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Yahoo: Assad predicts disaster if West meddles in Syria


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Syrian envoy to Cyprus defects

Syrian charge d'affaires to Cyprus Lamia al-Hariri has defected, becoming the second diplomat to leave her post in July, Al Jazeera has learned.

Al-Hariri's defection on Tuesday brings to three the number of senior diplomats to quit the embattled government.

The first was Bassam Imadi, who was the Syrian ambassador to Sweden until December, and the second was Nawaf Fares, the ambassador to Iraq, who defected earlier in July.

Tuesday's defection deals a harsh blow to the Syrian government as the regime battles a near 17-month-old uprising.

On Tuesday, Syrian army helicopters fired rockets and machineguns near central Aleppo as they battled rebels trying to enlarge their foothold in the country's second city, forcing residents to flee.

Residents said fighter jets were flying over some rebel-held neighbourhoods, and that helicopters were firing at eastern and southern parts of the city located around only 3km east of Aleppo's ancient citadel in the city centre.

"I heard at least 20 rockets fired, I think from helicopters, and also a lot of machinegun fire," said a resident near one of the areas being shelled, who asked only to be identified by his first name Omar.

"Almost everyone has fled in panic, even my family. I have stayed to try to stop the looters, we hear they often come after an area is shelled," he added.


Inside Syria: rebels and regime trapped in cycle of destruction

The column of eight rebel fighters picked their way along the street in Deir el-Zour at sunset, moving carefully through the debris of crushed glass and concrete, keeping their heads low and backs bent under the weight of the guns and rockets they carried.

They worked their way along the cratered road, past buildings chipped with multiple bullet holes and apartments and shops that had spilled out their contents on to the warm tarmac: burned mattresses, sofas, a fridge.

Nearby, mortars and shells were pounding out a rhythm. The men stopped in front of a collapsed building whose remaining walls were black with soot. There was a stench of rotten bodies. "We lost three men here two days ago," said the commander. He pointed at three dark puddles of congealed blood. "They lay here next to each other."

The men split into three teams. A sniper climbed into a tall building overlooking a no man's land shared by government and rebel snipers. The rest surrounded a government-held checkpoint. The RPG launcher fired first, releasing a thundering boom, a huge cloud of dust and the sounds of cascading glass, metal and masonry. Silence. The government soldiers were not drawn into the firefight.

A chubby rebel ran into the middle of the street, firing a volley of bullets. The loyalist soldiers returned fire with a heavy machine gun, the buildings and street around the fighter exploding with yellowish sparks. The rebels escaped into an alley. The burly rebel commander ordered his men to the other side of the street, opening fire at the distant soldiers as cover until all the men had crossed. They took cover in a vegetable market, among steel stalls piled with rotten potatoes and onions, the smell of rotten vegetables and dead animals mingling with the scent of gunpowder.

When darkness fell the rebels withdrew. The sniper joined them in a dark alleyway. He was cheerful. They had managed to kill five soldiers, he said.

One of the men leaned against a nearby wall and began to throw up.


UNHCR to expand Walid camp at Iraq/Syria border in al-Anbar, says after talks with Iraqis won't build camp further away from border.

1:20 PM

al-Qaem border crossing with Syria, sealed by Iraq after being seized by FSA, now open again, UN officials say. Border in north still shut

1:22 PM


"I spoke few minutes ago with a detainee in the Homs Central Prison. They have no food or water or electricity since yesterday"

1:54 PM

"The hunger is killing them, particularly the women and children. They still fear for their lives from any raids on the prison"

1:55 PM


Free Syria Army drive through streets of Aleppo, residents celebrate & wish them luck

2:10 PM


Massoud Barzani to Aljazeera TV: Kurdish soldiers who defected from the syrian army trained in Kurdistan to protect their areas

2:16 PM


BREAKING: very heavy shelling now on the Kurdish mountains -Latakia, at least 4 killed 30+ injured.

2:37 PM



2:55 PM


Clashes in Alrami in JabalAlzawiyah Idlib lead to the destruction of the Bayada checkpoint as flames rise and is now under FSA control.

3:32 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

The number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 133 so far, including soldiers of the Free Syrian Army, women, and children. 44 martyrs were reported in Hama "Latamna, Kafar Zeta, Shareaa, Aqerobat", 21 in Aleppo, 18 in Daraa, 17 in homs, 11 in Damascus and its Suburbs, 7 in Idlib, 6 in Deir Ezzor, 5 in Lattakia, and 4 in Hassakeh

3:52 PM

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Slain Syrian official supported al Qaeda in Iraq


Top general, friend of Syrian president, defects

Also Tuesday, a top military commander and close friend of Syrian President Bashar Assad confirmed his defection from the regime.

Brig. Gen. Manaf Tlass, son of a former defense minister, said in a video broadcast on Al-Arabiya TV that Syrians must work together to build a new country.

"I speak to you not as an official, but as a son of Syria, as a son of the Syrian Arab army that has rejected the criminal program if this corrupt regime," Tlass said, dressed in a light blue shirt with an open collar, his gray hair tussled.

"Our duty today as Syrians is to unify for one goal, and that is to make our country free and democratic," he said.

It was his first public appearance since he left Syria earlier this month. French officials later confirmed that he was in France.

His long silence raised questions about whether he had joined the anti-Assad uprising or merely fled the civil war.


Reuters: Activists say thousands of Syrian troops have withdrawn from Idlib province and are moving towards Aleppo

4:35 PM


Regime MiG bombed east Aleppo tday, killing 10 civils in tareeq al bab; more expected. 1st known use of warplane in Syria conflict.

2:06 PM


BRK Qusair LC: Late night shelling on Qusair claims lives of five martyrs, four of whom from the same family.

5:13 PM

"Brigade of Minboj & Jerablus" created in Northern Aleppo. A unification of FSA forces in these 2 (liberated) cities

5:18 PM


Manaf Tlass was either speaking with a hangover or someone woke him up just to make this statement.

4:52 PM

Manaf Tlass' full statement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vjUj2wNTHo

5:30 PM

FSA capture a big amount of weapons, ammo and artillery in Azaz, Aleppo. Go to 0:25 when they start to show it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgNFppqDrlI&feature=g-u-u

5:59 PM


will be trying to drive down near downtown Aleppo soon, I'll keep you posted about what I see later on tonight. wish me luck

11:47 AM

some areas of Aleppo are seeing intermittent clashes between regime and FSA. many people have fled their homes and are staying in schools

6:08 PM

the areas of Aleppo which have not seen fighting are almost completely deserted. there's no one on the roads. most shops are closed

6:09 PM

the regime is sending military reinforcements into Aleppo, thousands of troops and tanks. there will be major conflict and bloodshed soon

6:10 PM

some schools have been turned into makeshift refugee centers with very basic necessities. lots of families are staying there Aleppo

6:16 PM


Good God RT @NATOSource Diplomat: reports Assad preparing to use Sarin gas against rebels, but Russians told him "don't even think about it"

6:27 PM


After watching the video, comparing it to how Manaf looked before, he looked like he had a nose job.

4:39 PM

To me it is very clear that Manaf Was under pressure or rushed into making a statement.

4:43 PM


6:25 PM


6:36 PM

Why would anyone make another important statement at 3 am? I doubt...that's what I was told, but I doubt.

7:24 PM


BBC footage from inside Aleppo that you should really watch http://bbc.in/OXzXjO v @cswift2

6:44 PM


The largest FSA unit vs. Assad convoy from Idlib, fighting in the largest city in Syria, Aleppo, one of the oldest cities in the world!

7:03 PM


@HamaEcho checkout the last report here https://www.facebook.com/ShbktAkhbarShbabAlthwrtAlswryt apparently they did attack one of those convoys

7:04 PM


Assad is withdrawing his forces from Idlib and sending them to Aleppo. Reports say FSA is making that withdrawal quite painful.

7:05 PM


I am warning u now so that u can't say u didn't know. The regime's assault on Aleppo is going to cause thousands of civilians deaths

8:00 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

Local Coordination Committees in Syria was able to document 150 martyrs on Tuesday, including soldiers of the Free Syrian Army, women, and children. 46 martyrs were reported in Hama "Latamneh, Atherobat, Kafar Zeta, and Shareaa", 22 in Homs, 27 in Aleppo, 20 in Daraa, 12 in Damascus and its Suburbs, 7 in Idlib, 6 in Lattakia, 6 in Deir Ezzor, 3 in Hassakeh, and 1 in Qunaitra

5:49 PM

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Syria crisis: western troops 'increasingly likely' to intervene

Western military intervention in the Syrian crisis is "looking increasingly likely" because the conflict is now in danger of provoking violence across the Arab world that could lead to cross-border invasions, a report has warned.

The study, by the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), finds fears that President Assad's regime may turn to its stockpile of chemical weapons, or that these devices may be stolen in the chaos of the civil war. It says these concerns have intensified "the sense of imminent international conflict that is gripping the region".

The broader implications of the violence inside Syria are now of more concern to diplomats than the human misery inside the country, and these anxieties are making the west rethink its strategy of non-intervention, it reports.

"The problem of containing the Syrian conflict, preventing it sparking even greater violence, fragmenting neighbouring countries and even provoking cross-border invasions, is now more urgent than dampening the violence inside Syria itself," says Professor Michael Clarke, RUSI's director general.


I am warning u now so that u can't say u didn't know. The regime's assault on Aleppo is going to cause thousands of civilians deaths

8:00 PM

unless FSA is armed properly with anti tank & anti aircraft missiles, or a no fly zone is imposed, Syria will be stuck in a bloody impasse

8:05 PM

Aleppo will very soon face a brutal assault by the regime army. expect many dead, all communications & power cut. us tweeps will be offline

8:08 PM

people in Aleppo are bracing themselves for the worst. some r saying farewells. a morbid eerie anticipation of death hangs everywhere

8:36 PM

I know this because I'm in Aleppo, the U.S isn't helping because it doesn't give a **** about us, we have no oil.

8:42 PM

fierce clashes going on right now in many parts of Aleppo city

9:31 PM


Al Tal getting shelled right now, sporadic gunfire coming from surrounding hills. New experience for residents here; pretty shaken up.

7:27 PM

Al Tal quiet @ the moment. Received 15-20 arty rds earlier in night. UNCONFIRMED rumor of tank column approaching from north

9:25 PM

Yes I am. Hospital treated 1 casualty from the shelling, a boy w/ non-life-threatening shrapnel wounds.

9:29 PM

After taking a couple hours off, shelling in Al Tal has resumed.

10:01 PM

Al Tal: Civilians streaming out, fighters manning positions, donating blood. Rumors in every direction. Everyone expecting a fight today.

11:54 PM


Syrian activist telling me 3 houses in Qadam (Damascus) set on fire w/ residents inside, anyone trying to save them sniped by two snipers.

8:52 PM

Qadam activists telling me that regime forces raided the area, broke into shops, destroyed homes, killed civilins.

9:00 PM

Qadam (Damascus) activist telling me most residents have fled. Those who remained are staying to help the injured.

9:01 PM

LCC Syria: Aleppo: Fierce clashes b/w FSA & regime's at the Al-Aloum junction and the Officers' Club in Saif Al-Dawleh

9:43 PM


Syrian Christian Father Paolo: The Assad regime destroyed churches and has left 150,000+ Christians homeless - http://bit.ly/OlGtmc.

9:42 PM


Aleppo: Fierce clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the regime's army were reported at the Al-Aloum junction and the Officers' Club in Saif Al-Dawleh

9:44 PM


Aleppo: Bab: Heavy gunfire from heavy automatic weapons, directed at civilian homes, was reported at the regime's military camp

9:47 PM


July 25, 2012 - 06:17

Syrian rebels break their fast with the "iftar" meal during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan in the northern city of Aleppo on July 24, 2012.

