects nothing from obama as it has seen nothing from him before

5:44 PM

Odd comment considering this initative was started by and heavily influenced by the US (although Turkey and Qatar seem to have pushed it through in the end).

I suppose they mean substantiative support on the ground.


UK will host a meeting in London on Friday with National Coalition Representatives and donors ready to move quickly to offer more support.

2:45 PM


Libya recognizes the new coalition as the only representative of the Syrian people.

6:37 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

By the end of Sunday the LCC managed to document 90 martyrs including 10 children and 3 women, 35 martyrs were reported in Damascus and it's suburbs; 18 in Aleppo; 14 in Deir Ezzor most of them in Bokmal; 12 in Idlib; 9 in Daraa; 1 in Hama; and 1 in Homs

6:04 PM


38,289 people killed so far in Syria

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New Syrian Leadership Electrifies Opposition: Ten Countries Promise Recognition

Ten countries promised recognition of the new “National Coalition for Revolutionary Forces and the Syrian Opposition”, including Saudi, UAE, Jordan, Egypt, US, German, Italy, France.

Mouaz al-Khatib, a former imam at the famous Umayyad mosque in Damascus, was voted as president. Riad Seif, who proposed the initiative to form the new group, and female activist Suhair al-Atassi were chosen as deputies. All three have served time in Syrian prisons and left the country recently.

It is a big day for the Syrian opposition. Defying naysayers and skeptics, the opposition came together in Doha to follow the outlines of the Riad Seif plan. Opposition members the world over are electrified by the outcome and moving speeches given by the opposition’s new leadership. Assad regime must be worried, as it has survived for 42 years thanks to Syria’s fragmentation.

Now the challenge will be to unite the militias on the ground in Syria behind the new civilian leadership. The role of Qatar, the US, France and Britain have been central in encouraging unity.


Arab League to Hold Joint European Union Meeting

For the first time since its inception, the Arab League will host a joint meeting for Arab foreign ministers (22 ministers) and their European counterparts (27 ministers) on Nov. 13 at the headquarters of the Arab League General Secretariat in Cairo.

The meeting will be headed by the Arab League’s current chairman Lebanese MP Adnan Mansour, current European Union council president, the Foreign Minister of Cyprus Erato Kozakou Marcoullis, and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton.

The Lebanese mission in Cairo began cooperating with the Arab League and EU representatives to lay down the outline of the final declaration that will be issued following this extraordinary meeting, whose objective is “to find common ground for Arab and European efforts and develop a common vision for the crises in the region, notably the peace process in the Middle East.”

This declaration is expected to address a number of serious topics, most importantly the Syrian crisis, which was the only subject that has not been previously included in the final declaration.

“It has been agreed to adopt an article on the Syrian crisis at the request of the Arab side,” according to a well-informed diplomat.

I think this was written before the Syrian opposition coalition was formed over the weekend.


Image showing flooding at a Syrian refuge camp in Turkey pic.twitter.com/WuecceV1

8:08 PM

A 3 story building my relatives lived in in MaaratAlNouman collapsed today...They weren't injured but are now homeless... Idlib

8:19 PM


ISRAEL - A short while ago, a mortar shell hit an open area in the vicinity of an IDF post in the central Golan Heights

9:10 AM

ISRAEL hits 'source' of second Syrian shell - Israeli military sources confirm striking "Syrian mobile artillery"

9:26 AM

ISRAEL - This is the second straight day that a Syrian shell landed in Israel - except that yesterday Israel fired only warning shots

9:30 AM


Big dispute inside Syrian Revolution General Commission (SRGC) over newly-formed coalition. Those who reject it took over password & FB page

3:09 AM

Source: most representatives of Homs within SRGC rejected the coalition NC; Aleppo abstained; Dispute over Suhair Atasi or Nidal Darwish.

3:14 AM

Video: the jet that's downed in Al Bukamal http://goo.gl/QC5Qi

9:44 AM


Clashes now between FSA & Assad's army at 46th battalion.

9:38 AM

A series of building in Aghyuor neighborhood - Aleppo r now on fire due to Assad's shelling.

9:46 AM


Welcome to Syria! Pardon the bombing. http://twitpic.com/bcn1d1

9:53 AM

Syrian kids endure no end of horrors, but they still try to have fun (photo) http://twitpic.com/bcn2p0

9:56 AM

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Six Gulf states recognise new Syrian opposition bloc

The Gulf Co-operation Council said on Monday its six member states have decided to recognise the newly formed National Coalition of the Syrian opposition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.

"The states of the council announce recognising the National Coalition for the Forces of the Syrian Revolution and Opposition... as the legitimate representative of the brotherly Syrian people," GCC chief Abdullatif al-Zayani said in a statement.

The GCC comprises Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait.


Missing in action

They came to Lebanon to gather information, not divulge it.

The mother and father of Austin Tice, the 31-year-old former US Marine and freelance journalist who went missing while in Syria in August, held a press conference in Beirut on Monday to appeal “to anyone and everyone who can put us into contact with our son,” as Debra Tice put it before a crowd of assembled reporters.

Debra Tice and her husband Mark, pressed repeatedly for details, spoke in generalities when discussing whom they’ve been talking to thus far to secure Austin’s release. In October, following the YouTube release of a video showing Tice, a US State Department spokeswoman said, “To the best of our knowledge, we think he is in Syrian government custody.”

Asked about why the State Department believed this and whether or not the family shared that opinion, Debra Tice told NOW, “We are separate from State, and we have been very careful to avoid speculation. We do not know who is holding him, and so our mission here is to reach out to whoever it is, without trying to guess who that might be.”

His parents have set up a website to help in their search for their son and are encouraging anyone with information to contact them via information@austinticefamily.com.


Syrian jets, helicopters hit rebel town near Turkey

A Syrian warplane bombed the rebel-held town of Ras al-Ain on Monday, just meters (yards) from the Turkish frontier, sending scores of civilians fleeing for safety into Turkey.

Helicopters also strafed targets near the town, which fell to rebels on Thursday during an advance into Syria's mixed Arab and Kurdish northeast. There was no word on casualties.

The jet struck within meters (yards) of the border fence that divides Ras al-Ain from the Turkish settlement of Ceylanpinar, sending up plumes of black smoke.

