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PokerStars home games... es club?


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Would anybody be interested in playing some 'home games' on PokerStars? I could set up a club and we could play pre-set tournaments. If there seems to be interest, I will set up an ES club and sent invites to the respective parties.

I'm imagining friendly tournaments (in the 10$ area) but I'm sure we could up the ante if there is need.

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Would anybody be interested in playing some 'home games' on PokerStars? I could set up a club and we could play pre-set tournaments. If there seems to be interest, I will set up an ES club and sent invites to the respective parties.

I'm imagining friendly tournaments (in the 10$ area) but I'm sure we could up the ante if there is need.

I'm in. I'm rank-amature on PS.

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club id: 101404 (this will change to ES Poker Club in 5 days)

password: Riggins 44

Of course, I can't play tonight as I have company for the Caps game.

You might wanna just send the PW to those who want to take part in a PM. You don't want some rando joining our club.

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