A commercial hub and home to 2.5 million people, Syria's second city Aleppo has become a new front in the country's 16-month uprising, after being largely excluded from the violence. [AFP]


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Liberated Kurdish Cities in Syria Move into Next Phase

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region -- Syrian governmental forces have retreated from the Kurdish regions of Syria without a fight; the liberated cities are now being ruled evenly by the People's Council of Syrian Kurdistan (PYD) and the Kurdish National Council (KNC).

According to the information obtained by Rudaw, the Kurdish cities of Kobane, Derek, Amoude, Efrin and Sari Kani have fallen under the control of Syrian Kurdish forces.

The city of Kobane was the first Kurdish city to be liberated last Thursday, 17 months after the revolution against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad began.

The KNC and PYD agreed to jointly control the liberated Kurdish cities in a deal made in Erbil on July 11, under the supervision of Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani.

"According to the treaty of Erbil which was signed by the KNC and PYD, any administrative vacuum in the Kurdish cities of Syria will be occupied evenly -- 50/50 -- by these two signatories. These two groups will continue ruling the Kurdish regions until an election is carried out," said Nuri Brimo, a spokesperson of the Democratic Kurdish Party of Syria.

The national flag of Kurdistan and the flag of the PKK – which the PYD is affiliated with -- are now being raised over the majority of government and public buildings.


Syria: Smugglers with a cause

Syria's opposition activists and the Free Syrian Army are hugely under-equipped and rely on meagre supplies trickling over the borders from Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.

A network of Syrian activists on both sides of the Syria-Turkey border organise the smuggling of vital supplies into the country to support the resistance, as well as getting refugees out.

Volunteers take huge risks smuggling in items ranging from walkie-talkies to blood bags for transfusions. Many are injured, some are killed in the process.

"There have been lots and lots of guys killed carrying supplies across the border. There are always ambushes at the border," says Jamil, an activist organiser wanted by the Syrian authorities because of his activism during the early days of the uprising.

He fled to Turkey in July 2011 and now rents a house in a Turkish border town with up to 20 other activists. They are funded by their savings, families and Syrian donors.

Witness spends time with Jamil and volunteers Mohammad Ali and Omar as they wait on the Syria-Turkey border, preparing for the trip that will take them back home to fight the regime. They hope to join up with the Free Syrian Army in Qamishli, north-eastern Syria.

"There's no room for surrender," explains a determined Omar. "I'm not going to surrender to anyone. I'll resist any way I can and I'll not let them capture me."


Fighting intensifies in Syria's Aleppo

Violence is raging in Syria's second city Aleppo for the sixth consecutive day as regular troops battle rebel forces, opposition activists say.

Clashes were reported in the central al-Jamaliya neighbourhood on Wednesday, close to the local headquarters of the ruling Baath party. In Kalasseh, in the south of the city, rebels set fire to a police station, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Fighter jets overflew the city, breaking the sound barrier but not carrying out bombing raids, Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told the AFP news agency.

A spokesman for rebel Free Syrian Army said thousands of Syrian soldiers had been moved from the northwestern province of Idlib to fight in Aleppo.

"A large number of troops is being redeployed from Jabal al-Zawiyah to Aleppo, which is strategically more important for the regime than Idlib," Colonel Abdel Jabbar al-Oqaidi, the FSA's Military Council spokesman in the city told AFP.

Activists said people were fleeing the southern neighborhood of Sukkari on Wednesday morning.


Activists say 11 men executed by Syrian forces in Damascus

Syrian activists, who provided video of men with bullet holes in the side of their heads, said they found on Wednesday the bodies of 11 men who were executed by forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad in the Damascus district of Qaboun.

Footage showed 11 bloodied bodies, some in an alleyway and some inside a building. Three appeared to have been shot through their shirts, which were pulled above their heads, and one was kneeling against a wall.

Rania al-Midani, an opposition activist who lives near Qaboun, said that the men were arrested five days ago in a nearby district.


about 3 hours ago

Two more Syrian brigadier generals crossed into Turkey om Tuesday, bringing to 27 the number of generals who have fled the unrest in Syria, a foreign ministry diplomat told AFP news agency.

Turkey has given sanctuary to dozens of army defectors who have formed the Free Syrian Army in opposition to President Bahsar al-Assad's regime.

It is also sheltering more than 42,000 Syrian refugees who have fled the violence and been accommodated in camps near the border. The camps also shelter rebel forces made up of army defectors.

about 3 hours ago

Half of the members of the United Nations observer mission in Syria have left the country, two mission members told AFP on Wednesday.

"One hundred and fifty observers left Syria on Tuesday evening and Wednesday and they will not come back," one observer told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity.[AFP]


Syria: Rebels on 'highly dangerous' Aleppo mission


i feel like a policeman kicking in an open door. We just showed passport and crossed Syrian border. That simple

6:13 AM

We are on road to Aleppo. Passing minefield. Black smoke rising from town ahead.

fsa tells us smoke is coming from farmers burning the fields after harvest. Not everything u see in wartime is result of conflict

6:35 AM

syrian borderpost manned by FSA, an old bed, office chairs on burntout roads. The new Syria

6:44 AM

Some of FSA fighters here are no older then 15. Seem to have some sort of control, registring anyone who comes in

7:07 AM

driving further on the road. burntout tanks, petrol station destroyed by fighting

7:52 AM


Two T-72 & One BMB are permanently stationed behind Razie Hospital in Mazeh Damascus

6:57 AM

A contact in Al-Asali talks about shops being burnt & army entering the area. I can see thick smoke in that direction. Damascus

7:14 AM

Army seized some houses in Mazeh neighborhood, the owners were expelled & snipers deployed.

7:35 AM


73 martyrs in Syria so far today, among them 9 children and 2 women. It is still just past 2 in the afternoon in Syria....

7:15 AM

Aleppo: Four people were martyred in the Marjeh neighborhood when their car was targeted on the Tal Shogheib road by a helicopter

7:18 AM

Syrian Ambassador to the UAE along with his wife, the Syrian Ambassador to Cyprus have both defected from the regime.

7:23 AM

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Several martyrs have fallen in Kafroma Idlib and 10s of injuries. Several of them are children. :( via @LccSy

12:45 AM

4 martyrs confirmed in Kafroma Idlib. 3 of them are little girls, of which 2 are so badly disfigured that they can't be identified. :(

12:51 AM

:( And the shelling is still going on from what I hear in Kafroma and the western neighborhoods of Maarat Al-Nouman...

12:47 AM

Massacre in Kafroma Idlib. 6 martyrs including 3 young girls and a woman. over 50 are injured and the shelling is still ongoing.

3:16 AM

Kafroma Idlib. Many are still trapped under the rubble as shells and bullets continue to fall. :(

4:32 AM


War returns to Damascus - heavy fighting in southern suburb of Kadar for most of the day

9:20 AM

Damascus tense: Syrian soldiers fired 3 rounds into our van at a checkpoint - nobody hurt but our van's shot up

9:30 AM

Smoke, tank shelling and gunfire across the southern suburbs of Damascus

9:21 AM

People fleeing fighting in Kadar say Syrian Army is setting fire to houses, at least six large fires burning here

9:25 AM


PUKmedia: Syrian choppers attack Kurds in village Xirabe Bajar near Qamishli, 11 killed http://www.diekurden.de/news/syrisches-militaer-greift-umgebung-von-qamishlo-an-11-kurden-getoetet-0311008/

10:11 AM


Centre Assaz looks like Dresden: 5 tanks around central mosque destroyed, military intelligence hq, schools: all gone.

9:51 AM

Inside former military intelligence headquarters, now destroyed, kids playing in the rubble and the air of old regime

10:24 AM

Its crazy to think just 30km down the road the army is firmly in control of Aleppo. Feels like another country

10:28 AM


The Revolution flag has been raised over AlShaar police station in Aleppo by FSA... Allahu Akbar

10:40 AM


Now inside Syria and reporting from here for next few days. Free Syrian Army commander tells me "50 per cent" of Aleppo now in rebel hands

10:57 AM

The regime still in control of major urban centres: Damascus, Idlib, Homs. But firefighting on multiple fronts, with FSA running countryside

10:59 AM

The town of Atareb, 30kms from Aleppo, a ravaged mess. FSA took control in May. Burned out tanks on the streets; houses pulverised

11:00 AM

Some refugees from Damascus have fled north to escape Assad shelling his own capital. "It was terrible," one told me. "I left job, home."

11:08 AM


offline leaving at last. Too much danger for too little help to the revolution. I want to do more but cannot for the safety of my family.

4:15 AM

Finally left the country. Maybe I will use my real name now, managed to give hardly any personal details, happy about that achievement.

11:07 AM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

The number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 90 so far, among them 10 children, 2 women and 2 martyrs due to torture. 23 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its Suburbs (most killed in the Massacre of Qaboun neighborhood, their bodies were discovered today),17 in Aleppo,15 in Hasakeh,12 martyrs in HOms,9 in Idlib, 8 in Deir Ezzor and 6 in Hama.

10:11 AM

There's a bunch of reporters in Aleppo or the area between there and Turkey right now.

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In Syria's North, A Shadow State Emerges

As the Syrian state recedes, the people in this village and villages around it are filling in the blanks with their own institutions and, for better or for worse, their own ideas about how a country should be run.

The rebels started taking control of these villages and towns a few months back, as the Syrian army focused on holding major cities.

The first thing the rebels do is take over the post office or the police station and set up shop as the local authority.

Each village or town has something different to offer the rebels. In Qurqanya, it's a school that during the summer break can be used as a kind of media center, with a few laptops and an Internet connection.

In the next town over, it's a hospital.

The head doctor says he might treat dozens of injured rebel fighters from all around this region in a single day. Places that treat rebels used to be totally underground — makeshift MASH units set up in people's houses.

In many parts of Syria, it's still like this. But more and more, the rebels are coming out into the open and asserting their control.

I'm in a truck riding with the rebels of the Free Syrian Army. And we're doing something that just a month ago, maybe two months ago, would have been totally unheard of. We're driving on a highway — freely, openly, during the middle of the day.

In fact, we just went through a checkpoint. It wasn't a government checkpoint but a Free Syrian Army checkpoint. Soldiers saw who we were — a pickup truck with guys with guns in the back — and waved us through.

Driving into the next town, the town marker has been painted with the rebel flag. Once we're in town, we can tell what that means. There is no sign of the Syrian state anywhere.

This is a major town, and basically everybody supports the revolution. It's not like everybody is out fighting; business is ongoing. There are shops open all over the place. We sit in a cafe and have ice cream. There are toys and chairs and bicycles for sale. Life goes on.

Locals tell us it's not just about feeding, transporting, treating and housing the rebels. It's also about providing better governance than the Syrian state could offer.


UN's Ban Ki-moon says world must unite in its response to Syria's civil war

July 25, 2012 - 20:59

UN General-Secretary Ban Ki-moon says the world must unite in its response to Syria's civil war and do all it can to stop what he called the slaughter taking place there.

Speaking in Sarajevo, Ban said Wednesday other countries intervened in Libya and the Ivory Coast to stop widespread killing there, but failed during Bosnia's 1992-95 war to prevent Bosnian Serbs from killing more than 8,000 Muslim Bosniaks in Srebrenica while the town was officially under UN protection.

But Ban did not say in his speech exactly what the international community should do in Syria beyond already calling for Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down. He also did not criticize Russia and China by name for vetoing a Western-backed U.N. resolution threatening Assad's regime with sanctions.