A Reuters reporter in Ceylanpinar said the plane flew right along the border and appeared at one point to have entered Turkish airspace.

It was not clear what the bomb struck, but scores of civilians fled the area, scrambling over the fence into Turkey.


Despite earlier threats by Turkey, Syrian war planes & helicopters can easily reach & attack border towns on he Syrian side.

4:46 AM

Here a picture of Ras Al Ain/Sere Kaniye after it was bombed today. Taken from the Turkish side of the border: http://instagr.am/p/R7BGSVuT2f/

4:47 AM

In Ceylanpinar, opposite of Ras Al Ain/Sere Kaniye, 1 person was wounded and windows were shattered by the helicopter shelling in Syria.

4:56 AM

According to people at the border, Assad's helicopters entered Turkey's territory before & after shelling buildings in the Syrian town.

4:57 AM

In the first aerial bombardment of Ras Al Ain/Sere Kaniye alone, 16 people were killed & 31 were wounded.

8:58 AM


Turkey issues a diplomatic note to Syria over its bombardment of Turkish border towns.

10:56 AM

Several Turkish warplanes were sent to the Syrian border and ordered to shoot once Syrian jets violate the Turkish airspace, sources say.

10:58 AM

Turkey's military engagement rule vis-a-vis Syria RT @aaronstein1 Those appear to be the ill-defined new rules of engagement

11:00 AM

Turkish FM Davutoglu says Turkey reported border town bombardments to UN Security Council and NATO.

11:01 AM

Turkish FM Davutoglu says Syrian jets didn't violate Turkish air space and Turkish jets are capable of shooting them down if they do.

11:03 AM


Parents of Austin Tice, journo missing in syria in lebanon issue plea to whomever is holding their son or has any info 2 come forward

11:14 AM


AP VIDEO: Israeli military says it scored 'direct hits' on targets in Syria after responding to stray mortar fire: http://apne.ws/ZvmWGb -RAS

11:17 AM


30 troops have defected in damascus city

11:00 AM

resistance fighters have liberated another military base in beit nayim in al-ghutah al-sharqiyah. many assad troops were killed

11:21 AM

resistance fighters attacked a military convoy on al-raqqah - dibsi afnan road. 5 military vehicles were destroyed

11:33 AM

palestinian & syrian resistance fighters have liberated most of al-yarmouk camp in damascus city

11:54 AM

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Arab League backs Syrian opposition bloc

The Arab League has recognised the newly formed Syrian opposition bloc as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people.

Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo, Egypt, issued a statement late on Monday describing the new National Coalition of the Syrian Powers of Revolution and Opposition as "the legitimate representative and main interlocutor with the Arab League".

They called on "the rest of the opposition to join this national coalition so that it brings together all segments of the Syrian people".

The Cairo talks came a day after opposition groups announced in Qatar the formation of a broad-based coalition against the government of Bashar al-Assad, Syria's president.

They pledged to set up a transitional government after the new bloc gained international recognition.

The coalition has already drawn backing from Gulf Arab states and other regional and international powers.


RIP 12 year old Nadia Suweiss, killed by a checkpoint of Assad militias in Talbisah, Homs

5:39 PM

That was a rebel-held (after come from Rastan and taking a base nearby there quite a few months back) town outside of Homs last I checked, although it's been under siege for at least week or so now, so maybe the regime has made some inroads of late....


6 assad troops defected from dibsi afnan (al-raqqah)

4:37 PM

update: resistance fighters destroyed 3 military tanks in dibsi afnan (al-raqqah). some high-ranking military officers were killed

4:40 PM

assad's troops & a copter are bombing the town of darayya (damascus countryside)

5:18 PM

activists in al-raqqah city say +100 assad troops were killed & injured in the last clashes in the province

5:53 PM


resistance fighters killed all the pilots & workers in al-dumair airport

6:32 PM

update: resistance fighters killed a brigadier general & 3 colonels in al-dumair airport

6:34 PM

i still don't know what happened to the warplanes in al-dumair airport. i wish resistance fighters get one & bomb al-mazzeh airport

6:39 PM

osoud al-tawhid & houran brigades declare responsibility for the attack on al-dumair airport

6:41 PM


The body of an Imam from Idlib was delivered to his family after he had been tortured for about 5 months.

7:50 PM


Massive military operations taking place in Mazzeh - Damascus. Reports that mortars have been set up at al-Jalaa Sports Complex on highway.

9:43 PM

Assad Republican Guard forces have been deployed behind the Children's Hospital in Mazzeh on the road leading to the Palace. Damascus

9:43 PM

Helicopter and artillery shelling on Daraya in Damascus - black smoke is rising above the neighborhood.

9:52 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

By the end of Monday the LCC managed to document 155 martyrs including 5 children and 3 women, 50 martyrs were reported in Damascus and it’s suburbs; 38 in Aleppo; 35 in Hasakeh; 9 in Deir Ezzor; 7 in Raqqa; 6 in Homs; 5 in Idlib; 4 in Daraa; and 1 in Banyas


38,444 people killed so far in Syria

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Turkey says NATO Patriot missiles could counter Syria's chemical weapons

Turkish President Abdullah Gül has warned against Syria's chemical weapons that could be used against Turkey and suggested that NATO's Patriot missiles could counter the threat.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Gül said it is not secret that Syria has chemical weapons and that Damascus has old Soviet delivery systems. “So if there is in some eventuality some sort of madness in this respect and some action is taken, contingency planning has to be put in place and this is something NATO is doing,” he said.

Gül's remarks came on a day when NATO chief said the alliance will defend its only Muslim member Turkey and has all plans to do so.


Syria's new opposition 'must bring armed groups under control'

Moaz Al Khatib, the leader of a newly formed umbrella group representing the Syrian opposition, is under pressure to show that the dissident body has the credibility to speak for a majority of Syrians and to bring armed groups under some form of political control, analysts said yesterday.

If Mr Al Khatib succeeds, the opposition will find it easier to attract funds and get access to arms by foreign supporters, they said. But some expressed doubts whether the new Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces, chaired by Mr Al Khatib, will have the clout to rein in local militias fighting in Syria.


Despite rebel deal, Syria can keep up the fight

Nearly 20 months into the Syrian uprising, President Bashar Assad's message to the world has been nothing if not consistent: His military is strong, his enemies are mere terrorists and he will prevail in the end.

