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So no DeLoach, Ham, Cowsette, or Monds . . .


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Monds really looked awful in the preseason even in the mopup duty he was given in the second half of games. He is incredibly SLOW afoot and doesn't seem able to get off his man and make the play despite being in the area of the ballcarrier or qb.

I agree the depth is as thin as it has ever been on the DL.

Well, perhaps it was worse in 96 and 97 with some of Norv's dregs, but the backups may be close.

Right now, Boose seems to be the only backup DL that came on and made some plays in the preseason. And he is hardly a sure thing based on his history.

But unlike Cowsette and Ham he does have the size and strength to play his spot. His problems have been from the neck up.

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Man, Bulldog, you nailed it!

Slow of foot? I think the Frankenstein monster moved with more agility. This guy is really bad. The ony time he makes a tackle is when the ball carrier is shoved into him and he envelopes him.

I sure hope Marty is going to replace Monds or Cowsette with a waived DT. It's scary to think otherwise.

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Monds is no doubt a project that was not destined to start. Ham surprises me. I've seen all the pre-season games from start to finish and can't understand what he has done to prove his worth of a roster spot.


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PennSkins, Ham made the team because behind him was the proverbial "black hole".

With the release of Bankston and Rod Kelly who else is around to play end behind Smith, Coleman and now Boose?

Monds to me is the defensive line's version of Derrick Fletcher, a big blob that the team is trying to mold out of clay into a professional football player.

That doesn't happen too often. Nate Newton was with the Skins in 1983 and was 6'3 and 340 and a real project. After being released he was signed by Dallas and became a pro bowl player in his late 20's and 30's under Jimmy Johnson.

I will say though that Newton despite his bulk did have some athletic ability and a first step that was in range of what is required to play guard in the NFL.

I don't see where Monds is anything but big.

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