- Associated Press


increasing number of Free-Syrian flags are visible across Tripoli these days. More & more mosques are keeping charity boxes fr #TwaarSyria

11:16 AM


"Let's draw another line in the sand" - The International Community and Bashar Al-Assad. https://twitter.com/NMSyria/status/228182667076702208/photo/1/large

1:39 PM



Lots of fear-mongering about Al Qaeda in Syria; read these tweets by @azelin for a clearer picture. https://twitter.com/NuffSilence/status/228177204675223552/photo/1

1:17 PM

Plus this.


One should not blind oneself to the very real presence of jihadists in Syria, but making them out to be a key player does a disservice.


There's no place for ALQaeda in Syria.PERIOD. Syrians didn't lose their lives for AlQaeda

12:57 PM


the world is to blame if some groups are working w/AlQaeda b/c no one helped. They're few though.

1:41 PM

There seem to be an increasing number of sightings and reports of islamist jihadis in northern Syria around the borders lately, some possibly even linked to Al Qaeda.

It's depressing, even though I and many others pointed out it would probably be inevitable if the fighting was forced to drag on like this without any significant outside help.

Still I had come to hope it wouldn't happen, since I hadn't heard much about any foreign islamists being involved until recently.


Syria military attaché in Oman Mohamad al Fakeer defects, destination Doha. Qatar will soon host a whole Syrian ministry of Foreign Affairs

1:09 PM


AJA: Commander of the 137th Battalion, Brigadier General Nader Farhan has defected in Deir Ezzor.

2:12 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

The number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 105 so far, among them 10 children, 2 women and 2 martyrs due to torture. 25 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its Suburbs (most killed in the Massacre of Qaboun neighborhood, their bodies were discovered today),17 in Aleppo,15 in Hasakeh,12 martyrs in HOms,11 in Hama,11 martyrs in Deir Ezzor,9 in Idlib and 5 in Daraa

1:51 PM

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about 3 hours ago

Arab nations say they will go to the U.N. General Assembly and seek approval of a new resolution on Syria.

They are calling for a political transition and establishment of a democratic government in Syria after the Security Council's failure to address the crisis.

Saudi Arabia's Ambassador Abdallah al-Mouallimi and Qatari diplomat Abdulrahman Al-Hamadi announced Arab plans to seek action by the 193-member world body, where there are no vetoes, during a Security Council debate on the Middle East on Wednesday.

Last week, Russia and China vetoed a Security Council resolution aimed at pressuring the Syrian government to halt the violence by threatening sanctions.


LIVE NOW: Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters in FSA held part of Damascus Saqaba, Syria: http://bambuser.com/v/2854932

7:31 PM


Raqqa: Removing Al-Assad pictures displayed in front of the Health Centre http://fb.me/1SlvKFPf1

7:22 PM


Deir Ezzor: Fierce clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the regime's army were reported near the Military Security building, amid massive explosions and heavy gunfire in the city

8:10 PM


Deir Ezzor: Mortar shelling at Sheikh Yassin neighborhood as well as fierce clashes between the regime's and the Free Syrian Army near al-Talae' Youth Camp have been reported

11:03 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria:

The number of martyrs has risen to 129 so far among them 10 children, 2 women, and 2 died under torture, 27 martyrs in Damascus and its Suburbs, (most of them were killed in the massacre of Qaboun neighbourhood, their bodies were discovered today), 22 in Aleppo, 21 in Homs, 15 in Hasakeh, 12 in Hama, 12 in Idlib, 11 in Deir Ezzor and 9 martyrs in Daraa

3:50 PM

Protest in Gharaf District Latakia

Protest in Raqqa

Protest in Ithaa neghborhood, Aleppo


20,756 people killed so far in Syria

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I am going to Syria with Masood Bwisir of Libya. And we need your help: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/matthewvandyke/this-is-your-chance-to-become-part-of-the-arab-spr

12:47 PM


Other Syrian ambassadors, including Germany, Czech Republic&Belarus, had defected but not announced it publicly, former Syrian amb. says

2:39 AM


More extraordinary reporting by @BBCiPannell @dcinfocus & @pwemmerson in Aleppo: "Hearing large columns of tanks heading to city"

2:57 AM

Huge courage by team in Aleppo. @BBCiPannell: "If Aleppo attacked, civilians will be killed, and in very large numbers"

2:59 AM


Moadamiyat Alsham and Daraya have been under siege by forces from the notorious 4th Division since early morning.

2:49 AM

Abu Muhammad from SHAM News, who broadcasts live from Khaldiyeh, #Homs was struck by a tank shell. He is stable and will pull through

2:52 AM

At 10 years old, Mohammad Nour Abo Mareesh was attempting to save an injured person when a shell fell on him.

2:58 AM

The regime then dropped a second shell on those who had attempted to help the injured in the first explosion.

2:58 AM

BREAKING: Damascus: Very violent clashes along with shelling of Alaroube and Hajar Aswad neighborhoods.

3:03 AM

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People in every village in Aleppo province that CNN has visited say they’ve sent fighters to try to capture Aleppo. The bulk of the fighters are Syrian, but CNN has seen some foreigners among them.

There seems to be constant movement between these opposition-held enclaves and Aleppo, with some fighters leaving Aleppo to move their fallen comrades, and other, fresher fighters moving in. In the past two days, CNN’s crew has passed two funerals in area villages for two rebel fighters who were killed in Aleppo.

The fighting in the region is having a visible effect on civilian life. Cars, trucks and vans loaded with civilians are leaving Aleppo. Some of those people earlier had left their villages to stay in Aleppo, because the city had been a safe haven until fighting began on Friday. But now some are going back to the villages they’d left.

Still, villages look increasingly deserted as you get closer to the big city. In the village of Injara, about 10 kilometers (a little over six miles) west of Aleppo, Sunni cleric Sheikh Ali Bukhro took CNN’s crew on a tour of the near-empty streets. He pointed out craters and holes in at least six stone houses, which he and residents said had been hit by rockets and artillery from a Syrian army base about four kilometers (2.5 miles) away.

On Wednesday, CNN’s crew met a Libyan fighter who had crossed into Syria from Turkey with four other Libyans. The fighter wore full camouflage and was carrying a Kalashnikov rifle. He said more Libyan fighters were on the way.

“The foreign fighters, some of them are clearly drawn because they see this as … a jihad. So this is a magnet for jihadists who see this as a fight for Sunni Muslims,” Watson reported on CNN International’s “Amanpour” Wednesday night. “And that’s definitely cause for concern among some Syrian revolutionaries I know … who do not want an Islamist political agenda to be mixed in with their revolution.”


Syria about 3 hours ago

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned world powers on Thursday not to repeat in Syria the mistakes they made in Bosnia, during a landmark visit to Srebrenica where UN peacekeepers failed to prevent the massacre of 8,000 Muslim men and boys.

The United Nations had designated the enclave in eastern Bosnia a "safe haven" for Muslim refugees, but peacekeepers stood by helplessly as Bosnian Serb forces carried out the slaughter in 1995.

It followed three years of hand-wringing and hesitation by divided world powers reluctant to intervene in the 1992-95 Bosnian war. About 100,000 people died before they finally did.

about 3 hours ago

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday Turkey could act against a "terrorist" organisation in northern Syria if it sees it as a threat, referring to outlawed Kurdish militants.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan's comments Thursday follow reports that Kurdish rebels and the Democratic Union Party of Syria took control of five cities along the Syrian-Turkish border.

"We will not allow a terrorist group to establish camps in northern Syria and threaten Turkey," Erdogan told a news conference.

"If there is a step which needs to be taken against the terrorist group, we will definitely take this step," he said.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and those close to him were about to leave power and preparations are underway for a "new era" in Turkey's southern neighbour, Erdogan said before departing for London.

about an hour ago

France said on Thursday that Russia and China must act within the United Nations Security Council to stop a possible bloodbath in the Syrian city of Aleppo, where reports say government forces are massing to put down a rebellion.

Asked during a visit to Warsaw if he had concerns about the situation in Aleppo, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said: "The countries of the world and in particular the

permanent members (of the Security Council) should come together and take their responsibilities."

He singled out Russia and China, saying: "we hope that finally they will hear the cries, not only from the people in Syria, but from the rest of the world and the Arab countries, to

stop this bloodbath."

"On the Syrian question, the news coming out shows that the perpetrator of massacres, (Syrian President Bashar) al-Assad, is continuing this sad activity. He kills and kills and that is all he does," Fabius told a news conference.[REUTERS]

about an hour ago

A leading Syrian cleric turned opposition activist says his country needs his message of sectarian unity more than ever as the revolt against President Bashar al-Assad turns bloodier.

"I want the Syrian people to remain as one hand," Sheikh Mouaz Alkhatib said in Cairo, where he took refuge three weeks ago after repeated detentions by secret police in the past year.

A former Sunni Muslim imam of the ancient Umayyad mosque in Damascus, Alkhatib has sought to remind rebellious Syrians that their fight is against Assad and not his minority Alawite sect.

"Alawites are even more oppressed because the state took them and used them, putting them in confrontation with the rest," Alkhatib told Reuters in his first interview in exile.

I'm going to update this more in a bit. At the moment twitter isn't working for me.


Fixation on Syria "jihadis" a distraction from regime overthrow & postwar planning; extremists lost in Libya, Tunisia, losing in Egypt

9:15 AM


One week on- still fighting in Damascus southern suburbs today

4:31 AM

North Damascus - Syrian army in Harasta bulldozing whole neighbourhoods after recent fighting. We're banned from filming.

9:24 AM

Days of requests to film Syrian Army refused. Do they realise the rebels are fighting the PR war on Youtube and winning?

9:27 AM

The area in Narastan being bulldozed is large, stretching way into distance from main road to Homs. Looks like an earthquake's hit the area

10:39 AM

I am told the regime's doing it to stop anybody coming back into the area. Shell it. Shoot it. Loot it. Burn it. Bulldoze it.

10:43 AM


Czech-made pistols and hunting knives. The FSA not lavishly equipped: the commander had to get his men to push start his car

11:18 AM July 25

Didn't manage to reach Aleppo today. Spoke to commander inside. He confirms regime shelling of Salaheddin and other rebel districts...

10:08 AM

...Also reports helicopter gunship above Free Syrian Army neighbourhoods. Seven families killed on Tuesday night in shelling, locals say

10:09 AM

Biggest logistical headache is finding a car inside Syria. Few vehicles on roads. Price of fuel has tripled since revolution

10:11 AM


Jets Spotted Above Aleppo Identified As Aero L-39 Albatroses, Not MiGs http://brown-moses.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/jets-spotted-above-aleppo-migs-or.html

10:35 AM


A security source tells AFP 1000s of troops, military vehicles and nearly 100 tanks dispatched to Aleppo for counter-offensive tomorrow.

11:11 AM


Daraa: Tal Shehab: A new massacre was committed by regime forces resulted 22 martyrs in Al-A'ajamy Valley; some fell by direct gunfire and others were burned.10:27 AM

Among the martyrs are defected soldiers, who went to Al-A'ajamy Valley to save civilians fleeing from shelling. 9 people were identified of the martyrs and they are: Aiham Al-Sobasby, Nadeem Jaoony, Abd Ali, Mohammad Easa Khalil, Ahmad Mohasen; from Shajara village, Hasan Qasem Sabagh, Amjad Nour Jomleh, Hosain Abu Kharoub; from Nawa town, and Abu Al-Zahra; a defected lieutenant from Homs


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

The number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 91 so far, including defected soldiers, children, and women. 25 martyrs were reported in Daraa; including 22 in Al-A'ajamy Valley, 19 in Aleppo, 16 in Idlib, 12 in Damascus and its Suburbs, 9 in Homs, 4 in Hama, 5 in Deir Ezzor, and 1 in Qunaitra

11:07 AM

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Horrors of life in Syrian siege town

Added on July 26, 2012 Filmmaker, Marcel Mettelsiefen documents the carnage wrought on Rastan by the Syrian Army's relentless shelling.