And despite a unity deal signed by Syrian rebels this weekend, which they hope will persuade foreign backers to send more powerful weapons to use to battle the regime, Damascus still has enough firepower and resources to keep up the fight.

"Syria has more than enough weapons for fighting the rebels," said Igor Korotchenko, a retired colonel of Russia's military general staff who is now editor of National Defense magazine. "As long as Bashar Assad has the money to pay his military, it will keep fighting."


Obama reassessing sensitive foreign issues now that election is over

The administration already is taking a new direction on the worsening Syrian conflict, which threatens to spread turmoil as well as refugees across the Middle East. After months of trying to limit the U.S. role, administration officials said they have begun trying to help reshape the civilian-led rebel movement so it can better defend itself against heavily armed military forces loyal to President Bashar Assad.

The opposition formed a new umbrella group over the weekend that was officially recognized Monday by six Persian Gulf states as the "legitimate representative" of the rebels.

Since the conflict began early last year, the Obama administration has resisted pressure to deepen collaboration with the opposition, and has refused to supply heavy weapons to its fighters. Advocates of that approach, including some top U.S. officials, argue that unless Washington and its allies strengthen and better organize the insurgents, the administration could see Syria taken over by dangerous militants, or a victory by Assad that would strengthen his Iranian allies.

Before the election, deeper U.S. involvement in Syria "was counter to the administration narrative that it would avoid too much action in the Middle East," said David Schenker, director of the program on Arab politics at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a think tank. But now U.S. policymakers worry that the war "could turn out very badly if we don't change the nature of our role."

Many senior U.S. officials are determined to steer clear of even low-level military involvement or support for the rebels, partly because of the risk that extremists would obtain U.S. weapons. But officials acknowledge the policy is getting another look.


We got ready to leave the apartment.. then 3 other shells fell down on a nearby street .. Yarmouk_Camp Damascus

2:11 AM

We left the apartment, debris was filling the narrow streets, people were shouting, kids were crying, and lots of people were leaving

2:14 AM

7 innocent people died and tens were injured yesterday.. Yarmouk_camp

2:18 AM

I blame the Syrian regime for most of whats happening in Yarmouk, But that dsn't mean that i shut up for FSA's indifference 2ward ppls lives

2:46 AM


Human Rights Watch is now offering policy recommendations. Make stopping human rights abuses a condition for recognitising Syria's NC.

2:52 AM

Misguided to say the least. Human rights abuse must stop but such policy makes it worse. Legitimacy & results better to make that happen.

2:56 AM


68 wounded Syrians were brought to Turkey yesterday from Ras al-Ayn after Syrian air strikes. 10 of them died.

12:36 AM

Syrian warplanes continue bombing Ras al-Ayn on the Turkish border for a second day despite Turkey's what it said "clear" diplomatic note.

3:05 AM


Qamishli: The Airport manager has defected.

3:10 AM

Raqqa: Ms.Horeya Al-Musalat was martyred by an explosion near Al-Shuhada Plaza while she was taking her child to school. [LCC]

3:11 AM

Idlib: The FSA has stopped a regime military convoy from advancing to Ma'asarat Mhambal. [LCC]

3:13 AM

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Syria's Internal War Turns Against the Regime

After almost twenty months, Syria's internal war appears to be approaching a decisive stage. Since early October, rebel forces have been on the offensive in key theaters, while regime forces are stretched thin, increasingly on the defensive, and giving ground.

The conflict is evolving from a war of attrition (with the two sides primarily exchanging casualties) to a war of positions, with rebel forces seizing checkpoints, reducing the regime presence in the provinces, interdicting roads, and pressuring key regime strongholds and facilities.

Barring a major change in Bashar al-Assad's approach or massive intervention by Hizballah and Iran, the regime's military situation will likely continue to deteriorate, perhaps dramatically, in the weeks ahead.


Among the Syrian Rebels, Heartbreak and Blood

Saturday night on the border between Jordan and Syria: Colonel Nawaf Tahrawi, a commander of the Royal Jordanian Border Guard, climbed to the top of a three- story concrete watchtower, built next to a scrub-filled streambed.

In the cold dark of a cramped room, Tahrawi asked a soldier operating a sophisticated thermal camera system if he had seen any movement in his sector. Just packs of dogs, he said, but he added that activity would no doubt pick up soon.

The cameras fixed atop the watchtower were aimed into Syria. Their operator, a 23-year-old corporal, was looking for Republican Guardsmen loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and for the Free Syrian Army rebels fighting Assad’s forces. Tahrawi said the two sides have been shooting at each other just across the border, their fire sometimes straying into Jordanian territory. “The shooting is all over the place,” he said.

The cameras were also scouring the dark for refugees. The previous night, the colonel said, more than 1,000 of them had scrambled across the Jordanian border, 500 or so over the hard ground in front of us. He expected a similar number tonight: “They’re coming faster and faster now.”

One of the rebels took me by the hand. We walked into the darkness. “I am not al-Qaeda” he said, though I hadn’t asked. “When we kill Bashar, I will shave off my beard. I’m a law student, but I have no choice. Bashar killed my brother.”

In the dark, it was nearly impossible to see. It got quiet again. Then we heard them. First came the sound of children crying. Then the sounds of people shuffling and stumbling. They passed before us. Women in black hijabs, their faces covered by scarves, carrying their children, bundled against the cold. Some of the children were still asleep. It seemed like a procession without end. Old men came out of the dark, staggering and breathless. Most of the refugees were panting and wide-eyed. When they understood they had nearly crossed over into Jordan, many broke into a run.


U.S. looks to accelerate aid to new Syrian opposition group

"What happened over the weekend was huge," a senior administration official told CNN. "I think it's fair to say that most of us were pessimistic, but the opposition did it. They have a long way to go, but this was a major step forward."

Nevertheless, the official admitted: "We are cautiously optimistic at best."

The United States has been pressing the opposition to unite and officials now say the Obama administration is urging the new National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces to quickly form a technical working group with which it can coordinate assistance.

The State Department is sending a high-level delegation to an emergency aid meeting in London on November 16. Ambassador William Taylor, who was present in Doha, Qatar, where the new coalition was created, will lead the U.S. officials at that meeting.