Rebels in Syria's Aleppo ready to fight... and die

For five hours on Wednesday night, without let-up, government forces bombarded the southwestern quarter of Salaheddin, which is almost entirely under rebel control, an AFP correspondent witnessed.

More shelling is expected on Thursday night, as troop reinforcements pour into the area in preparation for an assault everyone knows is coming, and many of the fighters share with an AFP correspondent their certainty that they will die.

The odds are certainly not in their favour.

In the meantime, they occupy themselves with guerrilla-style attacks on police stations and offices of the "mukhabarat," or intelligence services, and with marking, as best they can, the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

On Wednesday, after the day's fast ended at sundown, they shared food with two young men, their eyes blindfolded and hands tied behind their backs.

A few hours later, the two men, accused of belonging to pro-government "shabiha" militia, were summarily dispatched in the street, each with a bullet to the head.

Residents of Salaheddin, particularly the women and children, have been fleeing the fighting.

The rebels, organised into small groups each led by someone who acts as both military and religious chief, prepare themselves as helicopters swoop overhead, firing into the neighbourhood.

Sandbags are filled to erect barricades, and a bus is moved into position to block the street.


July 26, 2012 - 19:45

Activists from Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus reported that at least five civilians were killed and 25 injured after regime forces attacked the camp with tanks and helicopter gunships this morning.

Activist Muhammad said: “The regime forces shelled the neighbourhoods of Orouba and Thalathin, and stormed into the camp with tanks and military vehicles. Deir Yassine clinics were also hit in the shelling." Snipers were positioned rooftops and were taking pot-shots at 'anyone moving in the street' according to another resident.

Security forces stormed into the Palestinian ICRC hospital, dragging away at least 10 wounded civilians. Activists confirmed that FSA groups are in the neighbourhoods of Tadamon and Hajar al Aswad next to Yarmouk camp, but not inside the camp itself, due to an agreement to keep it as a safe area for displaced civilians.

Palestinian families the camp are hosting around 20,000 displaced people - either in their houses or in makeshift shelters inside schools. They are mainly residents who fled the neighbourhoods of Midan and Tadamon and the city of Douma in Damascus suburbs.


The Head Of The Investigation Into The Qubair Massacre Defects To The Syrian Opposition

A couple of weeks ago activists reported that Talal Houshan, who had been appointed by the Syrian government to investigate the Qubair Massacre, had defected to the opposition, with claims he had evidence that the Syrian government was responsible for event in Qubair. Now a video has emerged showing him announcing his defection

In the video he says he witnessed many corpses of woman and children transferred to his city, Muhardeh, and he found that during the analysis of the wounds on the corpses that they had been shot from less than half a meter away, with an eye witness assuring him it was pro-Assad groups responsible (thanks to @troublejee for translation). This was apparently enough to trigger his defection to the opposition. Whether or not he has more detailed evidence is yet to be seen.


Syria's defected brigadier general, Manaf Tlas, arrives in Ankara for talks with Turkish FM Davutoglu.

1:11 PM


Brilliant non-interventionist Syria policy: Avoid acting to to end violence, then act shocked when brutal crackdown causes radicalization.

1:12 PM


The battle in AlAsali, HajarAswad & Tadamon continues. Explosions now in Kafarsouseh & Daraya Damascus

1:43 PM

Seems the government isn't quite in control of the capital.

Also factor in the situation in Yarmouk and the bulldozing of neighborhoods in Harasta.

They seem to be getting pretty desperate.


Damascus Suburbs: Yalda: A new massacre was committed due to shelling by regime forces in the town, resulted dozens of martyrs and wounded.

The martyrs include: Amer Al-Tahham, Mohammad Ibrahim tayyara, Mahmoud Al-Masry, Marwa Al-Masry, Emad Al-Masry, mother of Abu Emad Al-Masry, Warda Al-Masry, Mahmoud Emad Al-Masry (5), Mohammad Al-Masry (6), Yousef Al-Masry; 5 days old, Ahmad Al-Masry (14), Adnan Ismaeel Tayyara, Rodwan Moneer Tayyara, Sham Qasar, Nour Al-Huda Danon

11:11 AM


Aleppo: Fierce clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the regime army in the neighborhoods of Fardous, Ansari Al-Sharqi, and Zabida

1:13 PM


Aleppo: Manbej: Intense shelling of the city by heavy weapons and military aircraft

1:26 PM


Aleppo: Deir Haffer: Shelling at the city resumes using machines guns from MiG fighter planes

1:39 PM

'Migs' may be an assumption by eyewitnesses.

Probably is some kind of aircraft attacking though.


Homs: Qusair: Defected Captain Muhammad Idrees (Abo Omar) was martyred due to indiscriminate shelling of the city

1:46 PM

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US weighs more Syria aid if rebels get safe zones

The Obama administration is weighing its options for more direct involvement in the Syrian civil war if the rebels opposing the Assad regime can wrest enough control to create a safe haven for themselves, U.S. officials said.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says it is only a matter of time before the rebels have enough territory and organization to create such areas.

"More and more territory is being taken," Clinton said this week. "It will eventually result in a safe haven inside Syria, which will then provide a base for further actions by the opposition."

Officials are already starting to brainstorm how a safe zone might allow Washington to step up its assistance, which has been limited to humanitarian aid and nonlethal equipment such as medical supplies and communications gear.

A senior American official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the administration's thinking publicly, said the U.S. is seeing "increased unity, cohesion and better military performance" among the rebels, including greater effectiveness in coordinating attacks, which the administration sees as proof the rebels are better employing the encrypted radios supplied by the U.S.


The Armies of Aleppo

The streets of Aleppo, Syria, were a sun-bleached, beat-up mix of edgy activity on Thursday. Everyone here knows that Bashar al-Assad is trying to send troop reinforcements to stage an assault on the city. In a northeastern neighborhood, civilians looked on as Free Syrian Army rebels manned checkpoints and choke-point barricades made out of burned vehicles. There was word of government helicopters above the western stretches of the city, but elsewhere the skies were empty of the warplanes and gunships that have flown over Aleppo in recent days, creating a sense of eerie before-the-storm calm.

Here and there, cars raced, in apparent panic, flashing their lights, the drivers waving at each other to turn and follow; the odd clatter of gunfire added to the confusion. All week, minibuses crammed with civilians and tiny Chinese-made vans loaded with stoves, refrigerators, and people have been making their way out of the city, as the residents of Aleppo, one of the world’s oldest continuously inhabited cities, flee to the countryside to the north, which is mostly rebel-held territory

At around midday, one of the main rebel commanders of Aleppo, a lean, tough, exceedingly polite former seed merchant named Haji Marae, said that whatever Assad did, he and his men would stay in the city and fight; their main problem was snipers impeding their progress in the Old City in the center of Aleppo, and the fearsome militiamen called shabiha—ghosts—who roam around, looking for victims. When I asked him what he expected from the government, he said, “They are gathering their forces and they will launch a counterstrike on us, because it’s the only thing left they can do. The regime is getting desperate. If we take Aleppo, it will be over for the regime. Aleppo will be a very important battle.”


Just spoke to engineer inside Aleppo. He says two regime helicopters bombarding rebel-held Salaheddin and Sakhour districts

1:50 PM

...Also says Aleppo's middle and upper classes unenthusiastic about the arrival of rebels last Friday. But some districts support revolution

1:53 PM


The 7th group of FSA has moved to Aleppo this morning http://y2u.be/SOPEJXldUJ8 http://y2u.be/Qt6ldcWRWdc

1:59 PM

FSA has shelled Air Force Intelligence Agency with mortars today http://y2u.be/wmYC4j-9KlY

1:59 PM


Western concern 2day is if Islamists r controlling the Syrian revo, not the fact Syrians are being killed in the 100s by a "secular" regime

2:08 PM


i'm in Aleppo, locals say today is been a very quiet day but I saw at least 2 helicopters shooting around, 1 near our position

2:10 PM


Davutoglu met Manaf Tlass tonight at iftar: http://twitpic.com/ac0ilq

2:05 PM

There is an international push to prepare Tlass for a new role. Problem: he has no influence over either the opposition or Assad's forces.

2:11 PM

Another picture from Davutoglu's meeting with Tlass. Next to Davutoglu is Turkey's intelligence chief Fidan. http://twitpic.com/ac0jrl

2:12 PM


Rebel arsenal of captured weapons,amid guilded chairs & dainty pillows of what WAS a wealthy businessman's mansion pic.twitter.com/IbvU4HFL

2:12 PM

Lest we forget, Syria is an ancient land. We pass ruins of dead civilizations while driving to battle-scarred towns pic.twitter.com/x0Jn9pgO

2:19 PM

FSA fighter poses in front of a captured government armored personnel carrier. pic.twitter.com/TCUfyWGz

2:26 PM

Rebels captured this truck-mounted AA-gun from government forces. Shahada is a rebel addition to the vehicle. pic.twitter.com/U3vaCP9s

2:25 PM


Aleppo: Fierce clashes are reported between the Free Syrian Army and the regime's army using medium-grade weapons and anti-aircraft missiles in Sabaa Bahrat district, near the Commercial Bank, Bab Hadid, and Bab Nasser. The clashes have extended into the old parts of the city

2:25 PM

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2 tanks destroyed in the first area of Aleppo that I visited, FSA said they control around 14 neighborhood, half of the city

3:38 PM

1 FSA fighter preparing an anti-aircraft machine gun near Aleppo,minutes before he chased a helicopter of regime pic.twitter.com/DYEgTwsn

5:15 PM

After hours without shelling now the explosions start again

5:15 PM

1 army base abandoned on the outskirts of Aleppo, still with some armoured vehicles destroyed inside pic.twitter.com/AtmPyUOk

5:24 PM

FSA fighters preparing a heavy machine gun to fight back a helicopter near Aleppo pic.twitter.com/9F3uod5a

5:40 PM

Uh oh...


Al Arabiya now: Clashes btwn Syrian regime forces & Jordanian Army in Tal Shehab on the borders.

5:42 PM

Anyone other than AlArabiya reporting clashes btwn Syrian and Jordanian army at border?

5:53 PM


Brigadier General Mahmoud Na'na' defects and joins the FSA

5:54 PM

Lamia al-Hariri, the Syrian chargé d'affaires in Cyprus discusses her defection on AJA

6:19 PM


Talked to an 18 yr old today in the hospital, getting patched up after Shabiha pulled him off a bus and beat him... for being from Douma.

5:58 PM

Now, anyone have a direct flight from rif Damascus to Aleppo? Logistics here are a never-ending, hour-by-hour challenge.

5:59 PM


Shelling and loud explosions in Maarat Al-Nouman, Idlib. Several shells fell on a mosque.

6:03 PM

Alarabiya is sometimes worse than some of the FB groups that report news... :/

6:08 PM

Syrian soldiers fired on Syrian refuges at the Jordanian border.

6:10 PM

Activist: Bodies of 37 Shabiha arrive in Lattaqia from Idlib.

6:14 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

LCC Syria could document till now 200 martyrs fell since morning including children, women and defectors. 48 martyrs in Aleppo, 46 in Damascus and suburbs, 30 in Daraa including 22 in Wadi Al-Ajami, 27 in Idlib, 21 in Homs, 14 in Deir Ezzor, 6 in Hama, 4 in Raqqa, 2 in Latakia and a martyr in each Hassaka and Qunaitra

6:17 PM

Going back over the previous days this month, it seems over 3,000 people have been killed so far in July.

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U.S. official: Syrian regime seems to be readying for massacre

The United States has "grave concerns" about the situation in Syria, the State Department said Thursday, as President Bashar Assad's forces withdrew from many towns and villages and focused their firepower on the key city of Aleppo.

"This is the concern, that we will see a massacre in Aleppo, and that's what the regime appears to be lining up for," said spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.

Citing "columns of tanks" outside the city, Nuland said the Syrian military "seem(s) to be massing for an attack." She called the use of fixed-wing aircraft in addition to helicopter gunships a "serious escalation in this conflict."

"It could be a humanitarian disaster for the people of Aleppo," NBC News' Richard Engel reported from northern Syria. "It also means the Syrian troops are forced to make trade-offs. They don't have enough loyal troops to make the offensive against Aleppo and hold these rural areas."


Syrian rebels appear more capable, yet still outgunned

A distant machine gun rattled away in vain as a military helicopter flew long, slow circles, arcing from the contested Syrian city of Aleppo over to the rebel-controlled town of Anadan, six miles to the north.

In a matter of months, Syria's rebels have transformed themselves from ragtag village defense forces into an armed movement capable of attacking the country's two largest cities, Aleppo and Damascus. They have also punctured the image of invincibility projected by Syrian army tanks and armored personnel carriers, as proven by the twisted wreckage of armored vehicles that now litter some roads.

Fighters proudly opened garage doors to reveal trucks mounted with an enormous 120 millimeter mortar and a anti-aircraft gun.

The weapons have seen action.

"I've fired this gun about 2,000 times," said Jamal Awar, a bus driver-turned-rebel. He said that, during his mandatory military service, he specialized in firing the seated, double-barreled, anti-aircraft gun. Awar said that expertise helped him shoot down a helicopter during a battle in the nearby town of Azaz several weeks ago.

"I was ecstatic, I was very happy," Awar said.

Rebels like Awar appeared to be the only residents in this otherwise deserted town. The streets were eerily empty.

One of the few residents remaining was Ahmed Afash, leader of a squad of rebels who had taken up residence in the opulent mansion of a Syrian businessman.

Roughly half of his men were in nearby Aleppo, fighting to seize control of the city, he said.

Other fighters lounged on gilded furniture in the mansion's main salon. Pistols and walkie-talkies lay next to an English coffee-table book and a French gossip magazine that appeared to have belonged to the house's original owners.

Afash showed off an armory of seized weapons: a belt-fed grenade launcher, tank shells, rocket-propelled grenades and even several gas masks he said were for protection against chemical weapons. It was a bizarre juxtaposition, rpg cones laying in stacks next to dainty throw pillows and an ornately decorated telephone, which matched the gold leaf of the furniture in the room.


about 2 hours ago

Jordanian government spokesman Smaih Maaytah denied that any clashes broke out between Jordanian and Syrian forces along the shared border early Friday morning.

Maaytah stressed that Syrian regime forces opened fire on refugees close to the Jordanian border, injuring several, including one child who died upon arrival at a hospital in the Jordanian border city of Ramtha.

[source: DPA]


Ikhlas Badai, Syria MP, announces her defection on SkyNewsArabia. In Turkey now.

7:06 PM

Picture: Ikhlas Badawi speaking on SkyNewsArabia. She's from Salamiyya (if I heard right). pic.twitter.com/p5Y9t2TT

7:08 PM


@edwardedark @AnonymousSyria This might be useful for you: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=212122603920579416500.0004c5afa93a279f117ee Map of some snipers and checkpoints in Aleppo.

9:44 PM


I'm warning u all of an impending humanitarian disaster of gargantuan proportions in Aleppo city. hundreds of thousands trapped here

6:57 PM

if the Syria regime is allowed to assault Aleppo city, the world will have a humanitarian disaster that will dwarf Srebrenica. We warned u

7:22 PM

reports of hundreds of regime troops massing near Bassel roundabout, in front of Military intelligence HQ right now

10:38 PM

disgusting hypocrisy from the world- "we know a huge massacre is about to happen in Aleppo, but we aren't gonna do anything about it"

10:53 PM

the neighborhood of Fardoss, Aleppo city is under sustained shelling. hundreds fleeing, many injured

11:00 PM


After clashes at the Taftanaz airport between the FSA and regime forces, many regime soldiers defected and are now safe.

9:23 PM

As Maarat Al-Nouman, Idlib is experiencing the worst shelling since the start of the revolution, the FSA is clashing with regime forces.

11:32 PM

The historical Great Mosque in Maarat Al-Nouman is being shelled now.

1:01 AM

Shelling of Maret Al Nouman, Idib

The regime still seems to have a presence near the outer towns of Idlib and Aleppo.

They may have sent a lot of troops and tanks to Aleppo, but they must have kept some artillery and soldiers out there to keep the pressure on.

I wonder where people from Aleppo are fleeing to, most towns seem desertered still or under daily attack.


The helicopter is roaming the sky above #city, I don't know when it will hit here! **** you Assad.

12:15 AM

Protest in Hamidiya neighborhood, Aleppo

Protest in Sha'ar neighborhood, Aleppo



Homs: Qosair: Dozens were wounded due to fierce artillery shelling in Kamam village

6:41 PM


Lattakia: Two were martyred and several were injured due to non-stop shelling of the villages of Eido, Salma, Astriya, Shalaf and Qasatel

7:54 PM


Raqqa: Maadan: Intense clashes between the Free Syrian army and the regime's army

8:20 PM


20,956 people killed so far in Syria

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Just wanted to say thank you Visionary. I read this thread daily (hell, I check this thread anytime there's an update to it), and provides a good situational awareness of what's going on. I'm embarrassed to say that I asked my girlfriend about what she thought of this situation, and she had absolutely no knowledge of it (other than there's "some kind of revolution going on").

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Syrian legislator from Aleppo defects to Turkey

A Syrian parliamentarian representing the northern of province Aleppo said on Friday she has defected to Turkey, becoming the first member of the rubberstamp assembly elected in May and dominated by President Bashar al-Assad's Baath Party to defect.

"I have crossed to Turkey and defected from this tyrannical regime ... because of the repression and savage torture against a nation demanding the minimum of rights," Ikhlas al-Badawi told Sky News Arabia.


Insight: Cautious on Syria, Obama moves to help rebels
State Department officials reportedly have bristled at the White House's domination over even small details of Syria strategy.

But there has never been much support among Obama's top advisers for the pivotal step of giving weapons to fractious anti-Assad fighters, some of whom are anti-Western Islamists.

"It's been on the agenda at meetings, but there has not been sufficient enthusiasm for that type of program of arming the opposition that the president had to spend a lot of time talking about (it) with his advisers," said the senior official, describing internal deliberations on condition of anonymity.

Those who have worked with Obama say no single adviser has his ear on Syria.

"There are rings of people who have his ear in the sense that he listens to them seriously, but there is no Svengali or Rasputin in this game, he makes his own decisions," said former Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, now dean of Syracuse University's Maxwell School.

Thomas Donilon, Obama's national security adviser, is a meticulous policy planner who asks for exhaustive studies of any issue before drawing conclusions, aides say privately.

Syria is no exception. He has kept his staff busy for months reviewing Syria policy options, should the president ask for a list of alternatives. One U.S. government source said the new presidential finding had been on Donilon's desk for quite some time without further action.


Idlib - The SOHR says that violent clashes have been taking place "for hours" between Syrian troops and rebel fighters in Idlib city. Clashes began after rebel attacks on several checkpoints, and parts of the city are now reportedly being bombarded.


Aleppo -city-: Regime forces are attacking the Salaheddine, al-A'thamiya, Bustan al-Qasr, al-Mashhad and al-Sukkari neighbourhoods with heavy machineguns stationed on their helicopters.

Explosions were heard in the al-Firdous and al-Marjeh neighbourhoods. Clashes took place in Mahatat Baghdad, Sa'ad Allah Square, and the al-Jamiliyeh neighbourhood at dawn today. 1 civilian died of wounds he received from the bombardment on the al-Zebdiya neighbourhood.


Increasingly clear (from reports written from inside Syria, that is) jihadists exist among Syria rebels but in no way dominant.

2:15 AM

Spoke w secular activist in Syria abt FSA-aligned Liwa al-Islam. Said many rally around Islam, doesn't mean jihadism:"Where can they turn?"

2:29 AM


Black smoke rising from Maarat Al-Nouman, Idlib.

1:51 AM

MASSIVE explosion in Maarat Al-Nouman in a civilian neighborhood. MUST WATCH!!!

1:59 AM

By the end of the day there won't be anything left of Maarat Al-Nouman :(

2:20 AM

LIVE video of the intense shelling on Maarat Al-Nouman Idlib. http://bambuser.com/v/2857770 The shells have been falling closer and closer...

2:26 AM

A shell fell very close to the activists filming the live feed in Maarat Al-Nouman, #Idlib and the feed went dead. I hope they're fine :(

2:37 AM


Add @IvanCNN to list of journos up north: http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/26/world/meast/syria-weapons/index.html?iref=allsearch … Srsly guys if any of y'all wanna come down here, I would love some company.

2:16 AM

W/ the small army of journos now up near Antakya, please some1 finally interview Maher Aonoaimy, FSA ops officer, $ man, & real power.

2:28 AM

2 spots I made (& couldn't sell, d'oh) in Al Tal the other day when we thought an attack coming: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10100166576386395https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10100166586915295

2:47 AM


Aleppo: Ali Jassem, 33 years old was martyred by the forces of regime's shelling in Firdous neighborhood, and Bashir Zhirati was martyred by security forces's gunfire in the neighborhood of Maysaloun

2:10 AM


Homs: Intense artillery and rocket shelling by the regime's army of the Old districts of Homs, Bab Dreb, Bab Houd, Sifsafeh, Hamidiyeh, Bab Tadmor, and Wadi Sibaa neighborhoods

2:19 AM


Idlb: Kafromeh: Dozens were wounded by the fierce shelling from helicopters and the regime's artillery of the town

Posters of Kafranbel


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Russia and Syria’s Assad: The End of the Affair?


Syria: Inmate Describes Fatal Assault on Prisoners


Exclusive: Parliament Member Anas Al Shami has arrived to Cairo, and will announce his defection soon. He's the second to defect in 24 hrs.

3:04 AM


Armed gangs who claim to be FSA operate in Syria abducting people for a ransom, stealing cars and looting. FSA pledges to fight the gangs

3:09 AM


I can hear the sound of 1 helicopter shooting not far away,like in Gaza here you have always to be looking to the sky Aleppo

3:14 AM


One Syrian general (ret), one colonel, one lt. colonel, one major, one captain and two lieutenants defected and fled to Turkey.

3:16 AM


Many mosques shut today in Damascus and damaged by shelling, There will be no prayers there today. Many suburbs empty of people.

3:51 AM


Electricity has been cut off in Maarat Al-Nouman after a shell hit the power supply. Shelling is still continuous. Idlib

4:33 AM

Current Situation in Maarat Al-Nouman: 1) Shelling on all areas of the city ongoing using heavy artillery, tanks, and military aircraft

4:52 AM

2) There are currently 2 martyrs, a mother and her little son, as well as 20 injured and many destroyed homes

4:53 AM

3) The FSA has a checkpoint inside the city completely surrounded and clashes are ongoing.