The United States, the official said, will seek to "accelerate and increase assistance to the Syrian people."

"In the short term, we will continue the non-lethal aid," the official explained. "However, you will see us now looking to coordinate and pony up cash assistance to assist a new government in transition efforts."

The United States, however, is not opening the spigots immediately on further aid to the new opposition coalition, insisting that it must respect human rights and guarantee equal treatment for all Syrian citizens.


New Syrian opposition chief seeks recognition, arms

The leader of Syria's new opposition coalition urged European states on Tuesday to recognize it as the legitimate government, enabling it to buy the weapons it needs to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.

Britain and France appeared to set further conditions, notably that it first rally support inside the country, before they grant full recognition to the Syrian National Coalition. And, like the United States, Europeans are still reluctant to arm rebel forces which include anti-Western Islamist militants.

Western caution, and an Arab League endorsement that stopped short of full recognition, indicate that the coalition forged with such difficulty in Qatar two days ago may yet find it hard to win wholehearted support, even from its allies.

"I request European states to grant political recognition to the coalition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people and to give it financial support," he said.

"When we get political recognition, this will allow the coalition to act as a government and hence acquire weapons and this will solve our problems," Alkhatib added.

France's defense minister and Britain's foreign minister both said that forming the new group under Alkhatib, a moderate noted for his embrace of Syria's religious and ethnic minorities, was an important milestone but not sufficient for full recognition as a government-in-waiting.

I hope we in 'the West' aren't just making excuses not to support them.

We can't afford to appear as decietful on this issue or to turn the coalition into a joke.

We made them go through tons of hoops.

Now we have to show some concrete support.

If they don't get international support, it will be hard for them to get people to follow them very far in Syria.

This from Britain is somewhat encouraging, but the overall response from the EU and the US after all the effort that was put into the coalition over the weekend has been disapointing so far.


Hague confirms UK switching approach on Syria

William Hague has confirmed that Britain is switching its focus to supporting the Syrian opposition rather than trying to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis.

Speaking at the Arab League meeting in Cairo Hague snubbed a call by international envoy Lakhdar Brahimi for the UN security council to try to reach agreement on Syria. He said:

We are very grateful for, and support, all the work that Mr Brahimi is doing. He suggests that we try again at the UN Security Council. We are prepared to try again, but our efforts to embody the Geneva consensus and to encourage the UNSC to take on its responsibilities have been vetoed by Russia and China. There is no indication that the outcome now would be different. In the absence of such progress, we will increase our support to Syrian opposition groups.

Hague also welcomed the new Syrian opposition coalition and pledged more support for the opposition if it can show that it is tackling sectarianism and preparing for government.

That coalition gives the opportunity for a united, inclusive and credible political alternative to the Assad regime. We urge them to set out a detailed platform for a political transition to a democratic Syria, and to demonstrate that they are acting on behalf of all Syria's communities. The more progress the coalition makes towards those goals, the greater practical support it will have from the United Kingdom.


22 martyrs &10s of wounded in a massacre by Assad forces as a result of warplanes shelling in Outaya village of Damascus suburb, LCC

9:28 AM


Kurdish citizen journalist Kaniwar Ali has been killed by loyal forces in shelling on Ras Al-ain pic.twitter.com/OHSYlkYR

9:51 AM


Western powers now adding new list of conditions before they can support the opposition.

8:48 AM

The proper way to make the opposition more cohesive and inclusive is by giving it proper support so that it gains credibility.

8:50 AM

The political opposition will only have sway over the FSA if it can provide it with weapons. Hard to see that happening otherwise.

8:51 AM

Western powers are demanding the NC demonstrate support on the ground (in Syria). How do they propose it does that? Elections?

8:53 AM

They are, but at enormous cost RT @abuaardvark Jeff White thinks the Syrian rebels are winning http://bit.ly/SJKna0

10:14 AM


Shelling on Maarat Alnaasan in Idlib leaves "10s of martyrs".

10:52 AM


jabhat al-nusrah says it blew up the rural development building in hama countryside & killed +200 assad troops & thugs

4:16 AM

jabhat al-nusrah blew up the rural development (military) compound in hama countryside: http://im17.gulfup.com/Uix22.jpg

10:50 AM

another photo from jabhat al-nusrah (hama countryside): see what happened to assad's military compound http://im17.gulfup.com/MkbL5.jpg

10:54 AM

this is the military compound that jabhat al-nusrah blew up in hama countryside: http://im17.gulfup.com/LkHj4.jpg

10:56 AM

Numbers seem exaggerated, but as much as everyone including myself hates Nusra, it's hard not to be impressed by their ability to cut through the bull**** and get things done.

It's not surprising that there is such a strong love/hate relationship with them in many places in Syria.

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Iran plans "Syrian national dialogue" meeting

Iran, the closest ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, will host a Syrian national dialogue meeting next week, the official IRNA news agency reported on Tuesday.

"The slogan of this one-day meeting will be 'no to violence, yes to democracy'," IRNA quoted Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian as saying.

"Aside from representatives from different ethnic groups, political parties, minorities and the opposition, there will also be representatives from the government at the meeting," Abdollahian added, without giving further details.

:ols: They're probably all representatives from the government.


Residents flee air strikes on Syria border town

A Syrian warplane struck homes in the town of Ras al-Ain on Tuesday within sight of the Turkish border, pursuing an aerial bombardment to force out rebels and drawing a new warning from Ankara.

The second day of jet strikes sent Syrians scurrying through the flimsy barbed-wire fence that divides Ras al-Ain from the Turkish settlement of Ceylanpinar as thick plumes of smoke rose above the town.

Medical workers and refugees in Ceylanpinar said bombing on Monday and Tuesday struck residential areas of Ras al-Ain, which fell to rebels last week during an advance into Syria's mixed Arab and Kurdish northeast.

The offensive has caused some of the biggest refugee movements since the armed revolt against President Bashar al-Assad began in March last year, and brought the war back perilously close to Turkish soil.

Turkey is reluctant to be drawn into a regional conflict but the proximity of the bombing raids to the border is testing its pledge to defend itself from any violation of its territory or any spillover of violence from Syria.


FSA confirms contact with British officials

The Free Syrian Army revealed it has held talks with officials from Britain and its allies, and is hopeful that a no-fly zone will be imposed on Syria’s border.