4:53 AM


Rebel Abdulla has field hospitals, ambulances prepped in Aleppo to withstand Gov't siege. Said "it will be just like Homs" b4 quietly weeping

5:59 AM


A friend in Benghazi left a few days ago to fight in Syria. He is travelling and plans on meeting up w/ the brigade led by Mehdi al Harati

6:10 AM

This friend of mine fought in Benghazi at the kateeba, then fought in the eastern front before the NFZ, then travelled to fight in the Western Mountains where his body was burnt and his brother was martyred. He was hospitalized in Tunis, then left to return to Benghazi and fight in Sirte where he was shot in his foot. He is now on his way to Syria to meet up w Libyan thuwar

6:13 AM

Wow. The guy must be hardcore.

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Syrian army supply crisis has regime on brink of collapse, say defectors

Bashar al-Assad's military machine is on the brink of logistical meltdown and collapse, because it lacks petrol and food, and is having problems resupplying its soldiers, according to a Syrian general who has defected to the opposition.

Much has been made of the Syrian military's supposed superiority over the opposition, but General Mohammad Al-Zobi told the Guardian: "The benzine is nearly finished. They are running out of rockets. There is scarcely any bread or water for the soldiers."

Zobi defected two months ago alongside his air force colleague General Saed Shawamra. They slipped out from Tiftanaz airbase in the middle of the night. From the city of Idlib they crept across the border to Turkey. On Wednesday they crossed back into Syria, their mission now to finish off the revolution against Assad.

The men, from Dera'a province, are among around 100 senior military commanders who have joined Syria's rebels, appalled – they say – by Assad's brutal war against his own population. According to Zobi, the embattled Syrian regime can last "one or two months at most". "After that Assad will leave Syria. He'll go to Russia or maybe Iran," Zobi predicted, sitting in a village in rustic northern Syria, close to the Turkish border.

The rebel commander in charge of Idlib province, Mohammad Issa, said his fighters were camped outside regime-held Idlib but had decided not to enter the city. They were anxious to avoid the fate of Bab al-Hawr, the district of Homs pulverised by Assad's forces. "We are besieging the army. The army isn't besieging the FSA. We know all the movements of the regime army," Issa said confidently.

The two generals had been in charge of helicopters at the Tiftanaz base, outside Idlib. Because of rebel attacks on supply routes, the garrison was now forced to fly in food and ammunition by plane from Aleppo, they said. It was a similar picture in other army bases, increasingly vulnerable and cut off, Zobi suggested.

Assad's greatest advantage over his lightly armed opponents comes from the sky. Syria has 150 Soviet-built helicopters, including M8 and M17 troop transporters, capable of transporting 24 soldiers each. Russia had also delivered "five or six new helicopters" over the past month, the generals said.

But the president's most lethal weapon is his notorious M25 helicopter gunship. Syria has 22 of them, stationed in pairs at every airbase across the country, according to Zobi. They are remorseless killing machines able to fire 64 rockets on each mission and 2,000 machine gun rounds of varying calibres. They can stay in the air for four and a half hours.


Poland closes embassy in Syria as crisis worsens

Poland has closed its embassy in Syria and evacuated its diplomats because of the deteriorating security situation in Damascus. The embassy had also representing U.S. interests in the country in recent months.

Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski said he took the decision out of concern for the security of the embassy's staff, who have already left Syria.


Syria about 6 hours ago

General Robert Mood, the outgoing head of the UN's monitoring mission in Syria, says that it is "only a matter of time" before Bashar al-Assad is forced to resign from the Syrian presidency.

"In my opinion it is only a matter of time before a regime that is using such heavy military power and disproportional violence against the civilian population is going to fall," the Norwegian general, who left Damascus on July 19, told Reuters.

Syria about 5 hours ago

France has voiced concern over escalating violence in the Syrian city of Aleppo, and has called on government forces to refrain from using heavy weaponry against rebels there.

"We are very concerned by reports of what is happening on the ground," French foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said.

"We call on the regime to end the violence and to cease the use of heavy weapons."

He also reiterated that France's position remains that "[syrian President Bashar al-Assad must go".

Italy, meanwhile, has also called for "maximum pressure" to be exerted on President Assad.

"We need everyone to raise the pressure to maximum on Assad to ward off a new massacre," Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi said in a statement.

Terzi is "extremely worried" about the "distressing" situation in Aleppo where rebels are bracing for a major battle with Syrian forces.


July 27, 2012 - 17:26

The Red Cross will pull some members of its humanitarian team out of Syria, the group announced on Friday.

"Some of the International Committee of the Red Cross team will move to Beirut in the next two days," said ICRC spokesman Hicham Hassan, adding that 50 international and local staff would remain in Damascus, the capital.

Damascus is the only place where the Geneva-based humanitarian organisation maintains a presence, while the Syrian Arab Red Crescent mostly operates in the northern city of Aleppo.


Kidnapped Dutch reporter Jeroen Oerlemans freed in nthn Syria last night, says captors were foreign jihadists.

9:40 AM

Oerlemans has gunshot wound to thigh. Says captors wanted to trade him for ransom after accusing him & colleague of being CIA

9:42 AM

Jihadists who caught Oerlemans had over-run Bab al-Hawa crossing on Turkish border b4 he crossed Syria. Africans, Chechnyans, he says

9:45 AM

Oerlemans says he & a colleague were rescued from jihadist group last night by armed men he believes were FSA

9:49 AM


An attack is ongoing on Syria's most populous city. Regime reportedly deploying fighter jets, tanks in Aleppo. Horrific.

11:42 AM


@AmbassadorRice and yet you're doing nothing about it. all we got out of the "leader of the free world" for 16 months was empty tough talk

11:52 AM


The FSA in Maarat Al-Nouman is announcing that it has taken over the most important checkpoint inside the city (Baladiyah checkpoint)

12:19 PM

and have captured over 60 regime soldiers including 6 officers. They also seized control of many weapons and artillery

12:19 PM

Video showing the FSA in Maarat Al-Nouman after they seized control of a checkpoint in the city; and the damage.

12:25 PM

The intense shelling on Maarat Al-Nouman has been ongoing for almost 18 hours. The residents were not able to attend Friday prayers today.

12:31 PM


Damascus: mosques surrounded by shabbiha militia, soldiers and intel officers with AK47s to stop possible protests after Friday prayers

8:46 AM

Damscus: pick a street, any street. Take out a camera and within minutes a man with a radio will be there asking for your papers.

9:19 AM

Four MI-25 Russian heli-gunships used over Aleppo today. At least 20 civilians killed. Peole there talk of random tanks and mortar fire

12:32 PM

Rebels hold some of western and eastern districts with a toe-hold on central area of Jamiliya. Regime strateg will mirror that of Damascus.

12:34 PM

Regime forces will shell and strafe. Then machinegun and mortar with tanks and ground forces. Then if they can burn and loot the bulldoze.

12:35 PM


Euphoria on the streets of Aleppo, hundreds demostrating today in Shaar carrying a corpse,"we only kneel before God", they shouted

8:16 AM

1 demonstration today in Aleppo, people asking God for help after everybody else forgot them https://twitter.com/javierespinosa2/status/228863349838983168/photo/1/large

10:44 AM

1 helicopter just shooting in our neighborhood, FSA fighters shooting back with AK-47s, wasted bullets

12:40 PM


Aleppo: Helicopter shelling with machine guns is reported over the neighborhoods of Sheikh Fares, Haidarieh and Sheikh Khader

1:13 PM


Deir Ezzor: Mayadeen: At least 8 martyrs have fallen and dozens of wounded are reported due to regime forces' heavy artillery shelling at the city.

Among the martys are Ibrahim Awad Al-Haj Abdallah, Anas Al-Awad Al-Kaysoum, Wadi'e Ahmad Al-Nahla, Omar Abdel Rahman Al-Samhan, Daloula Al-Hamid Al-Mahaimad, and Abd Fawaz Al-Ali (the son of Daloula

1:28 PM

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Syria Reporters Struggle To Bear Witness As The Regime Unravels


Syrian troops gather near Aleppo for decisive battle with rebels

Syrian forces are continuing to mass on the outskirts of the country's second city, Aleppo, ahead of what Damascus has warned will be "the mother of all battles".

Skirmishes started around daybreak on Friday and continued throughout the morning as government forces sent an armoured column from nearby Idlib and large numbers of infantry forces from Damascus and Homs.

Waiting for them is a rebel force emboldened by two weeks of mass defections and galvanised by the relative success of its co-ordinated attack on the capital, Damascus, which has shaken the confidence of regime forces and boosted morale among the badly outgunned guerrillas.

Rebel forces have deployed in large numbers in the Salahedin district and said they expected a mass regime attack from the west in the coming hours.

Speaking at the frontline just outside Aleppo, Abdul Nassar, a Free Syrian Army (FSA) commander, said he had been unable to make contact on Friday with his fighters inside the city.

"The regime has hacked all communications. We have no email or telephone communication with our units on the ground," he said. Nassar said Aleppo had been under continuous bombardment from the Syrian army, with mortar fire and attacks from helicopter gunships throughout the day. "The shelling was going on all night, and in the morning. You can hear it now," he said, as a large boom thundered in the nearby hills.

The battle for Aleppo has been seen as the most telling of the civil war. Whoever prevails in the days or weeks ahead is likely to have an upper hand in fighting elsewhere in the country. Al Watan, a newspaper which like most Syrian media outlets is loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, splashed with the headline predicting "the mother of all battles".

Although the FSA captured part of the city last week, the regime still controls the north and west, and has checkpoints, plus tanks, on key approach roads. The FSA can only reach the centre by taking country roads and bypassing an army base 20km from the north-western city limits.


police station in Shaar Aleppo, taken by rebels 2 days ago but still on fire pic.twitter.com/4C28QIpC

1:36 PM


My report from inside Aleppo, Syria, will be posting shortly. Rebel says of expected battle: 'The FSA is ready, we have many explosives'

3:06 PM


Syria's ambassador to Belarus has defected -Al Jazeera

3:18 PM


1 Syrian general, 2 colonels, 1 lt. colonel, 3 majors, 2 lieutenants, 1 sergeant, dozens of soldiers, defected and fled to Turkey today.

3:25 PM


witnesses say snipers on old city walls in aleppo

4:03 PM

witnesses say regime holding prisoners in ancient bastions of aleppo old city

4:03 PM

witness say exiting aleppo now difficult.. many checkpoints

4:04 PM

witnesses say perhaps half of aleppo in rebel hands

4:05 PM

attacks on aleppo today, choppers and some tank fire. shops in city closed, but still power and water in most areas, witnesses

4:06 PM


Welcome to Aleppo. Battle scarred shopping mall and Carrefour at entrance to embattled city. pic.twitter.com/UTZQU1tZ

4:18 PM


Aleppo: 4 martyrs fell due to fierce shelling in Saif Al-Dawla neighborhood

4:21 PM


At least 3 big explosions rocked khalidiyye neighborhood in Homs.. from various reports it sounds to b realy big

4:30 PM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

The number of martyrs of Syria until the moment has risen up to 100 including 30 martyrs in Daraa, 23 martyr in Damascus and its Suburbs,15 martyr in Aleppo,11 martyrs in Deir Ezzor, 10 martyrs in Homs,5 martyrs in Idlib,3 martyrs in Hama, 2 martyrs in Lattakia,and one martyr in Raqqa

3:16 PM

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A relative in Sakhur, Aleppo: all ppl hidden at home, FSA bringing them bread every day. God bless them!!

4:27 PM


Hating that Syria'n athletes will be raising a flag that represents #Assad & his brutality rather than for freedom.

5:27 PM


McCain: “Years from now, Syrians will remember that – in their hour of desperation – the US stood idly by while they struggled & died."

5:42 PM


FSA in Homs attack and control a checkpoint that was once controlled by Hizbollah.