Fahad al-Masrai, spokesman for the FSA's joint command in Syria said: "There are meetings going on now between the military leaders of the Syrian revolution and Britain as well as US, France, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. For security reasons we can’t say where."

Speaking to Mona Mahmood, Masrai said:

The coming days and weeks will be full of surprises that will lead to the toppling of the regime and the imposition of the no-fly zone. I am certain that a no-fly zone will be first imposed along the Syrian border to depths of between 10km and 20km.

Masrai added:

We hope the next coming days will bring a political and a military breakthrough in Syria.

From the coming week, a big military campaign will be launched in Damascus.

Bashar will not leave Syria alive. He will be killed but not by the rebel. He is more likely to be assassinated by his close circle. They are beginning to realise the risk of being involved with his crimes, and will get rid of him.

We have many contacts with senior officers who are close to Bashar and are demanding guarantees if they turn against the regime. The subject is being considered by the FSA's leadership.

New defections will be declared soon by senior Alawite officers.

Updated at 4.29pm GMT


1603 GMT: Syria. A major air-defense base east of Damascus fell to the FSA on November 8th, but we missed an interesting detail - one of the FSA brigades involved in the heaviest fighting was apparently Christian:

More interestingly, this group operated alongside the Mustafa Brigade. Mustafa, which we believe to operate under the FSA banner, have used car bombs in attacks on regime elements. The Ansar al Sunni brigade was also involved in the attack, and we're not 100% certain, but we believe they have been largely independent of the FSA up to this point. We're not sure about the affiliation of the Abdullah bin Salam brigade.

The units operating in joint missions, particularly in Damascus and Idlib, appear to be more diverse, and more organized, than ever.


I fill with shame and hopelessness in that I am not able to help. How can the world just stand by as a humanitarian crisis ensues?

11:28 AM


81% of Palestinians say Assad's resignation wld be best 4 Syria - Survey by Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies http://english.dohainstitute.org/release/94870c54-5644-4706-92f2-27208e77019c

11:37 AM


Attn Donors- ambulance w $ U raised now being used at dar al shifaa hospital in Aleppo. Pls see vid. RT if you donated! http://youtu.be/i6x8VOvZ3MI

11:44 AM


resistance fighters liberated an area near sa`d mosque in aleppo city http://youtu.be/kjo1Cu5fxNw

11:31 AM

explosions & heavy clashes are going on now in al-tabqa airport (al-raqqah)

11:53 AM

resistance fighters destroyed sabna military checkpoint (rankous farms) & 3 tanks. many assad troops were killed

12:12 PM

resistance fighters destroyed 7 tanks & a bmp vehicle today in darayya. do you know now why assad's troops are mad at the town?

12:57 PM


Man filming is killed while recording air strikes on Kafrbatna:
… The lengths these heroes travel to deliver truth

12:52 PM

Doesn't show him die...just the explosion and then it cuts off.

Still shocking though, even if it isn't close to the first video of something like this that I've seen.

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Arabs and EU vow support for Syria opposition

Arab League and European Union foreign ministers have pledged to support the Syrian opposition and welcomed recent steps to unite the various groups under a new, united banner, in order to facilitate a solution to the 20-month conflict.

"The ministers welcomed the formation of the Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces. They called on all opposition groups to adhere to the national coalition and on the national coalition to engage with all sections of Syrian society," said a statement issued at the close of the meeting held in Cairo on Tuesday.

Syria's divided opposition had come under pressure from Western powers to join forces and offer a single interlocutor during negotiations, in order to provide a single contact for international critics of the regime's efforts to stamp down the opposition since 2011.

The coalition brings together the Syrian National Council and other groups inside Syria.

The Arab League has recognised the coalition as "the legitimate representative of the Syrian people's aspirations."

Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi described it as "a glimmer of hope."


France recognises new Syrian opposition coalition

France said on Tuesday it recognises Syria's newly formed opposition coalition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people, becoming the first European nation to do so.

Syrian opposition groups struck a deal in Doha on Sunday to form a broad coalition to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad after 20 months of an uprising against his rule.

"I announce today that France recognises the Syrian National Council as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people and as future government of a democratic Syria allowing to bring an end to Bashar al-Assad's regime," Hollande told a news conference in Paris.


Reuters: France becomes the first European nation to recognize new Syria oppositon group as sole representative of Syrian people.

1:11 PM


France’s Hollande says once Syrian National Council forms a government, issue of arms supply will be looked at.

1:13 PM


resistance fighters liberated the military recruitment compound in abukamal city

1:08 PM

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Syria: France backs anti-Assad coalition

France has become the first Western power to recognise Syria's opposition coalition as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people.

The move was announced by President Francois Hollande at a televised news conference in Paris.

The US and Britain have both signalled support for the coalition.

But they stopped short of recognising it as a government-in-exile.

In Washington, state department deputy spokesman Mark Toner said the US regarded the National Coalition as "a legitimate representative" of the Syrian people.

The head of the coalition, Mouaz Alkhatib, has called for diplomatic support

"We now have a structure in place that can prepare for a political transition," he told reporters.

"But... we're looking for it to still establish the types of technical committees that will allow us to make sure our assistance gets to the right places."

Earlier, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague described the coalition's formation as a milestone, but said it still had to prove itself.

"We want to see that they have support inside Syria," he said. "That is a very crucial consideration.

"If they do all these things, yes, we will be able to recognise them as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people."


a real war is going on now in al-ghutah al-sharqiyah. resistance fighters are attacking a big regiment. +45 assad troops were killed. resistance fighters arrested +20 assad troops in al-ghutah al-sharqiyah

3:13 PM

resistance fighters are using a tank & bmp vehicles in al-ghutah al-sharqiyah. they are in a real war now. keep them in your thoughts

3:15 PM

director of al-qamishli region, abdul basit abdul latif, has defected to turkey

3:26 PM

resistance fighters (damascus countryside) say they seized 2 tanks, 3 armored vehicles & ammunition (video in the morning)

5:46 PM

the governor of al-raqqah hasan saleh jalali has died

6:24 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

By the end of Tuesday the LCC managed to document 172 martyrs (including 10 children and 12 women), 109 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its Suburbs (22 of them were martyred in Otaya Massacre), 20 martyrs in Idlib, 19 martyrs in Aleppo, 8 martyrs in Daraa, 6 martyrs in Homs, 5 martyrs in Deir Ezzor, 4 martyrs in Hama and 1 martyr in Raqqa

6:55 PM


38,616 people killed so far in Syria

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U.S. Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for the Syrian Crisis

Today Secretary Clinton announced that the United States is providing $30 million in additional humanitarian assistance to help those affected by the conflict in Syria.