6:02 PM

The family of Hajj Mousa in Sarjeh, JabalAlzawiyah has been injured in its entirety and a 10 y.o girl was martyred. :( I knew this family.

6:04 PM


Another Syrian pilot with his MEG21 just defected and landed in Amman Jordan

6:07 PM

Yes confirmed from the guys in Amman otherwise I would not have tweeted it!

6:20 PM


South Africans used to cheer for the opposite team in rugby to show the government how upset they are. I'll boo the Syrian Olympics team.

6:39 PM

I won't cheer the Syrian Olympics team as long as they're using the old flag.

6:41 PM

Syria is burning while you're smiling with your flag to make Assad happy, you ****s.

6:45 PM


BREAKING: clashes between Jordanian and Syrian forces on the border

6:45 PM

Coincidently I'm talking to someone on the Jordanian border right now who is swearing to me that the clashes are ongoing

6:51 PM

BREAKING: Clashes between Jordanian and Syrian forces at the Hajaneh border point, reports of a petrol station now on fire

6:59 PM

Clashes along the Syria/Jordan border


Al Tal getting shelled again now, first time since Wednesday.

6:52 PM

The thing about getting shelled, you could have already taken your last breath and not even know it. It's utterly unnerving.

7:04 PM


Aleppo: Qobatan Al-Jabal: Fierce artillery shelling in the town from Sheikh Solaiman artillery

6:31 PM

Protest in Yabroud, Damascus Suburbs

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The FSA in Maarat Al-Nouman destroyed the largest and toughest base in #Idlib, the walls for this checkpoint are over 2 meters thick.

8:47 PM

The battles took over 12 hours. The end result was killing over 70 of the shibeha and soldiers. They also captured 60 soldiers including several officers. The weapons they seized include 15 RPGs, 100 kalashnikovs, and snipers with night-vision scopes, among others...

8:47 PM


Two peaceful protests join together in Seif Ad-Doleh in Aleppo on Jul 27th http://y2u.be/8S71dJ70J1A

9:29 PM

Now a helicopter flying over Aleppo and shooting using its machine gun.

9:33 PM

Can a bullet from a helicopter penetrate the wall of my room?

9:35 PM

We lost 30 precious lives in Aleppo on Jul 27th.

10:01 PM

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Al Jazeera Exclusive: Syrian rebels gain ground in Aleppo province

In Syria's Aleppo province, the balance of power is changing fast.

From the Turkish border through to the edge of Aleppo city, fighters of the Free Syrian Army have taken control while the Syrian army has largely disappeared.

But the fight against forces loyal to Bashar al-Assad is far from over.

Al Jazeera's Anita McNaught reports exclusively from Al-Bab in Aleppo province.



25 minutes ago

The United States showed heightened concern over a Syrian offensive in second city Aleppo on Friday, but rejected comparisons to a Libyan crackdown that triggered international intervention.

"We are very concerned about the situation in Aleppo," White House spokesman Jay Carney said, condemning President Bashar al-Assad's "heinous, reprehensible" assault on civilians.

"The kinds of weaponry that they're using against unarmed civilians I think demonstrates the depths of depravity to which Assad has sunk," he told reporters.

Carney was asked about the similarities between Aleppo, a restive stronghold for the rebel Free Syrian Army, and Benghazi, the rebel-held Libyan city that was an early focus of the uprising against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Gaddafi's threat to crush the uprising in Benghazi was cited by an international coalition that included the United States to intervene militarily in Libya last year to enforce a no-fly zone.

Carney pointed to a "broader array of issues" that led the United States and its allies to launch their offensive. "There was the imminent assault. There was the call from the opposition, the unified opposition, for international action," he said.

"There was international consensus both at the level of the United Nations Security Council as well as regional consensus through the Arab League."

In Syria, however, "we do not have that," Carney said, reiterating US "disappointment" with Russia and China's decision to veto three UN Security Council resolutions on Syria.[source: AFP]


1 killed from shelling earlier, 16 year old male, killed in his home while sleeping.

10:03 PM


because I can't go to the roof and point the camera to Saladin, a sniper will hit me for sure.

12:27 AM

Please please save civilians. You, whatever you are, super nature intelligence, do your ****ing job.

1:26 AM

We are helpless :(

1:28 AM

Families are fleeing their homes, Assukkary neighborhood in Aleppo this morning http://y2u.be/zjpMPo4-s6w

1:50 AM

I've just broadcasted a video. Please watch it now! http://ustre.am/:1DWuw (8:57am)

1:57 AM


The most fierse clashes in Aleppo right now, including in salaheldin neighbourhood, as stronghold for the armed rebels

1:21 AM


Assad army offensive started in Salah Al Din area of Aleppo acc. to local activists. Tanks trying to advance, meeting resistance.

1:51 AM


the offensive against Aleppo has started, lots of explosions and shooting but FSA seems to be holding positions until now

3:03 AM


Aleppo: There are several injuries due to the intese shelling that has reached a field hospital in Salah El-Dein. Meanwhile, fierce clashes took place between the Free Syrian Army and the regime army on the outskirts of the neighborhood

1:00 AM


Damascus Suburbs: Moadamiyeh Sham: Regime security forces and Shabiha surround the city from all sides in large numbers along with tanks. Residents are fearing that a massacre will be committed

1:32 AM


Aleppo: 2 martyrs and tens of wounded people due to nonstop shelling by the regime army that is targeting the Salah El-Dein neighborhood

1:33 AM


Aleppo: Fierce clashes between the Free Syrian Army and the regime's army at the entrance of Sakhour

1:44 AM

Shelling of Salah El-Dein Neighborhood, Aleppo



21,056 people killed so far in Syria

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Aleppo: BBC journalist on Syria army moving in on city

We came into the city last night and since first light, we have been hearing the amplification of artillery bombardment.

There have been gunfights in a number of areas and helicopters flying overhead.

We are hearing that there is a government offensive targeting Salah el-Din, which has been one of the most restive neighbourhoods - perhaps the key district - and which has been in the hands of the opposition Free Syrian Army for a number of days now.

We had heard that government troops were massing outside the city, though on this occasion we believe they are coming from an area they control inside Aleppo.

The rebels are saying that they have destroyed a number of tanks. Though this cannot be verified, there is evidence that they have been able to do that - they have rocket-propelled grenades and know how to use them to target these vehicles.

But the truth is they are outgunned and outmanned.

A regular trickle of trucks and cars packed with civilians has been leaving from Salah el-Din and other areas.

The atmosphere has changed since we were here three days ago. It is eerily quiet, there are very few residents around and the mood amongst the rebels is very tense.

The commander of one of the largest brigades operating in Aleppo was even deliberating pulling his men out because he was not getting enough ammunition.

He was urged by his men not to leave - they are still here, they have been fighting this morning and wounded fighters have been brought back to the area for treatment in a makeshift clinic.

It is very hard not to conclude that the firepower they face is so overwhelming and Aleppo so important for President Assad's government that resisting will be incredibly difficult, if not impossible


July 28, 2012 - 11:19

Activists say the Syrian army is bombarding neighbourhoods in Aleppo province.

Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr reports on the latest from Beirut in neighbouring Lebanon:

What we have been hearing from activists is that some neighbourhoods in Aleppo have become battlefields, especially the neighbourhood of Salaheddin in the southwest. what we understand is that the Syrian army is trying to storm this area. We do know that the opposition fighters, the largest number of opposition fighters, are in this neighbourhood as well as in a number of neighbourhoods in the northeast. The battle for Aleppo really has begun."


Credit to @BBCr4today for dedicating top 0810 slot to Syria not opening ceremony. Assad must not be allowed to hide behind our fireworks.

3:18 AM


Assad army offensive started in Salah Al Din area of Aleppo acc. to local activists. Tanks trying to advance, meeting resistance.

1:51 AM

Seen a number of FSA fighters wounded & killed. Rebels very edgy.

3:47 AM

Activists claim army incursion in Salah Al Din area Aleppo repelled by FSA & number of tanks destroyed. Unverified.

3:48 AM


God protect and bless all Halabys(people of Aleppo) "@Reuters: Military helicopters pound Aleppo as onslaught looms http://reut.rs/OsXYRN "

4:24 AM


Syria about 80 tanks were counted at the southern outskirts of Aleppo

4:54 AM


It seems the internet has been cut off in Aleppo. Everyone who was tweeting from there fell silent all of a sudden.

3:45 AM


Deir Ezzor: Four martyrs were slaughtered with knives by regime forces who stormed Aarde neighborhood

3:50 AM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria

The number of martyrs in Syria has risen to 41, among them children and defectors. 11 martyrs were reported in Damascus and its Suburbs (among them 4 martyrs in Mouadamiyet Al-Sham), 8 in Idlib, 7 in Hama, 6 in Deir Ezzor, 6 in Aleppo, 2 in Daraa and 1 in Homs.

4:36 AM

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The time for patience in Syria is over

AMERICA’S LONG paralysis in responding to the conflict in Syria is coming home to roost. Outside Aleppo, one of the oldest cities in the world, Syrian forces are massing for a possible assault on opposition fighters. President Bashar al-Assad has sent fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters and armored columns, threatening tens of thousands of terrified civilians.

When peaceful protest broke out in Syria last year, there was hope for a transition that would be turbulent but not violent. Mr. Assad chose instead to open fire on the protesters. President Obama called on Mr. Assad to leave office, a proper reaction to the brutality. But Mr. Obama has not backed his words with actions that might help them come true.


Russia seeks to set up naval bases abroad

Russia is talking to Cuba, Vietnam and the Seychelles about housing Russian navy ships, its naval chief has said.

Vice-admiral Viktor Chirkov told the RIA Novosti state news agency Russia was in talks with the three countries about setting up maintenance and supply facilities but would not give further details.

Russia's only existing naval base outside the former Soviet Union is located in the Syrian port of Tartus. A squadron of Russian navy ships, including several assault ships carrying marines, is heading to Tartus in a show of support for a longtime ally that Moscow has protected from international sanctions and continues to supply with weapons.


Libya rebels move onto Syrian battlefield

Their war for freedom in Libya may be over, but almost a year after they won the battle for the Libyan capital, a group of fighters have a new battlefield: Syria.

Under the command of one of Libya's most well known rebel commanders, Al-Mahdi al-Harati, more than 30 Libyan fighters have made their way into Syria to support the Free Syrian Army rebels in their war against President Bashar al-Assad's regime.

Al-Harati, who commanded the Tripoli Revolutionary brigade -- which was the first group of rebels to enter the Libyan capital last August -- has been in Syria for months leading some of his former men and Syrian military defectors who have joined his "Liwaa al-Umma" or "The Banner of the Nation" brigade.

Al-Harati, who has dual Libyan and Irish citizenship, first visited Syria last year on what he calls a "fact finding mission" to see the situation on the ground and find out what Syrian rebels needed.

"After many Syrians approached me asking for my help, I felt it was time to do more and due to the great success of the Tripoli Brigade we felt it was time to act and that meant the formation of the Banner of the Nation," Al-Harati told CNN in Skype messages this week.

Al-Harati said: "With the prior success in Libya I decided to leave nationality aside and, just like world organizations helped Libya in its time of need, I decided to pass my experience to others to benefit."

Another fighter is Housam Najjair. He is 33, al-Harati's brother-in-law, and had never used a weapon until he fought in Libya last year.

He said: "When I watch TV reports ... you hear the cries of an old woman or a mother of a child who has been killed, or some of the brutal pictures that we have seen of children being killed ... I can not sit back and watch that," Najjair told CNN in a Skype interview from one of Turkey's borders with Syria hours before making the dangerous journey into Syria.