With this new assistance, the United States is providing nearly $200 million in humanitarian aid to help those suffering as a result of the Assad regime’s violence inside Syria and in neighboring countries.

In Syria, this funding will allow for the immediate procurement of food in local and regional markets to provide family food baskets to those in need, which contain vital necessities such as rice, beans, and cooking oil. In neighboring countries, this additional assistance from the United States will provide food supplies, hot meals, and food vouchers for families who have fled the violence in Syria.

This additional assistance will be provided through the World Food Program (WFP), which is providing food aid to 1.5 million people in Syria and the refugees who have fled to neighboring countries. The United States is the largest donor of food aid for those affected by the conflict in Syria through WFP.

The United States is providing food aid, medical supplies, emergency and basic health care, shelter materials, clean water, hygiene education and supplies, and other relief supplies - including blankets and heaters - to help more than one million people inside Syria and the nearly 400,000 refugees in neighboring countries.


U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the formation of the coalition, which supersedes the widely discredited Syrian National Council as the face of the Syrian opposition, was an important step, but did not offer it full recognition or arms.

"We have long called for this kind of organization. We want to see that momentum maintained," Clinton told reporters in the Australian city of Perth. "As the Syrian opposition takes these steps and demonstrates its effectiveness in advancing the cause of a unified, democratic, pluralistic Syria, we will be prepared to work with them to deliver assistance to the Syrian people."

Suhair al-Atassi, a vice president of the new coalition, said that once it had proved it represents "revolutionary forces" on the ground, there would be no excuse for Western powers not to provide some form of military backing.

"The ball now is in the international community's court," she told Reuters in an interview in Dubai, blaming Western reticence to arm the rebels for the rise of extremism in Syria.

"There is no more excuse to say we are waiting to see how efficient this new body is. They used to put the opposition to the test. Now we put them to the test," she declared.

A Syrian warplane bombed the town of Ras al-Ain near the Turkish border again on Wednesday, rocking buildings on the frontier and sending up huge plumes of smoke, in the latest of several attacks since rebels captured the town last week.

Third day in a row and Turkey hasn't done anything to stop the airstrikes.


Syrian warplanes pound targets near Turkey

Government jets pounded Ras al-Ain on Wednesday, a town near Turkey's border, for yet another day, shaking residents on the other side and triggering demands from Ankara that the Syrian military "stop this as soon as possible."



Salqeen Idlib is holding elections for their Local Coordination Committee. This is after there were complaints about the old committee.

8:50 AM


BREAKING: Israeli defense minister: 'Almost all' Syrian border villages near Israel controlled by rebels

9:07 AM


3 Brigadier Generals & a colonel along with other soldiers arrested from their battalion in Damascus outskirts

9:40 AM


One was martyred & three injured following an airstrike onto Douma city of Damascus Suburbs, LCC

10:01 AM

PIC:Military ID of the Captain pilot who died after FSA shot down his plane. [yesterday or day before] He's Captain Nidal Mansour Mansour pic.twitter.com/etgeg7A6

10:26 AM

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Not much Syria news today, everyone is focused on the Israeli airstrikes on Gaza....


Group defection of 50 soldiers from the Presidential Guard, 3rd division, border guard & other units in Qalamoun

1:27 PM

Possibility of a small NFZ over north Syria using AA systems on the Turkish border being discussed with some high-rank Free Army commanders.

3:10 PM

There is also urgency to finish this before winter and snow arrive, so military campaigns and "surprises" planned for next week.

3:13 PM

offline for few weeks now.

3:22 PM


resistance fighters have liberated the asfar najar area in al-hasakah. many assad troops were arrested

8:03 AM

resistance fighters have liberated al-sha`baniyah school in al-qal`ah neighborhood in aleppo city

11:42 AM

resistance fighters have liberated the popular army's compound in abukamal city

1:11 PM

resistance fighters destroyed a military tank in al-sayyidah zaynab

2:06 PM

resistance fighters blew up 2 military tanks near al-tadamon neighborhood in damascus city

2:15 PM

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Obama not ready to recognize, arm Syrian rebels

Obama told a White House news conference that his administration had been consulting intensively with foes of Syrian President Bashar Assad to broader their base, a step they took over the weekend a conference in Qatar.

"I am encouraged to see that the Syrian opposition created an umbrella group that may have more cohesion than they have had in the past," Obama told reporters.

"We consider them a legitimate representative of the aspirations of the Syrian people," Obama said. "We're not yet prepared to recognize them as some sort of government in exile. But we do think that it is a broad-based representative group."

Well no ****. What good does saying that do? Nothing.

Obama said the U.S. needed more time and wanted to make sure that the group "is committed to a democratic Syria, an inclusive Syria, a moderate Syria." He also said the U.S. isn't considering sending weapons to the opposition because of concerns the arms might fall into the hands of extremists.

"We have seen extremist elements insinuate themselves into the opposition and one of the things that we have to be on guard about, particularly when we start talking about arming opposition figures, is that we are not indirectly putting arms in the hands of folks that would do Americans harms, or do Israeli harm or otherwise engage in actions that are detrimental to our national security," he said.

Nonsense. Complete nonsense. The extremists get plenty of weapons from other independant sources already and they will continue to do so, no matter how much we choose to screw over the more moderate guys. We know this by now, everyone keeps telling us.

I don't know why I expected us to learn from our mistakes, when we don't seem to give a ****.


I Went to Syria to Learn How to Be a Journalist

And Failed Miserably at It While Almost Dying a Bunch of Times


2 military officers, saif bidaiwi & alaa bidaiwi, have defected to jordan

5:17 PM

3 military policemen have defected to resistance fighters in daraa city

5:21 PM

resistance fighters killed +35 assad troops, destroyed a bmp vehicle & a small truck & arrested thugs between palmyra & al-raqqah

5:26 PM

resistance fighters seized 9 cars, a tank & a bmp vehicle between al-raqqah & dibsi afnan

5:42 PM

resistance fighters have liberated al-sheikh sa`id neighborhood in aleppo city (videos in the morning)

6:28 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

By the end of Wednesday the LCC managed to document 100 martyrs, including 5 children and 3 women: 37 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its Suburbs; 16 in Aleppo; 14 in Deir Ezzor; 12 in Idlib; 7 in Daraa; 5 in Homs; 4 in Hama; 3 in Hassakeh; 1 in Lattakia; and 1 in Quneitra

6:34 PM


38,716 people killed so far in Syria

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Turkey recognizes new Syria opposition

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Thursday that Turkey "recognizes the Syrian National Coalition as the sole legitimate representative of the people of Syria."

Davutoglu made the comments during a ministerial meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation which is being held in Djibouti, according to Anatolia news agency.

Davutoglu also called on the international communtity to follow suit and give more support to the Syrian opposition, which emerged newly unified on Sunday after marathon talks in Doha.


resistance fighters have liberated the bridge that connects abukamal with al-baghouz. a military checkpoint was destroyed

5:12 AM

the liberation of the military security compound in abukamal city

5:16 AM

resistance fighters arrested the chairman of the military security compound in abukamal city

5:18 AM

resistance fighters have liberated the agricultural bank in abukamal city

5:24 AM

the liberation of al-sukkariyah square in abukamal

6:50 AM


resistance fighters killed tha'ir al-saqqa, head of the military investigation branch in abukamal city

6:55 AM

resistance fighters seized a tank: see the size of the military security base in abukamal city

7:05 AM

resistance fighters shot down a warplane near the town of al-ghabrah (abukamal)

8:06 AM

resistance fighters arrested colonel pilot khalil awad

8:39 AM


FSA say they've taken the military security in Albokamal, Deir Azzour + bridge + main checkpoints. Only airport under army control.

8:39 AM


at Atmah camp n Syria for 13.000 displaced Syrians apparently beyond reach of major int'l aid...

9:39 AM

no sanitations. A few loos for women only. Sewage flowing through camp...

9:40 AM

people here begging to be allowed into Turkey for urgent medical treatment. There is food and water but it's limited...

9:41 AM

with winter coming soon this stinking, overcrowded place will be a disaster zone

9:42 AM

the camp school - 1 tent, 120 children "I have to format their brains or they'll waste and become criminal" says teacher

9:50 AM


With Assad forces almost all but defeated in Albukamal, the next obstacle would be making the push to Mayadeen and securing its airport

10:51 AM

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The Men Are Vanishing Here

It was cold and drizzling as yet another family made homeless by war arrived in this town in northern Syria to start a new life in a tent.

Khadija al-Ali seemed to be trying not to cry as she explained how in the space of a week she had gone from middle-class housewife to homeless single mother.

There are dangers with greater involvement, and Syria is a more difficult arena to intervene than Libya was, but let’s acknowledge that the existing hands-off approach has failed. Western passivity has backfired and accelerated all that Washington fears: chaos, regional instability, sectarianism and growing influence of Islamic militants.

The United States certainly shouldn’t send boots on the ground. But there are steps we can take to save lives, hasten an end to the war, reduce the risks to the region and protect American interests as well. A sensible menu includes a NATO-backed no-fly zone over parts of northern Syria, transfers of weapons and ammunition (though not antiaircraft weapons) to the Free Syrian Army, training and intelligence support, and cooperation with rebels to secure chemical weapons.

“The government kills us every day, and nobody cares about us,” said Aisha Muhammad, who doesn’t know her age but looked to be in her 70s. She said that a government sniper had shot one of her two sons, costing him his arm, and that the other had been arrested five months ago and not heard from since.

Asked if he is still alive, she teared up and gulped: “I don’t know.” Her entire village has been destroyed, and she is now living out her old age alone, in a soggy, chilly tent. For her and other homeless Syrians, there’s only one certainty: winter will make the coming months even more wretched.


Rebels capture Ras al Ayn, 1st town to fall in Syria’s Kurdish region

Rebels who are fighting the Syrian government took control of a fourth border crossing with Turkey after killing or capturing the remaining government soldiers in the city of Ras al Ayn on Wednesday evening.

On Thursday, there were no airstrikes here for the first time in three days as the Syrian government apparently gave up holding the city, at least temporarily. Rebels who began fighting here a week ago said they’d rest for a few days and then push south, toward an army artillery base.

The bodies of five Syrian soldiers and militiamen lay on the side of a road on the southeast side of the city, shot by rebels as they tried to flee from an agricultural company the army had used as a base. Rebels surrounded the base in the city’s Asfar Najjar neighborhood a week ago, eventually leaving the soldiers without food and other supplies.

“We were prepared to fight against small groups, not so many rebels,” said a soldier who’d been captured at the base Wednesday. The man declined to give his name, but he described failed attempts by the military to resupply the trapped soldiers.

“They dropped food once and weapons twice from a helicopter, but each time they missed and the Free Army took the supplies,” the soldier said, using a moniker the rebels commonly use to refer to themselves.


resistance fighters destroyed a military tank near ghassan abboud square in deirezzor city

11:59 AM

resistance fighters say they have liberated al-amiriyah neighborhood in aleppo city

12:13 PM

from al-islam brigade: resistance fighters blew up a tank in zamalka (damascus countryside) http://youtu.be/MXeLSAvjmaY

1:49 PM

many troops have defected in qal`at al-madiq in hama. they are fighting assad's forces

2:00 PM

3 troops defected to resistance fighters in al-tadamon (damascus) http://youtu.be/c6Kpx9ASI2k

2:10 PM


FSA destroyed a tank by a land mine in Harasta city of Damascus Suburbs

2:09 PM


Probably the clearest video yet of aerial attacks on Syria. Taftanaz, Idlib
… FSA are the terrorists.. Yea.