"I have to do whatever I can to make that journey. Because I feel guilty putting my head down at nighttime knowing that last year I was given an amazing opportunity to learn how to use weapons, for good, all for good, learn how to use weapons, how to maneuver, how to travel, how to attack, how to defend, all these things," Najjair said, adding that his aim is to share these experiences with Syrian rebels.

During the interview, Najjair got the phone call he had been waiting for, his group of fighters is mobilizing to go into Syria.


about 4 hours ago

Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr reports on the situation in Aleppo, from Beirut in neighbouring Lebanon:

Really fierce clashes [taking place in Aleppo] is what activists have been reporting, particularly in the southwest of the city - the neighbourhood of Salaheddine and Hamdania, as well as in the northeast Sakhur. These areas are really where the armed opposition has set up base, the largest number of fighters there. We understand there are fierce clashes and the Syrian army is using heavy fire power. We understand there are reports of casualties on both sides.

This is not going to be an easy fight, both sides are promising victory and promising to liberate territory. So there is really a fear for the civilians who are trapped inside the city. This is an urban centre, densely populated, we are expecting to see street-to-street fighting. We do understand that civilians have fled from a number of areas, people are displaced from within the city, some of them have made their way out of the city as well.

about an hour ago

Activists in Aleppo are reporting that there have been violent clashes in the neighbourhood of Hamdania, and that snipers are posted on the roof of a building that houses the military in the al-Furqan area of the city.

about an hour ago

The Syrian state news agency is also reporting the clashes in the al-Furqan area of Aleppo. SANA reports that security forces have clashed with "an armed terrorist group in a car" in the area, and that they killed and arrested several members of the group.

Two "terrorists" were killed, and three others were arrested, SANA reports, citing a security source.

In the neighbourhood of al-Ansari al-Sharqi, meanwhile, SANA reports that an "armed terrorist group" was chased down by security forces, who "inflicted heavy losses upon them".

Security forces say they recovered two wireless communication devices and a Thuraya satellite communications device.

SANA also reports that there has been fighting in Latakia, and that the "terrorists" there have suffered heavy losses.

Um wait...what?

Clashes in Latakia?

Where and with who?


Dead Assad soldiers and a destroyed BMP in the Salah Al Din area of Aleppo

6:55 AM


Just filed a dispatch from the Aleppo frontline for the Observer. North of the city rebels and army base just 1.5km apart

7:52 AM

FSA camping out in a florid Italian-style villa. Mortars have torn large chunks from the balustrades - though missed the swimming pool...

7:53 AM

Rebels confident they can win against the Syrian army. "It's like a sick man. It's dying from within," one commander told me

7:54 AM

Students from Aleppo University also now fighting with the opposition. Say regime forces shot dead four students in Feb, arrested dozens

7:56 AM


Speaking to my Aunt in Aleppo. She said half of the families who live in the same building as her have fled. She's leaving her flat too.

9:07 AM


Aleppo: Military build-up in the Artillery School in preparation to launch a military attack on the city http://wikimapia.org/#lat=36.1600475&lon=37.1171632&z=15&l=5&m=b

8:19 AM

Aleppo street-fights in Saladin neighborhood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H682SrNDzSI&feature=g-u-u

8:28 AM

Rastan FSA captured checkpoint

10:26 AM


A Military aircraft [helicopter] is brought down by FSA elements in the Madamiyah area of Damascus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLu2jdyXrsw

10:45 AM


Daraa: Artillery shelling with mortars and tanks continues at the Refugee Camp, accompanied by heavy security presence in Shamal Al-Khatt neighborhood and Bosra Square

10:36 AM


Aleppo: Bab: Military aircraft shells the city, and 4 rockets fall on it thus far

10:51 AM


Aleppo: Qobatan Al-Jabal: Fierce artillery shelling in the town from Sheikh Solaiman artillery

11:17 AM


Local Coordination Committees in Syria:

The number of today's martyrs in Syria has reached 100, among them 6 women and more than 20 children as well as several defected soldiers. 30 martyrs fell in Aleppo, among them 3 martyrs that fell yesterday and whose bodies were found today, 22 martyrs fell in Damascus and its Suburbs, among them 9 martyrs in Moadhamiet Al-Sham, 19 martyrs fell in Idlib, 15 martyrs fell in Hama, 6 martyrs fell in Deir Ezzor, 5 martyrs fell in Daraa, 2 in Homs and 1 in Jableh

10:45 AM

Shelling of Rastan, Homs

Shelling Damage in Salah El Dein neighborhood, Aleppo


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Refugee influx prompts solo relief work

But Farah was fortunate in that her situation was brought to the attention of Diana (who requested that her last name not be used), a Syrian studying at a Lebanese university, who for the past six months has been working with around six others to raise private donations from friends and family to distribute aid to those Syrian refugees who have fallen through the cracks of local and international NGOs, or government relief.

“It started getting really bad in Homs ... I had cousins that were killed. I wanted to go there and help, but I couldn’t leave because of my studies,” she says of her decision to begin helping out. “I started asking who helps out, but I didn’t really get any kind of response, and it wasn’t at all clear. So it seemed that I would have to do something by myself.”

Every month Diana buys 100-200 mattresses, as well as diapers, baby milk and clothing, which she then distributes to new families arriving in north Lebanon. She also pays the rent on numerous other storage facilities, almost always occupied by more than one family.

Despite the presence of dozens of NGOs, as well as the government’s Higher Relief Committee, there are still many gaps in aid provisions for the thousands of refugees who have fled the violence in Syria.

These are the gaps that Diana seeks to help fill.


about 2 hours ago

A five-day Saudi fundraising campaign has raised more than $72.33 million to help support the people of Syria, Prince Ahmed bin Abdul Aziz, the Saudi interior minister, has announced.

The campaign, launched on Monday, received donations worth 271.245 million riyals, the state news agency SPA reported quoting Prince Ahmed. Of that, $5.3 million came in a single donation from King Abdullah.

Crown Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz, who is also deputy prime minister and defence minister, followed by donating $2.6 million.

The campaign also collected food, medical equipment, clothes, tents, blankets and jewellery as part of its drive to support the people of Syria.

Saudi Arabia has repeatedly expressed its support for the uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

34 minutes ago

Two Italian electrical engineers were freed yesterday in Damascus, after being held for eight days by militants.

They have been identified as Domenico Tedeschi (right), 36, and Oriano Cantani (left), 64. At a news conference in Damascus, Tedeschi told reporters that the two had been captured by five or six masked men, who intercepted their car as it was on the way to the Damascus airport.

"We were very, very afraid, because we don't know anything," he told reporters.

The men were kept at a small villa at an unknown location.

The Syrian Army found the two Italians at midday on Friday, and immediately began to secure their release.

"The army team that arrived they were very, very professional because it was not hesitated. So, they found us, we explained, it was very quiet, they quiet us and said 'OK, come with us. Now you are safe'," Oriamo Cantani told reporters.

Damn it, the kidnappings need to stop!

I hope it was a bunch of thugs and not the FSA.

Although there is that one FSA group that kidnapped the shias a while back. :(

I suppose I should be glad there aren't any reports of kidnappers killing captives. sigh.

26 minutes ago

A short while ago, Al Jazeera spoke to Muhammad Saeed, an anti-government activist in Aleppo.

17 minutes ago

Francois Hollande, the French president, has called for the United Nations Security Council to authorise intervention in Syria "as quickly as possible" to pre-empt the threat of "civil war".

"The role of the countries of the Security Council is to intervene as quickly as possible," he said, specifically addressing Damascus allies Russia and China and warning that failure to do so would mean "chaos and civil war."

Interesting ramping up of language by Hollande.


Three men have been found dead in Zahra neighborhood in Aleppo today, probably they were FSA fighters

11:32 AM

A beheaded body was found burned within a car in Zahra neighborhood in Aleppo today

11:34 AM

Tanks between residential buildings in Hamdaniyeh in Aleppo today https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=386525331414892&set=a.190671704333590.47245.188677754532985

11:36 AM

Aftermath of shelling on three close neighborhoods in Aleppo today

12:03 PM


there are thousands of people on streets, gardens, mosques and schools in Aleppo city, they fled the shelling, their situation is very dire

10:55 AM

sounds of very loud explosions, right now in Aleppo city

10:57 AM


Homs: Rastan: Fierce clashes were reported between the Free Syrian Army and the regime's army as a result of the regime's army raid of the city at the northern entrance

11:30 AM

FSA in a gun battle in an Aleppo street

Funeral in Tqad Aleppo


FSA's checkpoint in Salahu Al-Deen, district of Aleppo . Watch the duck "Assad" is hanged on pole :)


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Syrian Olympic official defends army assault on Aleppo, says soldiers are protecting people

The head of the Syrian Olympic team offered a delicate defense of the Syrian army on Saturday while it pounded his own home city from helicopters to flush out rebels.

Maher Khayata told The Associated Press he was worried about his family, trapped in the city of Aleppo during one of the most significant battles of a 17-month uprising against the government of Bashar Assad.


Saudi tycoon cancels Russia contracts

Manama: A Saudi businessman has reportedly cancelled a series of contracts with more than 20 Russian companies in protest against Moscow’s support for the political regime in Syria.

The contracts, mainly in the oil and gas sectors, are worth millions of dollars, Mubarak Swaikat was quoted as saying.

However, the business tycoon said that he made his decision without any pressure and that he assumed his responsibilities, Kuwaiti news site Al Aan reported on Saturday.

“This is the least that I can do to support our brothers in Syria,” he said. “The Saudi government and society have already given a shining example of selflessness and donations to make their Syrian brethren happy and support them in their time of need,” he said, quoted by the site.


Russia says "not thinking about" asylum for Assad


12 minutes ago

Al Jazeera's Stephanie Dekker, in the Jordanian capital Amman, has just been speaking with a medic in Aleppo's Saleheddine area. The man, who spoke on condition of anonymity, described the situation as "terrifying", Dekker said.

According to him, people in Saleheddine are afraid that if the government's forces move into the area they will all be killed.

He also said that other parts of the city remain relatively calm, and that the Syrian army's focus seems to be on specific districts, such as Saleheddine, where the opposition is in control.


And of course Assad's favourite, mortars. For a bloodsucker what can be better than striking families from a distance. Coward

10:25 AM

The ground forces have been entering through the Western parts of the city especially the wealthy suburbs. Not much resistance here

10:32 AM

These are my ends and the tanks rolling are shaking the ground. I think it would be of help to intercept them here

10:33 AM

And these killings are happening in the same area used as a firing base by the regime. It's either they shell you or keep quiet and execute

10:36 AM

they haven't taken any post as far as I know but they're passing through Hamdaniye and Zahra towards Baghdad station

10:36 AM


CONFIRMED: at 12:30 this afternoon 4 explosions went off in the Tiliany district of Central Damascus. this was... http://fb.me/1nw299MnZ

12:34 PM


as they did in Bab al Amr,regime capable of blocking Bgan, Inmarsat and phones,a signal of an imminent great attack

12:49 PM

Heavy clashes in Salahadin,rebels say at least 10 tanks destroyed, also clashes in Sakhur, helicopters shooting randomly

12:56 PM

rebels fighting in Aleppo with molotov ****tails and cylinders of gas against tanks and helicopters, tomorrow in EL MUNDO

1:04 PM

Today a group of unarmed youngsters when they saw a helicopter approaching and shooting started shouting revolution slogans

1:20 PM

Today in Aleppo,even under attack some fighters look very relaxed,this is in Shaar neighborhood pic.twitter.com/FwvkcGVy

1:38 PM


From AJE Live Blog: Syrian authorities released Czech woman held since end of last month on suspicion of aiding opposition, acc 2 Czech FM

2:03 PM

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