2:28 PM


FSA Destroyed the biggest army barrier on the highway between Raqqa and Aleppo.. and Now 150 km highway is completely controlled by FSA

5:43 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria:

The number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 110 so far (including 10 children and 5 women), 54 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its Suburbs, 17 martyrs in Aleppo, 14 martyrs in Homs, 15 martyrs in Aleppo, 5 martyrs in Idlib, 5 martyrs in Raqqa, 5 martyrs in Daraa, 5 martyrs in Hama, 3 martyrs in Deir Ezzor and 2 martyrs in Lattakia

3:17 PM



On Syrian border, mixed feelings for rebel 'liberators'


Local Coordination committees in Syria

By the end of Thursday the LCC managed to document 130 martyrs (including 11 children and 5 women), 59 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its Suburbs, 21 martyrs in Aleppo, 17 martyrs in Homs, 10 martyrs in Idlib, 8 martyrs in Daraa, 5 martyrs in Raqqa, 5 martyrs in Hama, 3 martyrs in Deir Ezzor and 2 martyrs in Lattakia

6:50 PM


38,846 people killed so far in Syria

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More Syria officers, soldiers and families defect to Turkey

A Syrian general and a dozen other officers defected with their families to Turkey on Friday, Turkey's state-run news agency reported, following heavy fighting on Turkey's southeastern border with Syria.

Ankara said on Friday it had "intensified" talks with its NATO allies on steps to shore up security on the 900 km (560 mile) frontier with the 20-month civil war in Syria at stalemate.

State-run Anatolian agency said 53 people had crossed the border - one general, 12 other officers and an unspecified number of soldiers and their families.

They crossed into Turkey's southern Hatay province and were sent by local authorities to the Apaydin refugee camp, Today's Zaman newspaper reported on its website.

With winter setting in, dozens of Syrian military officers are holed up in Turkish camps, along with about 120,000 civilian refugees.


i can say now that the resistance fighters have liberated the town of dibsi afnan (al-raqqah)

5:51 AM

some assad troops have defected in the town of zakieh (damascus countryside)

6:14 AM

colonel sa`id muhammad al-hariri has defected to jordan

6:46 AM

resistance fighters destroyed a military tank near ma`arrat al-nu`man city

8:06 AM


BREAKING: Area of Kafarbutna in Damascus now witnessing air force attacks which have so far left 6 confirmed deaths and dozens wounded

6:30 AM

Mohamad Dughmosh @MDughmoch AlArabiya TV's reporter endures sever wounds to the head when regime forces shell a protest in Aleppo

9:11 AM

BREAKING: the situation in BustanAlQasr is devastating, 10s of civilians killed in a brutal attack by regime forces Aleppo

9:19 AM

AlArabiya reporter Mohamad Dughmosh @MDughmosh now in turkey and stable after shrapnel injury to the head in BustanAlQasr

12:15 PM


resistance fighters liberated al-aliyah area (ras al-ain, al-hasakah) & seized 30 boxes of ammunition. all ras al-ain is free

8:25 AM

resistance fighters say they shot down 2 military copters in damascus countryside

10:00 AM

resistance fighters say they shot down a military copter near al-nayrab military airport (aleppo)

11:11 AM

13 troops have defected near the town of ataman in daraa

1:08 PM


LCC: Idlb: Harem: 7 regime soldiers defected and joined the Free Syrian Army

2:31 PM

LCC is now reporting defections at Hamdan [military airport outside Bokamal, Deir Ezzour]

2:46 PM


Reports that at least 30 soldiers have defected at Hamdan Military Airport, which is currently in control/surrounded by the FSA.

3:22 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria:

By the end of Friday the LCC managed to document 122 martyrs (including 4 women and 3 children), 35 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its Suburbs, 32 martyrs in Aleppo (most of them were martyred in Bustan Qasr), 15 martyrs in Idlib, 8 martyrs in Daraa, 8 martyrs in Hama, 6 martyrs in Raqqa, 6 martyrs in Deir Ezzor, 5 martyrs in Homs, 3 martyrs in Banyas, 3 martyrs in Lattakia and 1 martyr in Quneitra

6:43 PM


38,968 people killed so far in Syria

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Inside a Syrian border town

Added on November 16, 2012

CNN's Ivan Watson goes inside Syria to Ras Al Ain, which has seen intense fighting.


from ahrar al-sham brigades: resistance fighters destroyed a military convoy near damascus city

12:51 AM

resistance fighters blew up many assad troops in al-lairmoun market (al-jazz market) in aleppo city

1:03 AM


Turkish journalist detained in Syria since August released (Afp) Turkey

5:18 AM


Syrian war planes have bombed Bab El Hawa border crossing with Turkey.

5:43 AM


I have a friend in the FSA in Bokamal that I haven't spoken to since July...I wonder if he's still alive or not...

5:18 AM

The FSA in Bokamal DeirEzzor announce the liberation of the Hamdan airport thus liberating the entire city.

5:23 AM

France accepts Munthir Makhoos of the SNC as the new Syrian Ambassador to the country. Makhoos is from the Alawite sect of Syria.

5:51 AM

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Regime planes flew over Turkish airspace today. Turkey responding by sending Turkish F-16s over Harem Idlib chasing the regime planes away

9:52 AM


Every time it happens we hear Turkey say "but next time we'll shoot". :)

9:53 AM


The FSA in Harem Idlib has shot down a regime MiG! It fell over Kafrtkhareem!

12:17 PM


Mursi sounds pretty neutral on Syria, talking about ending of violence. Erdogan naming directly naming Assad & saying he will not succeed.

3:30 PM


My grandparents returned to Syria today to live under bombardment because UAE didn't have a place for 2, 80 year old Palestinians

3:31 PM


Heavy bombardment by rocket launchers in Damascus, most likely targeting Daraya

3:28 PM

Parts of Daraya are burning now after being rained by rockets. Damascus

3:44 PM


Al-Boukamal is the 1st Syrian city to gain independence from France, residents remember as they talk about a 2nd one after airport takeover

3:45 PM


Azzera'a military checkpoint, close to the 46th brigade, is now controlled by Aleppo rebels.

3:53 PM


The Syrian opposition has built a robot for recovering rocks and AK-47s [to keep from being sniped]

4:37 PM


The number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 120 martyrs (including 6 children and 3 women), 63 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its Suburbs (7 of the were martyred in Harasta), 21 martyrs in Deir Ezzor, 22 martyrs in Aleppo, 7 martyrs in Idlib, 4 martyrs in Homs, 2 martyrs in Daraa and one in Hama

4:55 PM

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